Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1010: Crazy arms sales

If you want to decide on a product with the highest profit in the world, most people will rank du products in the first place, because its profit is about 10 times; some people say that it is si, which is indeed very profitable, but it is far from enough; Anyone who really understands the cruelty of this world knows that arms is the well-deserved chief, because its profit is far more than 10 times!

   There are more than 200 countries in the world, but fewer than 20 are truly capable of sharing the big pie of arms. Among them, the top five hooligans of the United Nations have the most pie. Other countries want a share of the pie? Come! Kill the five gangsters first!

Don’t look at those arms dealers who are arrogant and don’t put anyone in the eye. They make crazy profits through arms and enjoy the best life in the world. However, they are just the spokespersons of the five gangsters. Of course, the five gangsters, who are blatantly defeating moral character, will not slap themselves in the face of justice, but no one is willing to give up in the face of crazy profits. This gives the arms dealers a living space.

However, some arms tycoons are naturally unwilling to act as puppets when they have achieved a certain status. If they want to gain their own voice, they will try to provoke the authority of the five gangsters. The result is obvious. The arms tycoons have changed batch after batch, but the five gangsters. Has the status shaken?

   Let alone the five big gangsters, those purchasers who hold huge sums of money are all capable of pinching any arms dealer in the world. Of course, the result of this is that both sides suffer losses, and no one wants to benefit.

People’s understanding of the arms trade mostly originated from the movie "King of War". At the end of the film, it also points out the fact that the five gangsters are the world’s largest "arms dealers", but what ordinary people don’t know is that this movie is nominally The film filmed with the support of the International Anti-Arms Movement si organization has actually been sponsored by a large number of international arms dealers.

An-12 transport aircraft, 3000 Z national-made 56 submachine guns, "female" gunships, and various tanks. This tm is a lively placement of advertisements. When you think that this classic Hollywood movie is just to entertain the public and even With a hint of educational significance, warn people not to get tainted with arms and go si?

   Wrong! Wrong! You must know that with this movie becoming popular all over the world, it has stimulated the global arms trade by several percentage points. Of course, these several percentage points are contributed by the low-level arms dealers, who are they sold to? Naturally, those who have watched the movie are stunned to join the ranks of reselling arms, and "King of War" has thus become the world's most successful commercial.

   And this movie also fully proved a problem. Only a few companies have the right to speak in large arms sales. Why? Because the arms trade requires a country's high level of scientific research and production, in today's world, only the top five rogues can provide the ability to develop and manufacture top-notch high-tech weapons-such as the King of the Air fighter.

   How brutal is the arms sales of the "Five Hooligans"? It is really unimaginable. There is a classic example. The famous British Royal Navy "Avant-Garde" class ballistic missile nuclear submarine, equipped with the "Trident" ballistic missile, was actually bought from the United States!

Does    sound absurd? But this is an invincible fact!

You must know that this level of intercontinental ballistic missiles is a kind of "country artifact", representing the pinnacle of a country's science and technology. If it is placed in any small African country, if there is such a king bomb, it will definitely be held firmly. In the hand, let alone sell it, even if you let it out for experimentation, you can feel distressed to death!

   However, the United States not only sold it, but also sold it at a price that made everyone happy!

  Of course, some people will question the good relationship between the United States and the United Kingdom. The two sides are an alliance of interests. What about Dongfeng Express in country Z? This is also an absolute artifact, right? Relying on the Dongfeng name to defend the existence of the country in the era of economic poverty, isn't it now also sold to Saudi Arabia? Don’t talk about the technology of the previous generation. Even the technology of the previous two generations can directly destroy a small country. Power is not just talking about it, but in the face of crazy profits, there is nothing that cannot be sold. If there is, it is profit. not enough!

There are too many things involved in arms sales between big countries. It is not clear in one sentence or two. It is not only about money, but for those small countries that do not have the ability to produce independently, then there is really only money. If these small countries want to buy some decent weapons and equipment, they must be prepared for bankruptcy. The big gangsters do not squeeze the last rice from your treasury, and they all pretend to be gangsters.

   Then again, if you don’t squeeze out your money, do you still leave a portion for you to develop weapons? If you develop usable weapons, who do we sell the weapons of the hooligan?

   Egypt is considered a military power in the Arab world, right? But when buying weapons, they have to borrow the light of Saudi Arabia. The big gangsters are not necessarily willing to sell them.

But in front of Ah San, Egypt can also laugh a few proudly. In the 1990s, the two aircraft carriers currently in service on Ah San were too old and ready to retire. Of course, the technology of the third brother at that time could not make an aircraft But in order to defend the Indian Ocean, one can only bite the bullet and buy it.

   But there are only two countries in the world that can sell aircraft carriers, which are such big killers. In 1997, the third brother and the polar bears began negotiations to purchase the "Gorshkov" aircraft carrier of the Polar Bear Navy.

From the beginning, Lao Maozi made a joke of the price. This aircraft carrier bare hull cost 250 million U.S. dollars, and it will cost 700 million U.S. dollars for all refitting. This is for India, which had a defense budget of only 9 billion U.S. dollars at the time. , Undoubtedly a large sum of money, is it worth the deal to spend such a large sum of money to buy a test ship with many problems? The third brother is not too stupid, they hesitated.

However, "happiness" came so suddenly. In December 1998, Lao Maozi had just been energized by the turmoil of the disintegration of the country, and the economy was in a trough. He urgently needed this foreign exchange order for blood transfusion. In order to tie the third brother firmly, he said that he could The hull of the "Gorshkov" was presented to the third brother free of charge, but the third brother was responsible for the cost of refurbishment, modification, and onboard equipment and fleet formation.

   Give away the aircraft carrier for free! Faced with the big pie falling from the sky, Asan, whose brain circuit was surprised, was ecstatic, but didn't want to think about where there is a free lunch in this world, so the nightmare came.

Lao Maozi is also full of bad water. Although the ship is provided free of charge to the third brother, it is required that the aircraft carrier must be modified in the polar bear homeland. The modification cost is about 700 to 800 million US dollars. At the same time, the third brother must purchase the carrier-based aircraft and Other weapons and equipment.

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