Ryu will not let the battle last for several days before it ends. If the battle between them is really difficult to distinguish between the winner and the loser, then Ryu will step in and end the battle.

"I think we can use Pluto to fire a shot and help them."

Nami suggested to Ryu.

"Do you want to kill all of you?" Robin glanced at Nami and couldn't help but said.

With the power of Pluto, if you really fire a shot, it is estimated that the first person will be hurt.

"Master Ryu, are there many treasures in the Holy Land Mary Joa?"

Nami's biggest concern should be this issue, after all, her little thief cat Nami likes money the most.

"The Holy Land Mary Gioia gathers most of the wealth of the entire world."

Ryu gave Nami an answer that made her very satisfied.

This is indeed true. The entire Holy Land Mary Gioia has indeed gathered most of the wealth of the entire world, and the wealth in the hands of Tianlong is too much, which is an accumulation of hundreds of years.

"But don't be happy too early. Even after the war is over, these things are mine and have nothing to do with you."

Ryu reminded Nami.

"No, Lord Ryu, don't be so ruthless, I don't want a lot, I just need a little bit." Nami drew with her finger.

"A little bit? Are you sure it's not a little bit?"

Ryu doesn't believe in Nami, her greed makes Ryu unable to believe her.

Seeing that Ryu didn't want to pay attention to her anymore, Nami smiled and squeezed Ryu's shoulders quickly, trying her best to please Ryu.

"Nami, as far as I know, you smashed a lot of Bai Xing from Bai Xing's hands, right?" Ryu looked at Nami with a faint smile.

"When, no."

Upon hearing Ryu's inquiry, Nami immediately denied it.

"Sister Nami didn't cheat me."

The white star on the other side also helped Nami to defend her case.

Ryu glanced at Bai Xing. He was really cheated and helped others count the money. Nami often cried poorly in front of Bai Xing, and the kind-hearted Bai Xing always gave Nami some Berry.

As the princess of the Dragon Palace Kingdom on Fishman Island, Bai Xing is still quite rich. When he left Fishman Island, Neptune gave Bai Xing a lot of treasure and Bailey.

These treasures and Bailey Baixing were basically never spent, but they had already disappeared in half. They were all deceived by Nami for various reasons.

"Kalifa told me everything, don't pit the white star in the future, otherwise don't blame me for cleaning you." Ryu said to Nami angrily.

"Ahaha, I'm actually helping Bai Xing save money." Nami scratched her head awkwardly and said.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Then Nami glanced at Kalifa, she was in a bad mood, Kalifa actually betrayed her, no, she must settle accounts with Kalifa if she has a chance in the future.

At the same time, on the other side, Doflamingo had already pushed Doflamingo to a desperate situation.

At this time Doflamingo was covered in blood, and the Don Quixote family around him had all fallen into Taotu's hands.

"Uchiha Ryu is trying to kill me, I haven't offended him."

Doflamingo was a little angry, and he fell down one by one as his family's partners, and even his life was in danger. Doflamingo was a little aggrieved.

If he had offended Uchiha Ryu before and was targeted by Uchiha Ryu, he was asking for it, but he has never offended Uchiha Ryu.

Even when facing Uchiha Ryu, Doflamingo was very respectful. He became a grandson in front of Uchiha Ryu, and Uchiha Ryu wanted to destroy him.

Indeed, Doflamingo did not offend Ryu, but Ryu does not need Doflamingo to exist.

This guy is a restless guy, and there is no place for him in the world Ryu wants to create.

Like this kind of guy, it's better to get rid of it.

"Is this your final words?" Taotu asked Doflamingo faintly.

Doflamingo's face was gloomy, knowing that Taotu was determined to kill him, but Doflamingo would not give up resisting.

The thread that can cut the steel is ejected from Doflamingo's hand, and then slays towards the rabbit.

Knowing that Taotu is a natural demon fruit capable person, so Doflamingo has armed and domineering on the silk thread.

The original silk thread is transparent and hard to be found, but with the armed color domineering, it is very conspicuous.

Before, it could be used for sneak attacks, but now the effect of sneak attacks is not good.

"Where are you attacking?"

Taotu has appeared behind Doflamingo. Taotu can create an electromagnetic field. In the electromagnetic field, Taotu can move at will, and the speed is almost the same as teleportation.

When Doflamingo's domineering experience discovered Peach Rabbit, it was too late.

The thunder and lightning gathered in the palm of Peach Rabbit bombarded Doflamingo. Even though Doflamingo covered his whole body with armed color and domineering, he was seriously injured and dying...

He had been severely injured by Taotu, but now that he was severely injured, Doflamingo couldn't hold it anymore.

"Goodbye Doflamingo, you should have died a long time ago."

If it hadn't been for Doflamingo to run fast before, Peach Rabbit would have killed Doflamingo a long time ago and would not keep him until now.

"I didn't expect my life to end like this."

Doflamingo didn't resist any more, not because he didn't want to, but he was already unable to resist.

Taotu decisively killed Doflamingo, cut off Doflamingo's head with a single knife, and then returned to Ryu.


Seeing Taotu coming back, Ryu couldn't help asking.

"Well, it has been solved. Doflamingo's scourge is dead." Taotu nodded. After killing Doflamingo, Taotu was in a good mood.

Mainly because the last time he went to kill Doflamingo, he was ran away early by Doflamingo. He failed to complete the task, and was instead teased by Hancock.

So Taotu has been holding back his anger, and now after killing Doflamingo, the anger in his heart has completely disappeared.

"Five old stars are so strong."

Taking a look at the battle of the five old stars, Taotu couldn't help but sighed. Now Karp, Warring States, Long, Douglas Barrett and Huang Yuan have not taken much advantage.

If this continues, I don't know how long it will take them to end the battle.

"I'll clean up the army of the world government." Taotu said to Ryu after taking a look.

"Okay, you can do it." Ryu nodded.

Let Taotu clean up the army of the world government, lest the navy suffer too much casualties. After all, Ryu will need the navy to suppress the chaos on the sea.

Although the pirates in the sea have been completely wiped out, it is estimated that countless pirates will appear in the sea in the near future if the pirates are not taken care of. So even if the pirates are now eliminated, the navy is still very important.

"Wan Lei." Taotu raised his hand slightly, the thunderclouds in the sky gathered, and the whole Holy Land Mary Gioia was shrouded in thunderclouds, and the terrifying thunderclouds seemed to destroy the world.

In the horrified eyes of ordinary people, countless thunder and lightning fell, and the target of the attack was only the army of the world government.


PS: Seeking subscription, seeking flowers, seeking evaluation votes! .

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