The mission to find the fruit of the thunder was finally handed over to Spandane by Ryu. This guy's biggest weakness was his fear of death.

Threatening him with death, I believe he will explode with the greatest motivation, no matter what method he uses, and finally Ryu can bring the thunder fruit back.

If after three months, he really can't bring the thunder fruit back, then Ryu will definitely kill Spandane if he does what he says.

"My lord, someone sent you an invitation."

Hancock took an invitation and handed it to Ryu. At this time, she was not so afraid of Ryu. It had been several days since she was here.

In addition to working these days, the rest of the time is pretty good, but there is no freedom.

Compared with the slaves of other Tianlong people, they are already good, and they are not imprinted with the hoof of the Tianlong.

The hoof mark of the Tianxiang dragon is the coat of arms of the Tianlong people, and the slaves raised by the nobles of the world will be branded with this mark.

Without this mark, it means that they are not the most inferior slaves. This is already the greatest kindness to them.

"St. Rozwald invited me to the banquet."

There was a playful smile on Ryu's face. He and Rozvard Sanke had nothing to do with him, but he had met his son once.

It was the mentally retarded Saint Charl Rose I met last time, who was ignored by Ryu.

"Tonight, go have a look."

Seeing that the time is tonight, then go to see this banquet at night, the banquet held by the Tianlong people, Ryu is very curious.

In the evening, Ryu went to the banquet place alone, which is the home of Saint Rozwad.

In fact, if there are suitable guards, Ryu will definitely take the guards with him, so that the pomp is sufficient, but it is a pity that Ryu does not have a good guard right now.

There are only ten maids in the entire palace. These ten maids also count the three Hancock sisters. There are eight bodyguards, but these eight bodyguards are very poor. Ryu intends to wait for some time to be dismissed and replace them with a strong Some.

At least if you can do things, not just a bodyguard who can only run errands.

"Isn't it about the banquet? Saint Rozwald invited me alone.?"

Ryu glanced at him. Apart from Saint Rozvard, there were only Saint Charles Charlus and his daughter Charulia Palace.

"This time is a special invitation for you." Rozvard Saint said.

Then Ryu saw Saint Charles Roth staring angrily at him, and he probably understood that the last time this fool was frightened by the look of his own eyes.

This time it should be his father to come forward.

"What's the purpose? I'm still very busy, and I don't have time to spend with you."

Ryu sat down, picked up a small snack and tasted it. It tasted good. It seemed that the chef made it, and it was much better than the chef in his palace who was in charge of cooking.

It seems that in the future, he will also look for some chefs with good cooking skills. Food is a small hobby of Ryu.(Read more @

"I heard that you had a conflict with my son before?" Rozvard looked at Ryu unkindly, with a questioning expression.

"Conflict? It's also called conflict. If there is a conflict, your son should be dead."

Ryu sliced ​​a piece of beef and put it in his mouth. The sauce and gravy were absolutely juicy. At this time, Ryu seemed to be simply enjoying the food, ignoring the angry eyes of Saint Rozvard and Saint Charles.

"You eat, isn't it a waste not to eat."

He raised his head and saw them staring at him and greeted them.

"Uchiha Ryu-san, I think you should apologize to my son."

"Wait a minute, I don't like people adding a holy word to my name." Ryu interrupted Rozvard Saint.

"In addition, what your son is worthy of me apologize, I will give you a chance to reorganize the language."

The power of Ryu exuded, and the arrogant Saint Rozvard and Saint Charros fell on his knees, even the Palace of Charulia was no exception.

Although he doesn't have a domineering look, but the aura of a strong person is actually even more domineering than a domineering look.

If you release it with all your strength, the entire palace can be razed to the ground with just the momentum and the burst of Chakra.

Ryu wiped his mouth unhurriedly, and Ryu looked at the Rozvard Saint faintly.

"You just said you asked me to apologize to your son, didn't you?"

Ryu played with the knife for cutting steak in his hand. It was obviously a blunt knife, but Ryu slashed it lightly, not knowing what kind of hard wooden table made of wood was cut open.

"You... what do you want to do?"

Saint Rozvard was a little scared, he felt that Uchiha Ryu dared to kill him.

Ordinary people who kill a Draco will have serious consequences, but if Uchiha Ryu, who is also a Draco, kills him, maybe Uchiha Ryu will also be punished, but it is definitely not that serious.

"I think you should apologize to me, what do you think?"

The knife in Ryu's hand had already pierced the shoulder of Saint Rozvard at this time.


Saint Rozwald screamed like a pig, and Saint Charlus and Charulia Palace were almost scared to pee, and they actually did it.

"Shut up, dare to howl again, next time it will be aimed at your heart." Ryu shouted impatiently at Saint Rozvard.

Saint Rozwald, who experienced this kind of pain for the first time, didn't dare to speak anymore. He could feel that Ryu was not joking with him at all, maybe he really dared to stab him in the heart.

"¨" I said before that you should apologize to me, what do you think? "

Ryu asked the Rozvard Saint again.

"Yes... I'm sorry."

Rozvard’s face turned pale because of the pain, and the Charulia Palace on the side was frightened and fainted. It was really vulnerable.

"Simply saying I'm sorry? I don't even have a substantive gift of apology, which makes it hard for me to believe your sincerity."

Ryu shook his head and said with a dissatisfied expression.

"You, what you want, I can give you, let me go."

Sage Rozwad was afraid of death, very afraid of death, although the Tianlongren were aloof, but there was really not much spine.

Used to enjoy, he is not willing to be killed by Fang.

"Give me all the good things you have in your hands. This is also for your life." Ryu said with his legs folded.

(Li Qian is good)

"You bastards, don't hurry up and get all my treasure."

Saint Rozwald yelled at his guards. At this time, spending money to save his life was the most important thing, and he could no longer care about the collections.

As for getting the guards to resist and kill Uchiha Ryu, he thought about it this way, but he quickly dispelled the idea.

It’s too close to Uchiha Ryu, but don’t fail to subdue Uchiha Ryu. Instead, you were killed first. He doesn’t have the guts to gamble.

If you bet with your own life, if you lose, you will lose your life. He doesn't have the courage, and he will have a big deal to retaliate later. Now it is the best choice to admit counsel.

Soon the treasures of the Saint Rozvar were all moved over. After seeing the piles of golden golden jewels, Ryu was surprised at the treasure of Saint Rozvar. This old boy was too rich.


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