After strolling around in the Chambord Islands, I have to say that the identity of the Tianlong people is easy to use, and they will be treated respectfully wherever they go.

Even those fierce and vicious pirates, after knowing the arrival of the Tianlongren, they all hid far away.

"It's time to go back."

Ryu took the people back to the holy place of Mary Joa, and this time harvested nine devil fruits. Except for the sweet fruits, the other eight devil fruits are all animal devil fruits.

After returning to his palace, the bodyguard retreated and waited outside the door, the three Hancock sisters, and several other maids who were bought by Ryu.

"From now on, you will be responsible for cleaning the entire palace and the manor outside."


Hearing that Ryu just told them to take care of cleaning the palace and manor, they relaxed, much better than expected.

According to the rumors they heard, the Tianlong people would not treat their slaves as human beings. Now it seems that their masters are pretty good, at least they didn't beat and scold them at every turn, which was the best result for them.

"It's the year 1502 of the Haiyuan calendar. Luffy has not been born yet. Roger has just died for four years, and the Four Emperors of the Sea have not yet been born."

Ryu began to calculate the information he had obtained. At this point in time, Ainilu had never eaten the Fruit of Thunder 28. Ryu felt that it was necessary to look for Fruit of Thunder.

Although Ryu has gained the power of the Thunder Fruit, a natural devil fruit is still one of the strongest among the natural devil fruits. It is necessary to look for it.

If you find it, you earn it, and it doesn't matter if you don't find it.

And Ryu didn't plan to find it by himself, he could touch the people of the CP organization to find it. As a dragon, Ryu ordered them to find a devil fruit, they dare not refuse.

"Send someone to call the people from the CP organization."

Ryu said to Boya Hancock who was wiping the table.

"Let me go?"

Hancock pointed his finger at himself.

"Do you think there is anyone else here?"

There is only Hancock in the entire palace hall, and everyone else is cleaning the bedroom or weeding the yard.

Ryu finds that there is not enough manpower, and he needs to find someone who can help him, but for the time being, he hasn't thought of anyone like his eyes.

Hancock can be trained a little bit, but only if she waits for her loyalty, and now Ryu will not train her.

Buying Hancock back is not only because she will be the world's number one beauty in the future, but also because of her strength.

Without the strength, she will not become King Seven Wuhai. In the original book, her strength is definitely stronger than the lieutenant general in this department. Well, it refers to the regular lieutenant general, not counting the lieutenant generals like Karp.

If Ryu trains her, she will definitely make her stronger than in the original. Even if the combat power is not as good as the general, at least it can be comparable to the candidate of the general like Taotu.

After thinking of Taotu, Ryu's eyes lit up slightly. Maybe Taotu can be listed as one of the choices, but Taotu is not good enough nowadays, now she is not too old, and her strength is not much stronger.(Read more @

The other people, the red dog, the yellow ape, and the green pheasant, will soon become generals, and they will definitely not come to play for Ryu.

What's more, as a man, of course, his subordinates prefer beautiful women. This is also eye-catching. What do you want a few rough guys to do.

Of course, although the first choice is a beautiful woman, it also depends on the ability. If the ability is not enough, Ryu doesn't need a vase.

Hancock obeyed Ryu's words and informed the people outside to find the people from the CP organization, and they soon came here.

"His Royal Highness Tianlongren, I don't know what's the matter with you?"

Spandane, the current CP9 chief, looked at Ryu eagerly, and knew that the Dragonite had something to look for them, so Spandane hurried over.

If you can do things for the Tianlong people, if you can do it well, then you can get the favor of the Tianlong people. Wouldn't your position be able to rise in the future.

"Are you Spandane?" Ryu asked him.

Spandain was a little flattered, "His Royal Highness Tianlongren actually knows me."

"Call me Lord Ryu from now on."

Ryu faintly said to him, the Heavenly Dragon's Highness called him quite uncomfortable.

"Yes, I will follow the instructions, Lord Ryu." Spandain is very despicable and afraid of death. He is very arrogant in the face of people below him, but he dare not be arrogant in the face of Ryu, the dragon. .

Spanda is not stupid. He knows that if Ryu wants to kill him, a single command can make him die quietly, so he who is afraid of death can dare to be arrogant, for fear of offending Ryu.

"There is something to be done by the CP organization. It is best to find someone from CP0 to do it, do you understand?" Ryu said lightly to Spandane.

Although this guy came, this guy is not qualified at all. Even if he knows where the sky island is, does Spandane have the ability to go to the sky island?

What's more, this guy is not very capable, he is a very rubbish guy, and Ryu doesn't like it at all.

"You send me a message, let the people of CP0 go to the sky island and find the thunder fruit. This is the address and the way to go to the sky island."

Ryu threw a piece of paper to Spandane, which recorded the exact location of the sky island.

"Sounding Thunder Fruit?"

With a move in Spandane's heart, he had also heard of the Thunder Fruit, the most domineering devil fruit in the natural system, and the attack power among all the devil fruits is also at the forefront.

"Why, are you also tempted by the Thunder Fruit?" Ryu asked Spandane lightly.

That's right, Spandain was indeed a little moved, but immediately Spandain came back to his senses, no matter how good the thunder fruit was, he couldn't move it, because Spandain didn't want to die.

This is what the Tianlongren wanted, even after he found the thunder fruit, he would not dare to swallow it alone, otherwise the entire world would have no place for him.

"Don't dare, Lord Ryu, I don't dare to have this thought."

Spandane directly knelt down.

"But Master Ryu, this can be done by CP9, so don't bother with CP0 people."

He wants to take on this task. He seems to have an exact address, can't he find the fruit of the thunder? After this task was completed, he completely entered the eyes of Lord Ryu.

"Are you really willing to take this task?"

Ryu looked at Spandane playfully.

"Of course, I'm willing to help Lord Ryu."

"Okay, then hand it to you CP9. I will give you three months. If you can't bring the resounding thunder fruit in three months, you and your son don't need to be alive anymore."

Ryu's faint words made Spandane's face pale. At this time, he really wanted to slap himself, patronizing to please Ryu, forgetting what to do if it can't be done.

In particular, a time limit has been set. Can the thunder fruit be found in three days?

If you can't find the fruit of the thunder, is it going to die? At the thought of this, Spandane wanted to refuse.

"Well, Lord Ryu, I think it's better to leave it to the seniors of CP0, so as not to waste Master Ryu's time."

"Oh, can I understand that you took this task just to entertain me? Do you want to live?"

Ryu looked at Spandane coldly, with cold sweat on his face, he didn't dare to refuse now, and quickly assured Ryu that he would definitely bring back the fruit of the thunder within three months.


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