In a blink of an eye, half a month passed. In addition to the big ninja villages, those small ninja villages also conquered, and Ryu directly abolished the daimyo.

He is now the shadow of the village, and it is impossible for the daimyo to override the village. The so-called daimyo does not exist anymore.

"Finally everything that should be done is done."

Ryu took a sigh of relief, and Ryu left it to Terumi Mei to do the next thing.

In the system space, Ryu didn't have time to come in for half a month.

"It's been a long time since I came to Ryu." Xiaomeng looked at Ryu bitterly. Because Ryu didn't come, Xiaomeng felt particularly boring.

"I don't have much time lately. I knew I would not listen to Terumi Mei's words and unify what kind of ninja world." Ryu stretched his body and said to Xiao Moe.

"You didn't come to the system space to see me, right."

Xiaomeng looked at Ryu bitterly, she was absolutely sure that Ryu was not here to come to see her.

"Ahem, no, I'm just here to see you, by the way, I'm familiar with the Zanpodao."

The Zanpaku Knife Flowing Blade Ruohuo, after receiving this reward, Ryu has not had time to use it. Now how can he feel the power of Flowing Blade Ruohuo.

"By the way, I don't have spiritual pressure, can I use Flowing Blade Ruohuo?"

Ryu suddenly thought of a question. Zanpaku Knife is the soul casting of Reaper, and it needs Reiatsu when it is cast, but Ryu doesn't have the Reiatsu in Reaper at all.

"You can rest assured that the rewards of the system are all reformed and can be used no matter what power you use." Xiaomeng said to Ryu.

"That's fine, I'm really afraid that I won't be able to use it."

Such an artifact, if you can't begin to solve it, it can only be used as a sharp knife.

Although it is very powerful even as a sword, in that case, what is the point of getting this Zanpai sword.

"Everything in the world is ashes! Flowing blades are like fire!"

Ryu recites the utterance that belongs to Liubianruohuo. The terrifying temperature radiates from Liubianruohuo. After the initial solution, the temperature of Liubianruohuo is equivalent to the temperature of the sun's surface.

The simple initial solution is a big killer, and after the initial solution, all aspects of Ryu's strength have also improved.

"Swastika·Canhuo Taito."

After feeling the power of the first solution, Ryu uses the first solution.

After the solution, the residual fire Taito is equivalent to the temperature of the core of the sun, and any matter will be annihilated at this terrifying temperature.

If the swastika is always on, it can even reach the point of destroying the world.

"It consumes a lot."

Ryu feels the Chakra that is consumed like running water, but the last thing Ryu lacks is Chakra. His Chakra is far more terrifying than Ten Tails.(Read more @

"Can you stop quickly."

Xiao Meng hides and looks at Ryu from a distance. At this time, Ryu is like a little sun. Xiao Meng feels that her body is about to melt away.

"Sorry, I forgot you."

Ryu can remove the 卍jie, a little experiment is enough, but Ryu is also looking forward to encountering an opponent to try the true power of Zanpaku.

As for the projections drawn in the system, I have been out of luck recently, and all the projections drawn are Genin or Chūnin projections, which is not worthy for Ryu to take out the Zanpaku knife to experiment.

"By the way, there is a system task to tell you."

"System task? Don't you need to spend points to refresh the task? I remember I didn't refresh it after completing the task."

Ryu frowned when Xiaomeng said that there was a system task.

"This task is different from the previous tasks. It is related to the upgrade of the system. You can do it or not, but if you don't do it, the system will never be upgraded."

"It turned out to be so, what is the system task?"

Hearing that it is related to the upgrade of the system, Ryu is a little more cautious. Things about the system upgrade must be treated with caution.

[Special mission: destroy Ōtsutsuki home, mission reward: Naruto World, system upgrade! 】

"Naruto World is also a reward?" Ryu looked at Xiaomeng with some confusion, waiting for Xiaomeng to help him answer these doubts.

"Yes, Naruto World is also one of the rewards. After you complete this task, the entire Naruto World can be included in the system space, and the entire world is your property." Xiaomeng told Ryu.

"Then this reward is really high enough."

Ryu smiled, not to mention the system upgrade, it depends on the rewarded Naruto World. Ryu also has to complete this task.

If he completes this task, wouldn't he become the real master of the world?

But this task is not easy to complete. Destroy the Ōtsutsuki family. Ōtsutsuki one style, Ōtsutsuki Kaguya, Ōtsutsuki peach style, they are all senior members of the Ōtsutsuki family.

"Where should I find the Ōtsutsuki home?"

The Ōtsutsuki family are considered aliens, how can he find them? As for the question of whether or not he could fight after finding it, Ryu didn't think about it.

·· ·········Ask for flowers····

It is definitely possible to fight before. Ryu is sure to be unbeatable before Liu Jianruohuo. After possessing Liu Jianruohuo, Ryu is more confident in his heart.

"You need to find this yourself, I can't help." Xiaomeng made a helpless expression at Ryu.

She is a system wizard, except to explain a few things to Ryu, she can't do anything else.

"Trouble now." Ryu had a headache.

"You can go to Ōtsutsuki Kaguya, she is a member of Ōtsutsuki's family, so relying on her should be able to find Ōtsutsuki's family."

Xiao Moe gives Ryu an idea. Only by relying on Ōtsutsuki Kaguya can he find the Ōtsutsuki family, or find other Ōtsutsuki family members.

For example, Ōtsutsuki one style, or Ōtsutsuki peach style, ask them where Ōtsutsuki's family is.

..... ...... .......

However, compared to the difficult-to-find Ōtsutsuki style and Ōtsutsuki peach style, Ōtsutsuki Kaguya is right in front of her, and her current identity should belong to the traitor, so it should be easy for her to confess the whereabouts of the Ōtsutsuki family.

"Your idea is pretty good, but there is a problem. I just sealed her before. Do you think she will help me?"

In order to complete the task, Ryu sealed Ōtsutsuki Kaguya and killed Black Zetsu. The two of them now have a grudge.

Not to mention helping him find Ōtsutsuki's home, I am afraid that Ōtsutsuki Kaguya will have to do it with her when it is released.

"Actually, your mission doesn't need to seal her at all. If you can make her surrender, you can count as completing the mission." Xiaomeng said to Ryu at this time.

"With the character of Ōtsutsuki Kaguya, how could it be possible to surrender to me."

That woman's character probably wouldn't choose to yield, anyway, Ryu didn't think that woman would yield.

"But you can also try, if it doesn't work, think of another way."

Ryu said with a slight headache.

"Well, let me tell you another news. After the system is upgraded, you can start the function of traveling through the world. If you can't upgrade, you will probably stay in Naruto World forever."

Hearing Xiaomeng said that after the system is upgraded, the function of traversing the world can be turned on. Ryu's eyes light up slightly. Ryu really wants to go to other worlds to see. In order to traverse the world, he must complete this system upgrade task anyway.


PS: Seeking subscription, seeking flowers, seeking evaluation votes! Inch.

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