"You have solved all the Ōtsutsuki people?"

After being released by Ryu from the Kamui space, Ōtsutsuki Kaguya asked in shock.

It has only been a long time since she came here to enter the Kamui space. In her opinion, the Ōtsutsuki clan, who was absolutely invincible, just disappeared.

"Do you think I will lie to you?"

Ryu glanced at Ōtsutsuki Kaguya, then said.

Ōtsutsuki Kaguya had a complicated expression, and finally asked Ryu, "Then how are you going to treat your concubine?"

She also belongs to the Ōtsutsuki tribe, and she and Ryu are only a pure cooperative relationship, and now she has no value to Uchiha Ryu.

"Don't worry, I am not the one who crossed the river and demolished the bridge."

Ryu didn't intend to deal with Ōtsutsuki Kaguya, anyway, the mission has been completed, and Ōtsutsuki Kaguya is not a threat to life.

"Of course, you'd better not do anything in the Shinobi world, otherwise I won't show mercy to your subordinates."

The warning is still to be warned, lest Ōtsutsuki Kaguya is unscrupulous.

"The concubine will not deliberately die."

Going to the Shinobi world to do things, isn't that intentional to die, she wouldn't do such things as long as she wasn't stupid.

"Next, you are really free. Do you want to return to the 28th world of Shinobi with me?"

If Ōtsutsuki Kaguya is unwilling to return to the Ninja World, then Ryu will let her go.

"The concubine should follow you back to Ninja World." After thinking about it, Ōtsutsuki Kaguya decided to follow Ryu back.

"This is your choice, don't regret it in the future."

Following Ryu's return to the world of ninja, she is subject to more rules. If she doesn't return to the world of ninja, Ryu won't care about which planet she does things on.

"The concubine also seems to lead a peaceful life." Ōtsutsuki Kaguya had some expectation on his face.

She used to have no peaceful life. She was worried about the killing of the Ōtsutsuki tribe. She lived in fear, for fear that there would be no tomorrow.

It's all right now, now that the Ōtsutsuki clan is destroyed, she has also released a shackle.

"Thank you for avenging your concubine." Ōtsutsuki Kaguya said to Ryu.

She had a grudge against the patriarch Ōtsutsuki who was killed by Ryu before. That person should be his clan uncle, but her parents died in the hands of each other.

Otherwise, the patriarch of Ōtsutsuki's family should belong to her father.

Ryu glanced at her and didn't ask exactly what revenge was given to her. Ryu's curiosity was actually not that strong.

After consuming Chakra and activating this super-long space-spanning technique, Ryu took Ōtsutsuki Kaguya back to the Ninja World again.

"Unexpectedly, even half a day would be useless this time."

After returning to the Ninja World, Ryu couldn't help but said.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

At first, Ryu thought it might take half a year or even a year, but it took only half a day in the end.

"I didn't expect you to solve it so quickly."

Although there is this technique that spans time and space, Ōtsutsuki Kaguya never thought that Ryu could solve the Ōtsutsuki tribe so quickly.

When they returned to the village, Mikoto and Kushina looked at Ryu in surprise.

"You haven't gone yet?" Kushina asked Ryu.

"No, the Ōtsutsuki clan has been destroyed by me, and I have returned."

"Come back, didn't you say that the Ōtsutsuki clan is not on this planet at all?"

"Ask about this, Ōtsutsuki Kaguya."

Ryu took a look at Ōtsutsuki Kaguya. If Ōtsutsuki Kaguya told him at the beginning that he had the technique to reach the Ōtsutsuki clan directly across space, Ryu would be able to figure out exactly how much time it would take.

"Then Ryu, aren't you hurt?"

Mikoto carefully checked around Ryu and wanted to see if Ryu was injured.

"No, none of them can touch the corner of my clothes."

Not to mention hurting Ryu, he couldn't even touch Ryu, including the clan Ōtsutsuki from beginning to end, until he died, he didn't touch Ryu.

"You can't even touch your clothes, Kakuzu, and those Ōtsutsuki people are too weak. I would have followed you if I knew it."

Kushina regretted it, if she insisted on following Ryu.

But at the time, she was afraid of becoming a burden to Ryu, so in the end she didn't follow Ryu to the Ōtsutsuki clan.

"Those Ōtsutsuki people are not weak, everyone is not weaker than you."

Ryu shook his head and said.

Although he chopped vegetables and melons and killed the Ōtsutsuki tribe, even the weakest of them was definitely not weaker than Kushina.

"According to this meaning, doesn't it mean that if Kushina does something with you, doesn't it mean that she won't even be able to touch the corners of her clothes."

Tsunade couldn't help but said at this time.

"Huh, aren't you the same as me? You are not stronger than me, right." Kushina glanced at Tsunade and said with a cold snort.

"No, I feel that my strength is still better than you."


Kushina was not convinced, and when she played against Tsunade before, she had never suffered a loss, and of course Kushina had never taken advantage of it.

The strength of the two of them is equal, and the outcome is between five and five.

"Ryu, who do you think is better than us?"

Tsunade asked Ryu.

Ryu had a headache. Tsunade actually asked him this difficult question. If Ryu now says that Kushina is strong, it is estimated that Tsunade will be very unconvinced.

If Tsunade is strong, Kushina probably will pester herself.

"You two are all rookies in my eyes. I can't see who is stronger when rookies peck at each other." Finally, Ryu said to them both unceremoniously.

If you are someone else, you may choose two innocents, but Ryu offends both.

Tsunade and Kushina flushed with anger, but Konan and Hinata beside them couldn't help laughing, while Uzumaki Phosphorus smiled openly.

"Laughing, do you think that I haven't taken care of you these days, making you arrogant." Kushina glared at Uzumaki Xianglin.

Xianglin looked aggrieved and knew that she was bullying her. Hey, let's snicker in the future and try not to be caught. After all, she knows that Kushina is stingy.

It is estimated that this time, Kushina will inevitably be taught a lesson.

"Don't you run."

After Kushina shifted her gaze from Xianglin, she saw Ryu slipping away and shouted at Ryu.

But how could Ryu not run? I offended Tsunade and Kushina. If I didn't run now, wouldn't I have to wait for them to clean up?

Although Ryu is better than them, they are all their own women, so they can't rely on their own strength to bully them. Ryu can't do this kind of behavior.

"Why don't you chase? Don't you feel angry at what he said?" Kushina looked back at Tsunade and asked Tsunade.

"Stupid Kushina, even if you go after him, can you guarantee that you can catch up with him? It's better not to do things that are in vain." Tsunade knew that he would not be able to catch up with Ryu.

Even if they are good at meeting time and space ninjutsu, but they don't know where Ryu is going, how can they catch up with Ryu.

Of course, Tsunade won't forget it, anyway, the monk can't run to the temple, so if he doesn't believe Ryu, he won't go home, and wait until he comes back to clean up him.


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