Taotu cleared the field with a single blow of thousands of thunder, and directly cleared out most of the enemy. Originally, Ryu had the advantage in the middle and lower tier.

Now because of Taotu, the advantage is greatly expanded.

Unless the five old stars can play a crushing advantage, otherwise the current situation has been decided.

Taotu's attack also made the five old stars anxious. If this continues, they may lose. No, it's not that they may lose, but they are about to lose.

"Why Master Yim hasn't appeared yet."

After repelling Karp, the brows of the five old stars in the flat hat frowned, and Karp was not easy to deal with, even if he went all out, he was not sure of defeating Karp.

It is estimated that other people's battles are similar. Can Uchiha Ryu be able to solve them all without taking action?

Now their five old stars are waiting for Lord Yim to save the field. The flat hat five old stars have already pressed everything on Yim's body.

The thoughts in the minds of the other five old stars are similar to those of the flat hat five old stars, and they all hope that Yim will be able to save the field quickly.

It's just that the more they thought about Yim to save the field, the less Yim appeared, so that they had a thought in their hearts.

Isn't it because Lord Yim thought he hit 28 but then ran away.

After thinking of this possibility, Wu Lao Xing's heart became more and more panicked.


Karp glanced at the five old stars of the flat hat with a gloomy expression. Since he was distracted, Karp was not polite, and went up to hit the five old stars with his fist against the flat hat.

"Warring States, don't forget who promoted you back then."

The bearded five old stars glared at the Warring States and said angrily.

The Warring States in the form of a big Buddha is really strong, at least when facing the five old stars, it will not be weaker than them.

"It was Marshal Sora who promoted me."

The Warring States replied indifferently.

He will never forget the kindness that Gang Gukong has shown him. Originally, the Warring States Period was worried about encountering Gang Gukong, but he really didn't know whether he should make a move.

Fortunately, knowing that Sora has left the Holy Land Mariejoa, he can do it with confidence.

"Without our nod, do you think you can become a marshal of the navy?" The bearded old star wanted to vomit blood.

If the five old stars hate the most people, it must be the Warring States Period, even Ryu is ranked behind the Warring States Period, because people often hate traitors the most.

When the Warring States heard the words of the bearded Wu Lao Xing, their eyes flickered, but they were completely unmoved. Yes, the Wu Lao Xing and the others did nod their heads and agreed to be marshals.

But that's just to use his power to suppress the pirates. Wu Lao Xing just used him and the navy as a tool. Can you expect the Warring States to have a good impression of Wu Lao Xing?

Without Ryu, perhaps the Warring States would never openly confront the five old stars with the navy.

But now, the Warring States period felt that it was necessary to give the navy a blow.

"Don't say anything extra, now we are enemies, and you can't change it no matter how much you say."(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

The shock wave from the hands of the Warring States blasted towards the bearded five old stars.

"Armed Color Harden."

The bearded five old star was covered with armed domineering, and he directly resisted the shock wave from the Warring States Period, his body only retreated a few steps.

This intrepidity caused the pupils of the Warring States Period to shrink slightly, feeling that the opponent's accomplishments in armed and domineering were no weaker than his best friend Karp.

Anyway, the Warring States period felt that he was definitely no better than the bearded five old stars in front of him in terms of armed and domineering.

"Break it for me."

The bearded five old star punched in the air, this punch also sent the armed domineering out of the distance. The armed domineering can also carry out long-range attacks, but to do it requires a strong armed domineering.

And the armed and domineering of the bearded five old stars is outrageous, and it is not difficult to remotely play the armed and domineering.

After the Warring States became a giant Buddha, the huge body was directly repelled, and even the body withdrew from the status of a giant Buddha.

With a trace of Bloodline at the corner of his mouth, the Warring States Period was injured by the Bearded Five Old Star.

However, in order to hurt the Warring States Period, the five old bearded stars consumed a lot of physical strength, and they were breathing heavily now.

I haven't fought for a long time, in fact, the strength of the five old stars of the Beard has declined, and the other five old stars are similar.

After becoming a five-star, many things don't require them to take action personally. Without doing anything, their strength will of course retreat slightly after so many years.

"Marshal, are you okay?"

The green pheasant came to the Warring States and asked.

"It's okay, you can deal with CP0 guys, I can deal with the five old stars." The Warring States shook his head slightly towards the green pheasant.

In fact, the injury of the Warring States Period was not very serious, at least it had no effect on his combat effectiveness.

"Well, marshal, be careful yourself."

The green pheasant nodded towards the Warring States period, and did not reluctantly stay here to help the Warring States period, and the CP0 guys are indeed powerful, and the green pheasant has to face two combat powers close to the general level alone.

Being able to get out and check the situation in the Warring States Period, the green pheasant is already powerful enough.

After the Qing pheasant left, the Warring States once again fought with the bearded five old stars. Although it fell into a disadvantage, it did not pose a fatal threat to the Warring States.

When the battlefield was anxious, an emerald green sword aura suddenly struck, and the target was Dao Robe Five Lao Xing.

"Oh, Hawkeye is here."

When Ryu saw Hawkeye Mihawk, he was slightly surprised.

The wounds that Ryu left him before are now healed, and the human recovery ability of Pirate World is abnormal.

Perceiving Ryu looking at him, Hawkeye glanced at Ryu, and then walked towards the five old stars in Taopao.

"Your opponent is me." Hawkeye said faintly towards the five old star of Dao Pao.

After being robbed of his opponent, Douglas Barrett was a little upset. When he was about to attack Hawkeye violently, he suddenly received Ryu's order.

Ryu told Douglas Barrett to leave, and handed the battlefield to the five old stars of Eagle Eye and Dao Robe.

Douglas Barrett, who was changed by Ryu, completely obeyed Ryu's words. After glaring at Hawkeye, Douglas Barrett changed his opponent and went to help the green pheasant deal with CP0.

The five elder stars in Taopao looked at the eagle eye attacking him and frowned. Aren’t eagle eyes and Uchiha Ryu enemies before?

I remember he still went to help Redhead, how come to help Uchiha Ryu now.


When the two knives collided, you could see the sparks splashing out. In terms of strength, Hawkeye was not as good as the five old stars of Daopao, but it was not bad in terms of kendo skills.

Therefore, Hawkeye has the strength to be able to fight against the Dao Pao Five Old Stars. As for whether they can win, I am afraid that this can't be done.

If you give Hawkeye some more time, defeating Dao Pao Five Lao Xing should not be a big problem.

In the duel between the great swordsmen, every move is a killer move. The swordsmanship of the Eagle Eyes and the Dao Pao Five Old Stars can't be talked about how gorgeous, but the unpretentious swordsmanship is very dangerous.

"You are not my opponent yet." Daopao's five veteran stars slashed Hawkeye out with a sword aura, letting Hawkeye once again realize the feeling that he might be defeated.

"After defeating you, I can continue to challenge that person."

Hawkeye's sharp eyes stared at the five-star robe, even if he was repelled by a knife, Hawkeye did not give in.


PS: Seeking subscription, seeking flowers, seeking evaluation votes! .

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