"I originally wanted to retire, but I didn't expect that I would go to sea to deal with pirates when I was so old.

Karp sighed and said to the Warring States period.

At this time, Karp received the order to go to sea to deal with the pirates. This was an order from the five old stars. The consequences of rejection were very serious, and Karp could not refuse.

"Even the marshal of me has gone to sea. It seems that this time I am serious about dealing with the pirates."

The Warring States period looked into the distance and said.

Originally, the Navy suffered a lot of losses in the war, and the Warring States period was hard to shirk. He wanted to abdicate. Unexpectedly, Wu Lao Xing would not allow him and let him continue as a marshal.

Didn't he allow him to retire before? Why suddenly changed his mind? The Warring States period didn't know why, he and Karp couldn't refuse at a glance.

In the past, the five old stars were serious about dealing with the pirates, but this time they seemed to be very serious about dealing with the pirates, and the entire navy had already been dispatched.

Whether it is the pirates of the great channel, or the pirates of the four seas, the pirates must be cleared.

The current strength of the Israeli navy is obviously far from enough, but the five old stars have already prepared a plan for conscription.

"This time the cards will definitely be completely shuffled in the ocean."

Karp actually wanted to see this scene. The navy was meant to deal with pirates. It would be best if all the pirates on the sea were wiped out.

"Our first goal is really your grandson?"

Warring States asked Karp.

"Well, I don't know what the situation is now. I can't let Luffy mess around on the sea. I'd rather let him enter the underwater prison for some time."

Karp was serious this time, and he thought of Ryu's reminder to him earlier.

"Warring States, do you remember Uchiha Ryu's reminder before? Maybe the real promoter of this time is not Wu Lao Xing, but him."

Karp's guess is already inseparable. It is true. This time it is Ryu who is pushing to wipe out the pirates.

Moreover, Ryu asked the navy to temporarily give up dealing with the pirates of the new world and concentrate on clearing away those pirates in the first half of the great channel.

The pirates of the new world are not in a hurry. After they all get together, they will be served in one pot. Although the pirates of the first half of the Great Channel and the Four Seas are relatively weak, they cannot be ignored.

It is precisely in the first half of the Great Channel that there are constantly emerging potential pirates in the four seas that make the new world pirates more and more powerful.

First of all, Pirates dealt with supernovas. Although Luffy's trajectory has changed a lot, he is also one of the supernova Pirates.

"I hope you will be able to do it by then, but don't be soft-hearted." Warring States looked at Karp and said.

"Didn't I take you with me? Even if I am soft-hearted, you can't be soft-hearted with you here."

Karp glanced at the Warring States period.

He understands how selfless the Warring States is, and it is impossible for him to appear soft-hearted in the Warring States dictionary.

"No wonder you are pulling me, it seems you are also afraid of letting go of him if you feel softened."

"Oh, sometimes I really can't do it."(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Don't think Karp was very fierce when he taught Luffy, but if he really wants to arrest Luffy and put him in custody, he really can't do it.

"I can promise you that after catching Luffy, he won't be imprisoned in the Great Undersea Prison."

The Great Undersea Prison had been destroyed before pushing into the city, and it has been almost rebuilt now. That place is an undesirable place for any criminals.

"Where is he detained?"

Karp is in a good mood. In fact, even if the Warring States period does not bring it forward, Karp intends to find a back door for the Warring States period. As long as things do not violate the principles, the Warring States period can still give him face.

"I have already thought about it, and I will be detained in the navy headquarters. Then you will educate him well. If you are well educated, I might be able to consider letting him join the navy again."

With this guarantee from the Warring States Period, Karp, who was in a bad mood, was in a much better mood.

"According to the information obtained, Luffy's group is in the Chambord Islands. Let's go quickly." The Warring States let the warship advance at full speed.

At this moment, Ryu and Luffy collided in the Chambord Islands. It was a coincidence that he was bored in the Holy Land Mariagioa when he came to Chambord Islands and met Luffy.

"Yo, does Luffy remember me?"

Ryu asked Luffy.

"Are you? So it was you."

When I first saw Ryu, I didn't remember who Ryu was, but Luffy quickly recalled what happened a long time ago.

"Are you the one who notified my grandpa and arrested me to the navy headquarters?" Lu Fei looked at Ryu with resentment in his eyes.

"I asked your grandfather to take you to the navy headquarters. I didn't expect you to be a pirate anymore. Do you think I should take you up now?"

Ryu is bored and doesn't mind talking to Luffy.

"Impossible, I will never let you catch it." Luffy looked at Ryu warily, ready to do it.

"Hey, Luffy, do you know who he is?"

·· ·········Ask for flowers····

Sanji now wants to beat Luffy violently. The person in front of him is a Celestial man. Hasn't this guy, Didaofei, read the news.

Oh, it seems that Luffy doesn't really care about the news on the ship.

"Run quickly."

Sanji directly grabbed Luffy, and then greeted Sauron, and the group of them ran away immediately.

"Hey, why are you pulling me."

Luffy, who was being pulled away, called out loudly.

"Ryu, don't you catch them back?" Taotu asked Ryu.

"No, I didn't want to catch them."

This time, I will give Kapu a face. If I see Luffy again in the future, if Luffy is still a pirate, then Ryu will not give Kapu face.

At that time, Luffy may not be caught, and Luffy may be dead.

....... .... 0

"There is information from Stutsi, Guy has joined some big pirates to prepare the idea of ​​fighting against the country of peace." Taotu said to Ryu.

"Oh, Guy is so courageous."

Ryu really didn't expect that Guy was still planning to do something on himself first. He didn't spare his hands to deal with him before, but it made him arrogant.

"It seems to be going to the new world." Ryu intends to go to the new world. There are already a lot of big pirates gathered in the new world, and Ryu intends to get rid of them one by one.

"Let's return to the Holy Land Mary Gioia first, and then head to the new world." Ryu plans to meet Guy Duo to see where Guy Duo is.

On the other side, the straw hat group who had just run away not long ago directly ran into Karp and the Warring States Period.


"What, naval hero Cap is your grandfather?" When Sauron heard Luffy call Grandpa Cap, he looked at Luffy in shock.

I thought that meeting a naval hero was going to end, but now things seem to be turning around.

However, Sauron knew right away that after the turn of the flight, Sauron was not polite at all, and he didn't use the Warring States to make a shot. With one punch, all the members of the Straw Hat Pirate Group were knocked out.

"It's not that you can't help it." Warring States glanced at Karp.

"When I came, I was mentally prepared, so I was so decisive when I started. Let's tie them all up, let's go back."

Karp had been prepared for the shot before, and he was mentally prepared. At this time, he was cruel and able to do it, and it was for his own good.


PS: Seeking subscription, seeking flowers, seeking evaluation votes! Inch.

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