Ryu's Tengai Shinsei can have an effect, mainly because there is no one to defend. For many years, they have not encountered an attack at all, so they did not respond to this sudden attack.

However, even though their buildings were destroyed, they were all fine, and such meteorites could not kill them.

"Who dares to attack the Ōtsutsuki clan."

An angry voice came into Ryu's ears, and soon more than twenty figures flew in the air, glanced at them, and instantly locked on Ryu.

"You did it?"

One of the Ōtsutsuki people asked indifferently.

"What nonsense with him, just kill it."

A grumpy Ōtsutsuki tribe, directly hit Ryu with the Truth-Seeking Ball.

"Yeah, there is no need to talk about unnecessary nonsense." Ryu is also not interested in communicating with them, anyway, the goal is to destroy them.

"Golden wheel reincarnation explodes."

The golden lightsaber was slashed from Ryu's hand. Ryu did not slash it vertically, but slashed it horizontally. In an instant, almost all the Ōtsutsuki tribesmen were chopped down, and only one Ōtsutsuki tribe survived.

The patriarch of the Ōtsutsuki family was the one who hid.

"Knowing that this kind of injury is not fatal to you, so there is still."

Ryu doesn't think that cutting them in half will kill them. They are all six-level powerhouses. The sixth level does not talk about other abilities, but the ability to recover is very abnormal.

After all, the people of the Ōtsutsuki clan have eaten the fruit of the sacred tree, and they have all gained the ability to recover abnormally. The horrible recovery ability is the basic ability for them.

Even if they had their arms cut off, they could be reborn. The injuries from being cut in the waist were indeed not light, but they were not fatal.

"Silver wheel reincarnation explodes."

Ryu started to make up for the damage, and the tornado formed by the reincarnation of the silver wheel strangled their bodies clean.

"Monthly reading."

In the end, Ryu used his terrifying nine-hook jade reincarnation Tenseigan's pupil power to release the monthly reading. It was originally a monthly reading aimed at one target, but was used by Ryu as a group monthly reading.

Yiyuereading wiped out their mental power, and didn't even leave them the slightest chance of resurrection.

After doing this, there is only one Ōtsutsuki still alive.

"Have avoided me a few killer moves. It seems that you are the strongest. You are the patriarch of the Ōtsutsuki family, right?" Ryu asked the Ōtsutsuki who looked like a middle-aged person.

"Who on earth are you?"

Patriarch Ōtsutsuki asked Ryu, bloodshot appeared in the Byakugan, and on his forehead appeared Nine-hook jade Samsara Sharingan, and his hands also had Samsara Sharingan.

At this time, his hatred for Ryu has broken through the sky.

The aloft Ōtsutsuki people were almost wiped out by Ryu in an instant.

"My name is Uchiha Ryu, maybe you have never heard of it, but I am here to destroy your Ōtsutsuki family. By the way, you should know Ōtsutsuki Kaguya."(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Ryu smiled and said to the chief Ōtsutsuki.

Anyway, the other party is about to die, so let him be an understanding ghost anyway, Ryu is very "kind", and I don't know who killed him after he died. Isn't it very sad.

"Ōtsutsuki Kaguya, that's it, you are her helper."

The anger on Patriarch Ōtsutsuki's face was even more intense, and the terrifying repulsion hit Ryu, and the repulsion of the three nine-gou jade samsara Sharingan burst out, which could instantly smash the moon into pieces.

"Super Shenluo Tianzheng."

Ryu uses the same repulsive force. Although the opponent has three reincarnations, Sharingan, his pupil power is not as strong as Ryu's.

Repulsive force collision, even if a meteorite with a diameter of 100 kilometers is placed in the center, it will be instantly smashed into powder. Under the collision of the two forces, Ryu will eventually win.

Patriarch Ōtsutsuki vomited blood with the explosive repulsion, flew out dozens of kilometers, and smashed several peaks.

"It's really strong, but when you met me, you are worse than me."

Ryu gestured to the patriarch Ōtsutsuki, but it was not actually worse, but far away.

Just now, Ryu has solved more than 20 Ōtsutsuki people in a row. Now he is fighting against the Ōtsutsuki patriarch, and he has easily won the victory.

To be honest, Ryu doesn't know how strong he is now. In the entire Naruto World, he will never find any opponent.

"Uchiha, is it a race stronger than Ōtsutsuki?"

When the chief Ōtsutsuki saw Ryu coming, he got up and asked Ryu.


Ryu smiled and nodded faintly.

Although in the entire Uchiha family, only Ryu and Mikoto reach the sixth level, um, Obito and Uchiha Madara are not counted because they are already dead.

Although there are only two of them at the sixth level, Ryu alone can overwhelm the Ōtsutsuki clan, so isn’t it right that Uchiha is better than Ōtsutsuki?

However, the Ōtsutsuki clan leader does not know the truth. If you understand the Uchiha clan, I am afraid he will vomit blood directly...

"I will kill you soon."

Patriarch Ōtsutsuki left here with a power similar to Huangquan Hirazaka.

"I ran away, or went to look for the hole cards." Ryu didn't know, but he just followed and tried to escape from him, which was whimsical.

When he came to a special space, Ryu saw that Patriarch Ōtsutsuki was holding some fruits in his hand. These were the fruits of the sacred tree.

After seeing Ryu, he ate all these fruits, and his strength skyrocketed. After accumulating the fruits of the sacred tree for unknown years, he has now eaten them all.

"Now my strength can definitely kill you, and then destroy you Uchiha clan." Patriarch Ōtsutsuki roared frantically.

"Do you think you have this opportunity?"

Ryu pulls out the swift blade, first performs the initial solution, and then directly uses the swastika solution.

The moment the swastika turned into a residual fire, Taito, the temperature of the core of the sun was evaporating everything in this space, and even Chakra, the patriarch of Ōtsutsuki, felt it was evaporating rapidly.

"What kind of knife is your knife?"

Patriarch Ōtsutsuki originally thought he had a chance to win, but now he is completely uncertain.

"This is called Zhanpakuto, and you don't understand it."

"Can Huo Taidao·North·Heaven and Earth Ashes!"

Among the four major moves in the southeast, northwest and northwest, the ashes of heaven and earth are the most overbearing. A few kilometers away, Dao Gang instantly came to the patriarch Ōtsutsuki.

In fact, he had a chance to evade, but he was frozen for a moment by Ryu, and this moment cut off the possibility of him to evade.

After being hit, the Ōtsutsuki patriarch disappeared into dust.

[Ding, you complete the special mission to destroy the Ōtsutsuki family, reward: Naruto World, system upgrade! 】

In an instant, the system prompt sounded in Ryu's mind, and then the system began to upgrade. The upgrade took three days to complete.

"After waiting so long, it's not too late for these three days."

In just three days, Ryu was still waiting, but let’s go back to the Ninja World for now.

As the base camp of the Ōtsutsuki clan, this place is actually very well managed, but Ryu doesn't like it because there is no life. The only creatures that exist here are the Ōtsutsuki clan.

Now that the Ōtsutsuki people have been wiped out by Ryu, this place looks very dead, and there is still more life in the Ninja World, much better than here.


PS: Seeking subscription, seeking flowers, seeking evaluation votes! .

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