Ryu came to the office of Terumi Mei and Ye Cang and helped them deal with their work. Terumi Mei also asked about Ryu's return so soon.

"I thought you were going to leave for a long time. I'm relieved to be able to come back so soon." Terumi Mei smiled.

Ryu is their backbone. After seeing Ryu, they are even more motivated to do things.

In the evening, after finishing work, Ryu returned home with Terumi Mei, but ultimately did not escape Kushina and Tsunade's revenge.

But Ryu is also ready, anyway, their little revenge is not painful to Ryu, and they have retaliated against themselves now, and when Ryu comes back in the evening, they will retaliate in another way, hoping they can parry , Hey! ! !

In a blink of an eye, three days passed, and the system upgrade was finally completed.

"Ryu, are you surprised or surprised?"

Xiao Moe appeared directly in front of Ryu.

"Little Meng, can you leave the system space?"

Seeing Xiao Moe appearing outside, Ryu asked in surprise that Xiao Moe could not leave the system space at all before. This is the reason why Xiao Moe is so boring and can only communicate with Ryu.


Xiaomeng was a little frustrated. As a system wizard, she couldn't leave the system space at all. I'm afraid she can't leave the system space even if the system is upgraded in the future.

"Actually, I am still in the system space. Naruto World has been included in the system space. This is also inside the system space, so I can appear in front of you."

After seeing Ryu's surprised expression, Xiaomeng and Ryu explained the reason.

After the system upgrade was completed, he took the initiative to pull the entire world into the system. This was also the reward for Ryu to complete the task before.

"It turned out to be so."

Immediately afterwards, Ryu appeared in the core main space of the system. From here, the entire Naruto world can be observed. The Naruto world has become a subsidiary of the system space, just like other trial spaces and cultivation spaces.

"Here, you can control everything in Naruto World at will, but you can't influence too much, lest the rules of the whole world collapse..." Xiaomeng said to Ryu.

Then Ryu tried it. As for how to try, of course, he chose time to pause and controlled the entire Naruto World to pause.

Everything in the Naruto World becomes static in an instant, in fact, in addition to stopping the time in the Naruto World, it can also make time go back or accelerate.

However, Ryu did not play time backwards and time acceleration. Mikoto, Kushina, Tsunade, Terumi Mei, Konan are all in the Naruto World. Ryu dare not play around.

In other words, the time suspension has little effect, and Ryu will definitely not do other things that have a significant impact.

"In addition, after the system is upgraded, the function of traversing the world is enabled, but it will cost points to traverse the world."

Xiaomeng and Ryu introduce the functions that are enabled after the system upgrade.

"How many points does it take to travel through the world?"

Ryu asked Xiaomeng, this is what Ryu is looking forward to most, and he can go to other worlds to play.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

"It needs to consume 10 million points."

After hearing that Xiaomeng said that it would cost 10 million points, the corners of Ryu's mouth twitched. Although it was guessed that the points cost to travel through the world would not be low, it was unexpectedly high.

"Fortunately, I haven't used points wantonly in these years, otherwise, even if the world travel function is turned on, I can't travel through it."

Ryu took a look at his own points, more than 12 million points, crossing the world is enough.

"Isn't the newly opened feature free for the first time?" Ryu wanted to have sex for nothing.

"If I have this permission, it's absolutely free for you, but I don't have the permission."

Xiao Meng said helplessly to Ryu.

She also seems to give Ryu some benefits, but she is just a system wizard, she doesn't have any authority with Ben, just a mascot.

"Ryu, do you want to cross the world?" Xiaomeng asked Ryu.

"Not for now."

Although I want to experience traveling through the world, Ryu wants to stay with Mikoto and the others for a while.

"Xiaomeng, can you choose the world you travel through?"

Ryu asked Xiaomeng this question, whether this traversal world can be specified or randomly traversed the world.

"Consumption of 10 million points is a random traversal. If you want to specify the world to traverse, you must start with at least 100 million points. Depending on the world you traverse, you may also be charged some handling fees.

"excuse me."

After hearing that he started with at least 100 million points, Ryu's face changed, so that he can accumulate so many points, it will be the year of the monkey.

However, random crossing is a bit dangerous, even though he is already invincible in the Naruto World, but looking at the heavens and the world, Ryu is definitely a member of the bottom.

If he travels to a world where the force value is too high, such as those fantasy worlds that destroy the universe at every turn, he must be used as cannon fodder when he enters.

"Ryu, don't worry, you won't be random to a world where the force value is too strong."

Xiaomeng saw what Ryu was thinking, and said to Ryu.

"That's good."

A world with too high a level may have many benefits, but the degree of danger is too great, and he doesn't need to take risks at all.

"¨" Let's go to Naruto World with me. "

Now that Xiaomeng can enter the world of Naruto that is already attached to the system, Ryu will not let Xiaomeng stay in the lonely place of the main space of the system.

"Yeah." Xiaomeng nodded fiercely.

"By the way, how would you introduce me then?" Xiao Meng blinked and asked Ryu.

"Just say you are my Summoning beast."

Ryu glanced at Xiaomeng, and now Xiaomeng looks like a Dilumon. Although it is a bit strange compared to other Summoning beasts in Naruto, there are not too many people who doubt it.


Xiaomeng pouted slightly, dissatisfied with her identity as a Summoning beast, but she couldn't object.

Sure enough, Ryu introduced Xiaomeng as the Summoning beast he obtained, and it was easily accepted by Mikoto, Kushina, and Tsunade.

Especially Hinata, Xianglin and Hanabi, who like Xiaomeng very much, Hanabi clamors to have to sleep with Xiaomeng.

(Li Qian’s)   Xiao Meng does not reject their enthusiasm. In fact, she really likes this enthusiasm. She has been alone for too long, so she is especially eager to have friends and partners.

In the blink of an eye, a month passed. This month Ryu had a very fulfilling life with Mikoto, Kushina, Tsunade, Konan, and others, but his heart still couldn't settle down.

"Naruto World's time, let's pause for now."

Ryu glanced at Naruto World and paused the time in Naruto World, so for Mikoto and the others, Ryu had never left.

Xiaomeng was also in Naruto World, and was suspended by Ryu. Anyway, he understands the function of the system and can operate the system freely without Xiaomeng. There is no need to let Xiaomeng return to the main space of the system to remain alone.

After consuming 10 million points, Ryu, who was a little distressed, opened the function of traveling through the world. A door appeared in front of Ryu, and Ryu opened the door and walked directly into it.


PS: Seeking subscription, seeking flowers, seeking evaluation votes! .

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