After being entangled by Xiaomeng in the system space for a long time, Ryu finally left the system space.

"You are so good to be the shopkeeper, I didn't find you today."

After seeing Ryu appear, Terumi Mei said to Ryu angrily.

There are some important things to find Ryu, but she did not find Ryu for a long time, but if she can find Ryu, Ryu is in the system space, how could she find him.

"Didn't you say it was done before, now you will handle the affairs of the Ninja World, and you won't let me continue to be busy, I don't have time."

Ryu is a little annoyed about the things in charge of the Ninja world, and he said that before, Terumi Mei will deal with the things in the Ninja world, and he doesn't need to deal with anything.

"Now there is a more important thing to tell you that Danzo was killed by Nawaki before, and now some ninjas from the original root organization, as well as Mitokado Homura and Utatane Koharu, are making trouble. What do you think should be handled?"

Terumi Mei asked Ryu.

"Is this important?"

Ryu flipped through Byakugan, thinking it was a big deal, but he didn't expect it to be a trivial matter.

"I forgot Danzo before. He can live well now. It is not a big deal to be killed by Nawaki. Anyone who makes trouble will be killed."

"Many of those ninjas who have been subdued are not honest. This time it happened to kill chickens and monkeys. Kill all the ninjas of the original root organization. They are all Danzo's diehards. Keeping them is a disaster."

"As for the old things Mitokado Homura and Utatane Koharu, they just acted as the killed chicken and frightened the other monkeys."

Ryu is not merciful in doing things. Danzo is dead, and the root organization he left behind is indeed a scourge. Before, Ryu forgot Danzo, the old guy.

Fortunately, it was solved by Nawaki, otherwise, who knows if Danzo, an old thing, will come up with a moth.

Although Danzo is not a big deal for Ryu even if he does things, but Ryu doesn't want to be disgusted, he is dead, Nawaki is also considered revenge.

"In the future, you can handle this kind of thing yourself, and kill anyone who dares to make trouble. Be tougher."

Ryu said to Terumi Mei.

"I might have something in the past few days, so if you have anything, discuss it with Mikoto."

"What's the matter with you?" Terumi Mei couldn't help but ask.

"Some very important things."

Ryu didn't talk to Terumi Mei in detail. Ryu didn't want to talk more about system tasks.

"Okay, then I'll take care of it all. Don't bother you. Don't blame me when the time comes." Terumi Mei said to Ryu.

"I won't blame you, even if you destroy this world of ninja, I won't blame you."

Ryu smiled and said to Terumi Mei.

"By the way, where did Kushina and Tsunade go, why didn't I see them two today."(Read more @

Suddenly thinking that I didn't see Kushina and Tsunade today, Ryu asked Terumi Mei.

"You are right if you didn't see the two of them. After I tell you, don't say that I told you."

Terumi Mei quietly said to Ryu.

"Let's talk about it." Ryu curled his lips while looking at Terumi Mei's mysterious look.

"The two of them found a place to discuss each other."

Said it was a discussion, but in fact it was a fight. The two of them had a conflict yesterday, and then they left the village early this morning to find a place where there was no one to have a fight.

The two of them were not the only ones who went there, but Konan, Hinata and Hyuga Hanabi. Konan and Hinata were dragged by Kushina and told them to help cheer.

The little girl Hyuga Hanabi wanted to watch the excitement, so she followed.

"After the two of them come back, I will make them look good." Ryu said angrily.

Terumi Mei smiled upon hearing Ryu's words, saying that he should teach them both. If you don't do any business, you know to make trouble.

Mikoto can still help her. Kushina and Tsunade didn't say they were helping her. They even made trouble for her. Today they called her assistant Konan away.

She is now looking to Ryu, and in fact, she told Ryu that the Danzo thing was false, mainly because she wanted Ryu to teach them both.

"I'm leaving first, Ye Cang and Mikoto can't handle the matter either. I'm not you, the shopkeeper, and I have to go and help."

Terumi Mei gave Ryu a blank glance as he spoke.

"Actually, I don't have any interest in ruling the entire Ninja World."

This is also the reason why Ryu doesn't care about being a shopkeeper. Besides, Terumi Mei and Yekura are indeed very capable, and Ryu feels relieved when it is given to them.

After Terumi Mei left, Ryu also left the house, but Ryu also said to Mikoto when he left, maybe he will be back soon after going out this time, or it may take a few days.

Tell Mikoto to save them from worrying...

Although they know that Ryu is very strong, they will still be worried if they can't see Ryu for several days.

Ryu used Hiroizumi Hirasaka to come into the space of the heavenly sphere, and looked at the extra moon in the space of the sphere.

Ōtsutsuki Kaguya was sealed by Ryu in the space of the beginning of the heavens. This is Ōtsutsuki Kaguya's own space, but she was ironically sealed here.

Because it was sealed by Ryu, it is possible for Ryu to release Ōtsutsuki Kaguya.

Directly broke the seal and released Ōtsutsuki Kaguya from the seal, and released Ōtsutsuki Kaguya for half a month after being sealed.

"The concubine body came out of the seal?" Ōtsutsuki Kaguya's face was surprised and confused.

Isn't Black Zetsu dead? How did she get rescued?

But when he saw Ryu was here, Ōtsutsuki Kaguya's face changed directly.

"Don't even think about doing it with me. Once we fight, you will definitely be sealed by me in the Six Paths Planetary Devastation again. I don't think you will experience it again."

Ryu saw Ōtsutsuki Kaguya want to do something with her, and said to her lightly.

Ōtsutsuki Kaguya showed a struggling face, and then gave up on Ryu, knowing that he could not beat Uchiha Ryu and knowing the final outcome.

"What are you doing to release your concubine?" Ōtsutsuki Kaguya asked Ryu warily.

"It's very simple, I want to make a deal with you."

Ryu smiled like a spring breeze, but the more Ryu smiled, the more alert Ōtsutsuki Kaguya became.

"What deal?" Ōtsutsuki Kaguya asked tentatively.

"You tell me where the Ōtsutsuki family is and how many members there are, so I can let you go. What do you think of this deal?"

"You are hitting the idea of ​​Ōtsutsuki's family." Ōtsutsuki Kaguya did not expect Uchiha Ryu to be so bold that he dared to hit the idea of ​​Ōtsutsuki's family.

"Why, don't you think I can't do it?"

Ryu looked at Ōtsutsuki Kaguya calmly and asked.

"Although your strength is strong, your concubine doesn't think you can fight the Ōtsutsuki family. You don't even know how strong they are." Ōtsutsuki Kaguya has deep fear in his eyes.


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