Ryu's Pluto sailed at the forefront, standing on the deck, looking at the holy place Mary Gioia not far away.

"I hope that this time I won't cause too much damage to the Holy Land Mariagioa." After Ryu has eliminated the five old stars and them, he will definitely live in the Holy Land Mariagioia in the future.

So Ryu naturally doesn't want the Holy Land Maria Gioria to be destroyed too badly.

"Husband, even if the Holy Land Mary Gioia is destroyed, after we win, we can build a new Holy Land." Hancock ~ said to Ryu.

"Well, Hancock, what you said is right, it doesn't seem to be difficult for me to rebuild the Holy Land Mary Joa." Ryu slightly-nodded.

Then Ryu used the power of the fluttering fruit to make all the warships float and fly-up towards the holy place of Mary Gioia.

Originally, the five old stars arranged defenses below, but seeing Ryu let the battleship float, those who arranged the defenses were stupid.

Soon, Ryu once again set foot on the land of the Holy Land Mariagioa, and in front of him was Wu Lao Xing. At this time, Wu Lao Xing looked at Ryu gloomily.

"Why, is the battle to welcome me home so big?" Ryu asked with a faint smile at the five old stars.

The corner of Wu Lao Xing's mouth twitched, are you going home? Do you want to take the Holy Land Mary Gioia as your own?

"By the way, did you convey what I asked you to convey to Yim before?"

Ryu asked the five old stars of the flat hat.

Faced with Ryu's question, Bianhat Wu Lao Xing did not answer.

Ryu didn't care either. He glanced at the five old stars of the flat hat, and then said, "Im not showing up in this situation?"

I am also very curious about Eim Ryu, she is quite mysterious, and Ryu is also looking forward to meeting Eim.

"I don't need Master Yi to deal with you at all." Dao Pao Wu Lao Xing said to Ryu.

Ryu sneered when he heard the words: "I don't need Eim, can it rely on your five waste things?"

"Uchiha Ryu what did you say?"

Hearing Ryu said they are trash, the five old stars stared at Ryu angrily, Shi Ke kills them, Uchiha Ryu is insulting them.

"Oh, didn't you hear what I just said? Could it be that you have a hearing problem?"

Ryu took a step forward and directly pressed the five old stars underneath. Compared with Ryu, they seemed a bit too immature.

Both in momentum and strength, they are far worse than Ryu.

Feeling the pressure brought by Ryu, Wu Lao Xing's expression is particularly solemn, even with Lord Yim, I have never felt such a terrifying pressure.

"Warring States, I didn't expect you to have the courage to lead the entire navy to rebel."

The five old stars in the flat hat dared not look at Ryu, and turned their target to look at the Warring States period.

When the other five old stars heard the name of the Warring States period, their extremely cold eyes stared at the Warring States period fiercely. If they had the power of the Warring States period, they would not be afraid of Uchiha Ryu.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

After all, the navy is very powerful, but now the navy is not only not helping them, but also on Uchiha Ryu's side, and the five old stars are angry.

"Wu Lao Xing, people have their own ambitions, and I am also looking for a way out for the navy." The Warring States had no fear in the face of Wu Lao Xing's hateful eyes.

"good very good."

The five golden old stars are almost unable to say what they mean when they are angry. What does it mean to find a way out for the navy? Doesn't that mean they will definitely lose to Uchiha Ryu?


The bearded five old star shouted angrily.

In an instant, countless cannons roared, and the army of the world government fired, and countless cannonballs hit this side.

However, these shells did not require Ryu to shoot, and they were all blocked by the navy and the revolutionary army.

Such shells are a great threat to ordinary people, but not to the strong.

"Since everyone has done it first, how can we not treat it well," Ryu said lightly.

The five old stars choose to start first, Ryu has expected it a long time ago, anyway, they have nothing to talk about now, Ryu will not stop, because he is for the task of the system.

And the five old stars will not give up, they will not give up their position.

What's more, they still have confidence in their hearts, and the current situation is not inevitable for the five old stars. After all, they still have Lord Yimu.

Yim is the last conviction of the five old stars. If Ryu defeats Yim, maybe they will collapse.

Ryu didn't make a move, but the strong ones behind him had already made a move.

Dragon, Warring States, Karp, Green Pheasant and Yellow Ape, oh, and Douglas Barrett controlled by Ryu using Distinguished Heavenly Gods.

"Ryu, I'm going to deal with Doflamingo."

Taotu's gaze had already seen Doflamingo. Sure enough, this guy was in the Holy Land Mariagioa. Although hiding in the back, Taotu had already spotted Doflamingo.

·· ·········Ask for flowers····

"Okay, you go, be careful."

Ryu reminded Taotu that this is the holy place, Mariagioa, although Doflamingo is not Taotu's opponent, but in case there are other strong players.

Ryu doesn't know how many strong CP0 there are. Anyway, no one who can enter CP0 is weak, and even CP0 has the strength to match the existence of generals.

"I will be careful."

Taotu wouldn't care about it in the Holy Land Mariejoa. After all, there are a lot of strong people here. If you don't talk about others, just talk about the five old stars, they have more strength than their own.

Maybe Taotu will not lose to any of the five old stars in a heads-up, but it will definitely not be able to defeat any of them.

Yamato also shot, and Yamato's goal is actually the five old stars.

"Hankuk, don't you do it?" Ryu glanced at Hancock and asked.

....... ..... ...

"The task of the concubine is to accompany the husband. If the husband wants to take action, the concubine will take action now.

Hancock looked at Ryu and said.

"Then you don't want to do anything."

Ryu grabbed Hancock, and now he had enough combat power. The power of their side was actually stronger than the power of the five old stars.

And Ryu is also waiting for Eim to appear at this time. Now Eim is not showing up, but don't worry, after the death of the five old stars, I am not afraid that Eim will not come out.

"These five old guys are pretty strong." Ryu glanced at the five old stars.

Regarding their specific strengths, Ryu didn't know much about them before, anyway, their strengths are far behind him.

Since he is weaker than himself, Ryu is not interested in understanding, but now watching the performance of the five old stars, Ryu is still very surprised.

The enemy that the five old stars of the flat hat faces is Karp, and the combat power of the two sides is equal.

The opponent of the Bearded Five Old Stars is the Warring States Period. When fighting the Warring States period, they can still have some advantages.

Then the opponent of the golden five old stars was Dragon, and their strengths were similar to each other, and they couldn't tell who was stronger.

The opponent of the Dao Robe Five Old Star is Douglas Barrett, the opponent of the Long Hair Five Old Star is Huang Yuan, and the green pheasant is the strong one to deal with CP0.

It is not so easy to distinguish between the top powerhouses. If one side does not have an overwhelming advantage, it may take several days to end the battle.


PS: Seeking subscription, seeking flowers, seeking evaluation votes! Inch.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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