Gold Jewelry Ryu didn't pay much attention to it. Ryu didn't see it very much. Ryu paid attention to the devil fruit.

Although the Denonians do not eat devil fruits, they like to collect devil fruits, and when they want to have fun, they may give the devil fruits in their hands to their slaves.

Hancock is the sweet fruit obtained in this way in the original book.

With more than a dozen Devil Fruits, Ryu is very satisfied with Rozvard’s family and even got a big sharp knife, but Ryu doesn’t care much about this big sharp knife, so let’s treat it as a collector's item.

"It's better not to provoke me in the future. You can provoke me if you want to. Prepare the treasure so that you can buy your life next time, you know?"

Ryu directly collected all these treasures into the Kamui space, and asked the Rozvard saint.

"I know... here, can you... let me stop the bleeding first?"

Saint Rozwald asked palely, his shoulders bleeding all the time, and he felt weak and dying.

In fact, it was simply being scared, just being pierced in the arm, nowhere would it cause fatal injuries.

"Just know, I won't bother you."

Ryu left. After he left, St. Rozwald immediately sought a doctor to treat his injuries.

"Damn, I must take revenge."

When Ryu was still here, Saint Rozvard’s performance was only nonsense. After Ryu left, Saint Rozvard began to howl.

At this time, Ryu didn't know that Saint Rozvar was clamoring for revenge, even if he knew it, he didn't care, because Saint Rozvar didn't have any means to seek revenge from him.

Find someone to deal with him? Who dares to deal with a Tianlongren, even if there is a Tianlongren behind him, no one will kill him to assassinate a Tianlongren.

"Father, how should we take revenge?" Saint Charl Rose sniffed and asked Saint Rozvard.


The angry Saint Rozwald kicked his son Saint Charles Roth away.

"It's all you bastard, if it weren't for you, how could Uchiha Ryu hurt me." Saint Rozvard roared at Saint Charros angrily.

Saint Charles Roth was very arrogant in the face of other people, but when faced with his father, he was still very scared, lying on the ground not daring to move.

"I'm going to find five old stars."

After bandaging the wound, Saint Rozvard went to find the Five Old Stars and prepared to use the power of the Five Old Stars to deal with Uchiha Ryu. After all, he hurt himself and took away his own treasures. He is the one to take control.

After finding the five old stars, Saint Rozwald told the five old stars all the things that had happened to him, and he added more energy and jealousy.

"We will find Uchiha Ryu to find out about the situation."

The bald five old star wearing glasses and a white robe said to Saint Rozvard.

He didn't catch a cold for Saint Rozwald, and the other five old stars were also the same. In their identities, they were higher than ordinary Celestials.(Read more @

The identities of the five old stars are mysterious, and no one knows whether they are Celestials, but their status and status must be higher than that of ordinary Celestials.

At least other Tianlong people must show some face when facing them.

"Sell someone to bring Uchiha Ryu here first." The five old star with curly hair in a black flat hat said, and at the same time he instructed the people outside.

Soon, someone notified Ryu and asked Ryu to go to Wu Lao Xing.

"Hehe, it seems that Saint Rozwald is going to find the five old stars to sue."

Ryu could guess in an instant, it must have been looking for him because of this, otherwise there is no reason for Wu Lao Xing to look for Ryu.

"Go back and tell the five old stars, if you want to see me, let them come to me personally." Ryu said lightly to the messenger.

Ask him to meet the five old stars in person, they think too much, will Ryu pay attention to them? Together, the five old stars are probably not enough for him to fight with one hand.

After touching his nose, the person in charge of the incoming letter had to go back, and told the five old stars that Ryu was not coming, and they even asked them to find him in person.

"This Uchiha Ryu is a bit arrogant."

There was a hint of anger on the face of the golden-haired five old stars, and the faces of the other five old stars were not very beautiful.

Saint Rozwald saw this situation, he was very happy, the five old stars are not a good offense, but they are the people that Master Yim values ​​very much.

And they have lived for a long time, maybe they are also the identity of the dragon people, anyway, even if they are not the dragon people, their current status is slightly higher than the ordinary dragon people.

"What do you think?" The five-star golden old star asked the other five old stars.

"I will meet him in person."

Dao Pao Wu Lao Xing walked out holding the knife. The knife in his hand was somewhat similar to Third Generation Ghost, suspected First Generation Ghost, one of the twelve skills of the supreme knife.

The Supreme Sharp Knife is the most precious knife in the Pirate World. The eagle-eyed black sword night and the white-bearded Naginata Cong Yunqi are all one of the twelve skills of the Supreme Sharp knife.


Wu Lao Xing nodded.

This Uchiha Ryu is quite mysterious, even they don't know how much information about each other, since it is related to Uchiha Ryu, then be a little more cautious.

Let Dao Pao Five Old Stars try Uchiha Ryu's details.

Sage Rozwald said to the five-star robe with a vicious look: "Uchiha Ryu must be severely punished, and my belongings must be brought back."

The five old stars of Daopao ignored Saint Rozwald at all, and the other five old stars had a perfunctory attitude towards him.

They are indeed angry with Uchiha Ryu, but the reason for their irritation is more that he doesn't give them face, not because of the Rozwad saint.

Arriving at Ryu's palace, Dao Pao Wu Lao Xing was stopped by a bodyguard who also served as a guard.

"Go and tell Uchiha Ryu, I'm here in person." Dao Pao Wu Lao Xing said lightly to the bodyguard who stopped him.

In fact, this bodyguard also knows the Five Old Stars. In the Holy Land Maria Gioia, the headquarters of the World Government, if you don't even know the Five Old Stars, wouldn't it be a joke?

It is also because of his duty to stop this Dao-pao Five-Lao Star. If you let the Dao-pao Five-Lao Star go in without authorization, I am afraid that the head will not be protected.

"I will notify your lord right away."

"Interesting, it's really coming."

Ryu knew when Dao Pao Wu Lao Xing arrived at the door.

Unexpectedly, one of the five old stars actually came. From the inside of the palace, Ryu could feel the aura of the five old stars in Daopao. Is this giving him a smashing power.

"Let him dry for a while."

Ryu has to see if the five old stars are really angry, anyway, he is not afraid to anger the five old stars, maybe other Tianlong people are jealous of the five old stars, but Ryu will not be jealous at all.

Even if Eim came, Ryu said that it was drying.

If you are not convinced, use your strength to speak, but Ryu's strength in the Pirate World has exceeded the ceiling.

After a while, the bodyguard bit his head and told Daozao Wu Lao Xing that Master Ryu was having a meal, and asked him to wait outside for a while.

Dao Pao Wu Lao Xing did not speak expressionlessly, but when he felt his aura, he knew that he was already angry.


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