After Konoha Village chose to surrender, Onoki and Fourth Raikage couldn't help but scream. They were not reconciled to surrender to Wunin Village. They wanted to take Konoha Village to fight.

Now that Konoha Village has surrendered, what do they do, will the confrontation continue?

"Rock Shinobi Village chose to surrender."

Finally, Onoki sighed and made the most correct choice. Even if Uchiha Ryu didn't make a move, they would not be able to beat Kirinin Village.

If Uchiha Ryu takes action, thinking of his previous battle with Sage of Six Paths, that kind of ruining ninjutsu, destroying their village will not be a matter of hands-on.

So they have no other choice but to surrender, otherwise they will be dead.

It's better to die than to live, so in the end Rock Shinobi chose to live.

Because Rock Shinobi surrendered, Kiri Shinobi let go of targeting Rock Shinobi, specifically to deal with the still stubborn Cloud Shinobi Village.

"Cloud Shinobi Village will never surrender." Fourth Raikage shouted, and at the same time glanced at Ohnogi and Jiraiya contemptuously.

"Well, courage is commendable, reward you with a Truth-Seeking Ball."

The Truth-Seeking Ball in Ryu's hands instantly hit Fourth Raikage's body, and Fourth Raikage was wiped off by the Truth-Seeking Ball, leaving no trace.

"Now that you Cloud Shinobi Village surrender or not surrender, I only give you one minute to think about it. It is useless to surrender after one minute."

Ryu looked at the rest of Cloud Shinobi indifferently.

Some Cloud Shinobi were angry at Ryu killing them Raikage, while some Cloud Shinobi surrendered decisively, and in the end most Cloud Shinobi chose to surrender.

And those few who chose to resist were all killed by Wu Ren.

"Simply settled three villages?"

Loquat Shizang still feels a bit unbelievable until now. It was so simple and settled without much effort.

"This is Master Mizukage's deterrence. Without Master Mizukage's deterrence, how could they surrender? They must resist to the end."

The grass bait man said to the loquat Juzo.

Indeed, if there is no deterrence from Ryu, they will at least spend a little more work, but in the end they will definitely be able to defeat Rock Shinobi, Cloud Shinobi and Konoha.

"I hope Mizukage will treat the people of Konoha Village well in the future." Jiraiya said with a complicated expression.

"There will be no Konoha Village anymore. They are all my villagers."

After taking a faint look at Jiraiya, Ryu said flatly.

Since it is his person, then Ryu can't be too bad for them, of course, they want to have the treatment of the original Wuren Village villagers from the beginning, it must be impossible.

Only after they truly surrender, can Ryu treat them equally.

"The original Konoha Village will be flattened, and a larger village will be built on the original location of Konoha Village."(Read more @

Ryu said to Terumi Mei.

Now that you have ruled the entire Ninja world, you definitely can't stay in the original Wuren Village. Wuren Village is far overseas and too remote, so you must move to the inland.

The original location of Konoha Village is the best location. Ryu took a fancy to this location, and Jiraiya and the original ninjas of Konoha Village did not dare to object.

And they have no way to object, now the entire Konoha Village has surrendered to Ryu, and they count as Ryu's men.

On the contrary, Onoki is in a good mood. He can see Konoha Village being flattened with his own eyes and feel comfortable in an instant. It feels like surrendering to Wunin Village is nothing.

"Ohnoki, you seem very proud."

Jiraiya gritted his teeth and looked at this old thing. Jiraiya didn't want to see Ohnoki, a cunning old thing.

"I am happy, happy to build a new village for Mizukage."

Onoki glanced at Jiraiya, and then said faintly, I have to say that Onoki was quick to enter his identity.

Because this battle is not far from Konoha Village, half of Konoha Village has been turned into ruins, and it is easy to flatten.

Mikoto shot and used Super God Luo Tianzheng to directly flatten Konoha Village and rebuild it again on this flat ground.

"Sister Tsunade, leave it to you, use Wood Style to build a village."

Terumi Mei looked at Tsunade.

If Sage Art Wood Style is used, although it is only wood, it is actually stronger than steel, so Terumi Mei decided to let Tsunade use Wood Style to build a village.

"Okay, leave it to me."

Tsunade said it was simple, but because the village to be built is ten times the size of the original Konoha Village, it will take some time for Tsunade.

In particular, you can’t build a house casually. It must be built according to the design drawings prepared by Konan. The design drawings prepared by Konan are very good, and Ryu thinks it is very good.

The other ninjas will not be idle either, they are all caught by Terumi Mei to work.

"Master Mizukage, shall we move here in the future?" Onoki came to Ryu's side and asked Ryu cautiously.

"Naturally, do you think I will let you stay in the original village?"

Ryu glanced at Ohnogi. If they were allowed to return to their original village, they would never be familiar with them.

"If you don't want it, you can ask me."

Ryu bent over and patted Onoki's shoulder and said.

How dare Ohnogi mention it? Even though Ryu told him with a smile just now, Ohnogi doesn't think Uchiha Ryu is kind.

It is estimated that if he dares to bring it up, his life will be lost in the next second.

"I hope Master Mizukage can take good care of the villagers." Onoki sighed inwardly, then said.

"As long as you are obedient, I will not deliberately deal with you. If you have other thoughts, don't blame me for being cruel."

Ryu warned Ohnoki, Rock Shinobi must be unwilling to surrender, but if these people dare to do things, Ryu will definitely kill them.

"In addition, Fourth Raikage is dead. From now on, Cloud Shinobi will be managed by you."

Onoki heard Ryu's words and was a little surprised, feeling that the power in his hand seemed to be greater.

"I let you manage it. I hope you can manage it well, otherwise I will talk to you myself." Ryu said to Ohnoki.

At this time, Onoki felt that it might not be a good job. If he can't do it well, I'm afraid Uchiha Ryu won't let him go easily.

"I don't want to see any riots in Rock Shinobi. If there is any riot, I will cut the mess quickly. If it hurts the innocent, I don't care."

"I understand." Onoki nodded. With Uchiha Ryu's character, if there is turmoil, other innocent people may also be affected.

"After the Ninja World was unified, things seemed to be more."

Ryu felt that he wanted to be lazy during this period, and he couldn't be the hand-hands shopkeeper. He had to pass this period of time and stabilized before he could be the hand-hands shopkeeper.

Konoha Shinobi, Ryu, hand it over to Tsunade. As for Jiraiya, forget it, Tsunade is more appropriate to take charge of the Konoha Village ninja.

Although it has been a long time since Tsunade left Konoha Village, and he was a traitor to Konoha Village before.

But now Tsunade has Wood Style, and Konoha has already surrendered to the village of Kiri, becoming a part of the village of Kiri, the original Konoha Shinobi has nothing to reject Tsunade.


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