After standing at the door for an hour, Dao Pao Wu Lao Xing entered Ryu's palace.

"I'm so sorry to make you wait outside for a long time."

Ryu said embarrassment on his mouth, but he didn't show any embarrassment on his face, and the five old stars in Taopao knew that Ryu did it on purpose.

"You~ caused the injury of Saint Rozvard?"

Dao Pao Five Old Stars were not polite to Ryu either, and directly questioned Ryu.

"This question, do you think I caused the injury of Saint Rozvard?" Ryu asked with a smile on his face and turned towards the five old stars in Daopao.

"Uchiha Ryu, did you do it, don't you know it yourself, do you still want to exonerate yourself?"

The five old stars of Daopao looked at Ryu coldly, their eyes were like sharp knives. Most people might not even be able to bear the eyes of the five old stars of Daopao, and they were full of pressure.

The strength of the five old stars is definitely not weak, their strength is definitely stronger than that of the general. I don't know who is better compared to Karp. They have never done it, and they can't guess their strength.

But this matter is not important, anyway, even if the strength of the five old stars is strong, they are definitely not as strong as Ryu.

The base level combat power of Pirate World is stronger than Naruto World, but the real top level combat power is definitely not as good as Naruto World.

"Take away your aura, this is my palace. Do you have any part in my turf?"

Ryu asked faintly to the five old star of Dao Pao.

In an instant, the five elder stars of Daopao were dragged into the moon-reading illusion space by Ryu.

"I caused the injury of Saint Rozwald, but I think his injury has nothing to do with me. You should understand how to do it. If you don't understand, I will teach you to understand."

In the illusion space, Ryu stood high, looking down at the imprisoned five-star robe, lying on the ground and unable to move.

"Stop struggling, this is my world, where all factors are under my control, you are at best the marionette in my hand."

Ryu looked at the struggling five-star robe with disdain.

Unless you forcefully break the moon-reading illusion space, you don't even have the power to resist here.

"What devil fruit did you eat?"

Dao Pao Five Old Star calmed down and asked Ryu.

After mid-monthly reading, his first reaction was the Devil Fruit Ability.

"Don't ask if you shouldn't ask, you just tell me whether you want to die or live next, the choice is yours."

Ryu fell from the air, kicked the five old star in the robe on the ground and asked.

The five-star robe who was kicked by Ryu was very aggrieved, but in this illusion space, let alone a counterattack, he didn't even have the ability to struggle to move.

"You said this is an illusion space, then this place is false, you can't hurt me at all." Dao Pao Wu Lao Xing's mind is very flexible.(Read more @

"Really, you really think so?"

Ryu smiled, the five old stars in Dao Pao were a bit self-righteous, thinking they couldn't hurt him.

"The injury here does not cause physical harm to you, but it will cause mental harm to you. If you don't want to be an idiot or brain-dead, I can let you experience it."

At this moment, a knife and a blunt knife appeared in Ryu's hand, which was directly pierced by Ryu into the body of the five old stars in the Taoist robe.

Originally received a knife, this injury Daopao Five Lao Xing would not have any feeling, but in the illusion space, Ryu made Daopao Five Lao Xing feel a hundred times more painful.

What does it feel like a hundred times the pain? Ryu didn't know, but seeing the distorted expressions of the five old stars in Taopao, Ryu knew it must be "cool".

"Do you want another knife?"

Ryu asked the five old stars in Taobao.

"This time I can adjust your pain sensation a thousand times. I don't know if you will be killed alive. Thinking about it, I really look forward to it."

Saying that, Ryu intends to stab again.


Pained so much that he couldn't breathe and was about to lose consciousness, Wu Lao Xing yelled to Ryu quickly. Ryu must be stopped.

If Uchiha Ryu is allowed to come again, I am afraid that he will really die alive.

He would rather be killed by a knife than to be tortured like this.

"I know what to do."

The five elder stars of Taopao chose to compromise, and the Rozvard saint’s matter was over. This time facing Uchiha Ryu, he was completely lost.

And I don't know how the opponent uses the ability. This ability to pull people into the illusion space is impossible to defend. Before finding a way to restrain them, the five old stars in Daopao dare not provoke Ryu.

After that, Ryu lifted the Moon-Reading Illusion Space, and Dao Robe Wu Lao Xing half-kneeled on the ground, his clothes were all wet with sweat.

"You were so unscrupulous in my palace before, and you can't help but make you pay some price. Leave the knife in your hand."

Ryu looked at the First Generation Ghost in the hands of Dao Pao Wu Lao Xing.

·· ·········Ask for flowers····

Although he is not interested in ordinary knives, Ryu is very interested in one of the supreme sharp knives.

The complexion of Dao Pao's Five Old Stars changed, and he wanted the First Generation in his hand to be a ghost.

For a great swordsman, the knife in his hand is more important than life. Ryu is killing him.

"Why, don't you be willing? It doesn't matter if you are not willing, at best, the five-star will become the four-star. Anyway, after you die, the knife will still be mine."

Ryu said nonchalantly.

It seemed that he didn't care if Dao Pao Wu Lao Xing would hand over the knife in his hand, because even if he didn't hand it over, Ryu would have a way to take it.

"I hope you can resist the curse of the demon sword."

Dao Pao Wu Lao Xing finally compromised and handed the First Generation Ghost in his hand to Ryu.

..... ........ ...

First Generation Guitou, Second Generation Guitou, and Third Generation Guitou are all demon swords. According to rumors, this is a sword that can defeat the owner.

"You really can't compare to Hawkeye."

Ryu shook his head slightly and said, in fact, if the five old stars of Dao Pao were desperately uncompromising, Ryu might look at him high.

Daopao Five Old Star's gaze flashed, and if he was the one he used to be, he might not give up the sword that accompanied him, but now he is no longer the one who used to seek the ultimate in kendo.

He thought he had reached the peak and had nowhere to go. He had lost his enterprising spirit, and he was now afraid of death.

As a swordsman, when you start to be afraid of death, it means that you will never have a chance to climb higher, and your future achievements can only stop here.

Perhaps the strength of the five veterans of Dao Robe is stronger than the Hawkeye at the beginning of the plot in the original book, but his attitude towards kendo may not be comparable to Hawkeye, not even Sauron.

"Warning Saint Rozwald not to provoke me, otherwise his death will be a trouble for you. Okay, let's go."

When Ryu faced the five old stars of Daopao, he always used that kind of superior tone from beginning to end. To be honest, the five old stars of Daopao were very aggrieved.

However, he doesn't have the desire to seek revenge against Ryu for the time being. He has resentment towards Ryu, but he must not dare to avenge him until he finds out the details of Ryu.

Dao Pao Five Old Star left here griefly, I believe that once the Dao Pao Five Old Star was used to kill a chicken and a monkey, the other Five Old Stars would not dare to provoke him.


PS: Seeking subscription, seeking flowers, seeking evaluation votes! Inch.

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