If Taotu hit Hancock a lot, Hancock annoyed him and insisted on a duel with Taotu. If it weren't for Ryu to stop them, they would really have to go out to a duel.

"How is the Navy now?"

Ryu asked Taotu.

I haven't learned about the naval situation recently, but before, the five old stars wanted to recruit troops from all over the world to deal with the pirates.

This is exactly what Ryu wanted. There are so many pirates on the sea that must be attacked.

"The Marshal Warring States wants to abdicate, and now the red dog and the blue pheasant seem to be fighting for the position of the marshal, but according to the information received, the five old stars seem to support the red dog."

Taotu informs Ryu of all the recent navy information.

Before, Ryu ordered Taotu to pay attention to the navy's intelligence, so Taotu paid close attention to the navy's intelligence.

The Warring States Period had a desire to abdicate. Now in the navy, the Warring States Period and Karp support the Qing Pheasant to become the next admiral.

However, there are many hardliners in the navy, and there are many people who support the red dog, and the five old stars seem to be more optimistic about the red dog.

The other admiral, Huang Yuan, seemed to be invisible, and did not participate in the fight at all. Huang Yuan was not interested in the position of the marshal.

And according to Huang Yuan's character, few people support him as a marshal.

"The pirates haven't been wiped out yet, so are you busy engaging in internal fighting?"

Ryu knows the result of this fight, and the red dog and the blue pheasant finally fought, the red dog won and became the next marshal, and the blue pheasant directly retired from the navy after losing.

Akadog became the admiral of the navy, but there was one less general in the navy, but two generals, Fujitora and Green Bull, were recruited through the World Conscription.

"Peach Rabbit, you go to inform the five old stars that the Warring States period is not allowed to abdicate, first let him continue to sit in the position of the admiral of the navy."

Next, Ryu's plan is to eliminate the pirates. I don't want the navy to engage in these things. I want to break out internal disputes and wait for the pirates on the sea to be calmed down.

"This... Will the War Congress agree? Will the Five Old Stars agree?"

Taotu asked involuntarily when he heard Ryu's instructions.

The Warring States period seemed to want to abdicate, in case he finally refused to continue to be a marshal.

"It's also very simple not to agree. If the Warring States period does not agree, he will be imprisoned in the Great Undersea Prison. If Wu Lao Xing does not agree, let them come to me."

Ryu said that even if you force you to agree, you still have to agree. If you don't agree, you will be at your own risk.

And Karp, don’t want to retire for me. If I don’t use the last remaining heat, it’s like retirement? Ryu didn't agree.

"Well, I'll try it."

Tao Tu finally nodded and agreed, and then went to find Wu Lao Xing.

Coming to Wu Lao Xing, Taotu directly repeated Ryu's words to Wu Lao Xing, making Wu Lao Xing's face very unsightly.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

The Warring States period had his own intention to abdicate, and at the same time it also meant the five old stars. The five old stars also wanted to change a navy marshal.

"His Royal Highness Ryu is not okay, right?"

The golden five old star said to Taotu with a gloomy expression.

They are the ones in power, and Uchiha Ryu is now going to point his fingers, and of course they are upset in their hearts.

"If you feel bad, then go to His Highness Ryu and speak for yourself."

Taotu glanced at Wu Lao Xing faintly. The words were finished. It was Wu Lao Xing's own business to agree or not, but if Wu Lao Xing really refused, Ryu's character would definitely not let them off easily.

"What do you think?"

After Taotu left, the five golden old star angrily asked the other four people.

"I don't think I can agree. You don't think we compromised too much when facing Uchiha Ryu. If we continue to compromise, Uchiha Ryu will be able to make progress."

The five old stars in Daopao gritted their teeth, the muscles on his face bulged and looked a little hideous.

"I also agree that we have compromised too much with him. If we compromise again, there will be another time."

The Bearded Five Old Star also said.

They were very upset with Ryu's gesticulations. Now Master Yim doesn't speak, they are the powers of this world government.

Although Uchiha Ryu is a Denon, he is a person who enjoys rights, as long as he can enjoy it.

If they intervene in power, it will touch their bottom line.

"Then you haven't thought about it. With Uchiha Ryu's strength, what will happen if we reject him?"

The five old stars of the flat hat sighed slightly, and then asked the others.

"As for the image of Uchiha Ryu's shot at the top of the war, you have also seen it. What is his strength, in fact, we haven't figured it out yet."

Although White Beard was injured at the time, he looked too vulnerable when facing Uchiha Ryu, and Uchiha Ryu was killed by Uchiha Ryu.

As one of them, who is sure to kill Raleigh alone? Even if you can do it, you need to pay some injuries.

"That Kalifah is useless at all."

The five old blonde stars thought about arranging the undercover in the past, and Jōnin couldn't help showing anger, and so far he has not given them any news.

"Kalifa doesn't have to think about it. If I guessed correctly, she should already be from Uchiha Ryu."

Long-haired five old star shook his head and said.

As an undercover agent, there is no news at all for such a long time, obviously he has defected.

"Promise to Uchiha Ryu this time, it won't hurt us anyway," the five old stars of the flat hat suggested.

Even if the Warring States continued to be a marshal, there would be no harm, at least for them.

However, Uchiha Ryu pays so much attention to the navy now, and there must be some problems in it. This point needs to be investigated.

"So we compromised with Uchiha Ryu again?" Dao Pao Wu Lao Xing glanced at the Flat Hat Wu Lao Xing, with an uncomfortable face on his face.

"I know that you are not willing to compromise, but right now it is most important to stabilize the situation on the sea. What good is it for us to fall out with Uchiha Ryu?"

If you win Uchiha Ryu, you will lose a lot, and even their winning side is not very high.

If they lose, then needless to say, they will have nothing in the end.

In the end, the flat hat five old stars relied on his persuasion and finally succeeded in persuading the other five old stars to compromise with Uchiha Ryu again.

After Wu Lao Xing compromised again, he issued an order to the Warring States, rejected the abdication of the Warring States, and let the Warring States continue to be the admiral of the Navy.

This is the order of the five old stars, even the Warring States can not violate it, so the Warring States can only continue to serve as the admiral of the navy.

The red dog and the green pheasant, who were fighting fiercely, are now a bit embarrassed. Suddenly, the Warring States period is not abdicating. What should they do? Can only continue to be a general honestly.

However, this time the dispute also made the relationship between the red dog and the green pheasant worse. Of course, their relationship was not good before.

The green pheasant can't understand the actions of the red dog, and the red dog also can't understand the blue pheasant. The two of them are in conflict of ideas. Maybe there will be a battle sooner or later, and one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers.

But even if the conflict breaks out sooner or later, it must be suppressed now. Ryu needs their strength to suppress the pirates.


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