"My lord, this is the biggest auction venue."

The bodyguard led the way and took Ryu to the largest auction venue. Anyone in charge of the auction heard that it was a Tianlong person and did not dare to neglect.

These noble lords are not easy to serve, and their entire auction is at risk of disappearing. Fortunately, the Tianlong people are very generous in their actions.

Even in order to demonstrate financial strength, every time there is a Tianlongren in the auction, a high price can be sold.

"My lord, this is the item we are auctioning here. If you have a fancy, you can tell me that I will give it to the adults free of charge."

The person in charge took out an auction bill and handed it to Ryu, and waited on it carefully. It was okay for other Tianlong people to come, but Ryu was too unfamiliar.

Moreover, he is completely different from other Tianlong people, both in temperament and other things, so the person in charge of the auction wants to have a good relationship with Ryu and please Ryu.

If you can make a good friend of Tianlong, it is worth the benefits of paying and fighting, because a little bit of the Tianlong people can make them full.

Ryu took a look at the auction items. If there is something he is interested in, Ryu is really not polite.

He is a Tianlongren now, why are you polite?


There was a sudden surprise on Ryu's face.

"Sweet fruit?"

"Is your lord interested in sweet fruits? I'll bring them to the lord right away."

The person in charge immediately signaled to the attendant next to him, although the value of this sweet fruit is not low, it is very worthwhile to befriend a Tianlongren.

Ryu did not refuse, but when he saw the sweet fruit, Ryu thought of many things.

The sweet fruit ability is the female emperor Boya Hancock. Now Boya Hancock has not eaten the sweet fruit, and I don’t know what time it is now.

After crossing, Ryu hasn't understood the current time, but it must be far from the beginning of the plot, because the empress hasn't eaten the sweet fruit yet.

"These three people brought me here, and I bought them."

After reading it, Ryu pointed to the three little girls whose auction items came from Nine Snake Island. They also had their avatars on them. One of them was the future empress Boa Hancock.

Unexpectedly, not only saw the sweet fruit, but also found Boya Hancock.

Boya Hancock was abducted by traffickers at the age of twelve and sold to the nobles of the world. Unexpectedly, it was now an auction item and he was shown it.

"No problem, I will give it to the adult right away. I don't need to buy it. I will give it to the adult directly."

The person in charge immediately nodded and said, even the sweet fruit is willing to give it away, let alone the three little girls. Even if these three little girls are from the island of Nine Snake, they are not as valuable as a superhuman devil fruit.

"If the adults like it, I can help them find some women."

The person in charge moved to think carefully, and wanted to make a good Tianlongren, but he had to prescribe the right medicine.


Ryu nodded. His big palace also needs some maids. Although there are two maids in the palace, they are too few.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Compared with other Tianlong people, his pomp is too small, and the two maids are not enough, and they can't clean it.

"We still have a good knife here, I don't know if your lord is interested."

When Ryu heard the good knives, he was not interested. At least he had to be the supreme knives to make Ryu interested.

Even if you are interested, Ryu won't use it by yourself. At most, you can use it as a collection. Zanpaku Knife and Ryublade Ruohuo is not much stronger than the Supreme Great Knife.

"I'm very interested in devil fruits. In the future, you will help me collect some devil fruits. Your benefit is indispensable."

Ryu said to the person in charge.

"Yes, thank you sir for giving me this opportunity."

The person in charge is very pleased, this can be regarded as catching the line of Lord Tianlongren, and it will benefit the forces behind him too much.

You can do things in the name of the dragon people. With the name of the dragon people, some big pirates will be deterred.

"You go down first."

Ryu waved his hand to the other party and motioned to the other party to leave, and the person in charge also left wisely.

Soon Sweet Fruit and the three sisters of Boya Hancock were sent over.

Before simply looking at the avatar, Ryu couldn't be completely sure that she was Boya Hancock, but now after seeing the real person, Ryu is sure that this is Boya Hancock.

"You will be my people from now on, understand?"

Ryu said to the trembling three.

Boya Hancock, who is still just a little girl now, does not have the demeanor of the future empress, and is very scared when facing Ryu.

"I ask you do you understand?" Ryu stared at the three of them.


Boya Hancock stood in front of the two younger sisters and nodded in fear.

When they were sent over, they were warned by someone. From now on, their owner is the Heavenly Dragon, and if they accidentally collide with the Heavenly Dragon, they will be chopped up and fed to the dog.

Where did the young Boya Hancock endure this kind of fright, that's why he was so cautious...

"Take them to dress up first." Ryu said to the maid next to her.

These maids are from the auction venue and are specially sent to serve Ryu.


The maid nodded cautiously, and then hurriedly completed Ryu's mission, taking the dirty Boa Hancock three sisters to dress up.

"The identity of the Tianlong people, no matter where they go, they are greeted with fearful eyes."

Ryu said lightly.

It's also normal. If you are killed by a dragon, there is nowhere to make sense. The key is that the dragon can do it on you, and you can't do it on the dragon, otherwise the navy headquarters will immediately send a general to hunt down.

After that, the auction will be held as usual. Ryu did not make an auction. He had already selected what he was interested in. The most precious thing in the auction now is the good knives.

The three Hancock sisters, who were dressed and dressed, also appeared in front of Ryu. Although Hancock is still young, he can see that he is a beautiful embryo.

Her two younger sisters also look pretty now, I don't know if they will become disabled in the future.

I don't know if the two of them were crippled because they ate the devil fruit of the animal type. They would still be crippled.

"Let's go."

The auction is almost over, and there is nothing that Ryu can admire, so there is no need to stay here anymore.

The three Hancock sisters followed Ryu cautiously. There were bodyguards watching them. They couldn't escape even if they wanted to.

In fact, they had discussed how to escape before, but can those with small arms and legs escape? Now they also regret not practicing seriously in Nine Snake Island.

I regret leaving the island of Nine Snakes. Who would have thought that on the boats of the Nine Snakes Pirates, they could be captured by traffickers, and their vigilance was too low.

It's no use regretting, now they are slaves.

Moreover, they are still slaves of the Tianlong people. They don't know what is waiting for them. They are very afraid of the future.

After walking out of this auction house, Ryu went to other auction houses and harvested a few devil fruits again. Unfortunately, these devil fruits are all animal devil fruits.

In fact, most of the devil fruits used for auction are of the animal type, and few people are willing to auction the devil fruits of the Superman type.


PS: Seeking subscription, seeking flowers, seeking evaluation votes! .

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