Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1011: Miss Zhao 6 is calling

   The three brothers who fell into the free trap were unable to extricate themselves, and happily signed a purchase and modification contract with the polar bear. However, when the contract was signed and the aircraft carrier renovation project began, Lao Maozi's ugly face was exposed and they began to frantically increase prices.

One increase is not enough, I have to do it again. It’s not enough to do it again. I continue to increase for a third time. Seeing the aircraft carrier that has been remodeled in half, the third brother is going crazy, like a new wife who just married home in the bridal chamber. What can I do if I requested an increase in the bride price? The pants were all taken off, and I could only spend money to buy it a pleasure, so the third brother swallowed the bitter fruit.

When the ship was finally delivered to the Indian Navy, the cost of modification increased from 1.5 billion US dollars to 2.9 billion US dollars, which was more than three times higher than the initial negotiated cost. The polar bear military relied on the money to develop a new class of aircraft carrier. Sanmen had suffered enough and didn't want to be fooled again, but was forced to build an aircraft carrier with the technology of building three-wheeled motorcycles, and finally made a big cup.

All in all, if Egypt wants to take advantage of the arms trade, don’t even think about it. They only have to be exploited. The Savilis family’s relationship in France does not guarantee Sisi’s benefits. Instead, they may fall into a bottomless pit. This is where Yang Cheng and Mohammed can use it.

   Of course, the most important thing at the moment is to rescue Eiffel and others, at least to find out how many people in this group are still alive.

After getting the barracks where Eiffel and others were imprisoned, Craig Harrison, the former ace sniper, turned into a down-and-out tramp and went to reconnaissance first. Andrew led the team to follow closely. As long as Craig Harrison found an opportunity, Andrew They will immediately take action. After robbing the people, they will directly retreat through the route arranged by Muhammad. As long as they leave Egypt safely, the plan for the Savilis family will be unfolded immediately. As for the secrets under the desert of death, waiting for Savi The Reese family is destroyed and then uncovered, anyway, things can't run there.

  . . .

In Mohammed’s villa on the Red Sea, Yang Cheng was sitting under a sun umbrella on the grass in front of the door as his master. At the junction of the sea and the sky, several dilapidated fishing boats were faintly seen casting their nets. They should be nearby. Of fishermen are begging for life.

After Yang Cheng sent everyone out, Mohammed took his granddaughter Afifa back to Cairo. He was worried that Saveris’ revenge would affect the safety of his granddaughter, but the bodyguards around the villa did not withdraw, and he still performed his duties. Responsibly guarding Yang Cheng's safety.

In order to make this group of bodyguards who do not belong to him sell their lives at critical times, Yang Cheng also offered a hire price of US$1,500 a day for one person. If it encounters a battle, it will immediately rise to US$10,000 a day. Under the stimulation of money, this group It has been a long time since the bodyguards of the blood light have been gearing up one by one, wishing to enter the residence of the Saveris family immediately and earn him a fortune.

The servants delivered delicious and refreshing freshly squeezed juices. Hansen reported behind Yang Cheng, “Craig has successfully infiltrated the barracks. No further news has been received. However, according to Andrew’s observations on the periphery, the troops stationed here should It is an ordinary field force, and its strength is about one regiment. The line of defense is not tightly arranged, but taking into account the issue of impact, a strong attack is unrealistic."

   Yang Cheng waved his hand, "Let Andrew sit back and think about the attack? He is impatient, I haven't lived enough yet!"

   With his legs resting on another chair, the billowing heat wave was blown away by the sea breeze, and he could not feel the hot climate of the tropical desert at all. He kept sighing in his heart that this old fellow Mohammed really would pick a place.

   "Strikes will definitely not work. Try to be as silent as possible. If you don’t, you will have to fight back. You must not fire the first shot first~"

   Hansen nodded, "I understand the boss, but the problem is that the situation of Eiffel and others is still unclear. If they have been severely tortured and lost the ability to act on their own, our manpower alone may not be enough."

   Yang Cheng squeezed his chin and said, "The problem of manpower, I can spend money to hire people from Muhammad~"

   After saying this, he stood up rather irritably, took off his sunglasses and asked, "How long has Craig been in? No news yet?"

   Hansen smiled bitterly, "The area occupied by the military camp is too large, and it takes time to find one room by room."

   "I understand the truth, but I'm just worried. I can't lose my wife and break the army. The longer the time, the more unstable my heart becomes."

   Originally, he wanted Mohammed to help, but the old man was very cunning and refused to use his own people to rescue him, so Yang Cheng had to come by himself.

   In order not to keep myself upset, I simply changed the subject, "By the way, is there any good news in London?"

Hansen replied quickly, "Earl Carnarvon is temporarily out of danger and is currently being observed in the ICU. The driver who caused the accident is still being interrogated by Jing Fang. There is no progress. The driver insisted that he had drunk too much, no Deliberately, he is willing to accept charges, but the charge cannot be murder."

   Yang Cheng walked slowly on the grass with his hands behind his back, Hansen slowly followed behind him, "In addition, Mr. Carson has already sent you condolences on behalf of Beihai Manor and the boss."

   "Is there no doubt on the countess?"

   "No, according to Mr. Carson, the countess has been crying so much that she almost collapsed. Let alone doubt, she has to take care of herself. From knowing the news to now, she has cried out several times."

   Yang Cheng sighed, "Understandably, it seems impossible to expect answers from them."

   After a pause, he stopped suddenly and muttered in a suspicious tone, "I still don't understand, who will kill Earl Carnarvon at this time? Is it an enemy? Or some vested interests?"

Hansen didn’t know how to answer, so he scratched his head and said, “I’m not good at analyzing conspiracies, but if you want to know who is behind the scenes, the way is actually very simple. If Earl Carnarvon dies, who will get it? Whoever benefits the most is the biggest suspect."

Yang Cheng smiled helplessly. He couldn't refute what Hansen said was wrong, because this method was suitable for any conspiracy, but Yang Cheng always felt that things were not that simple, mainly because it was too coincidental-Earl Carnarvon Just handed over the golden mask to Yang Cheng, and only a few days after Yang Cheng arrived in Egypt, he was inexplicably involved in a car accident. This is not an accident. There really is no such coincidence in the world.

   At this time, the phone in his trouser pocket suddenly vibrated, interrupting Yang Cheng's thoughts. He took out the phone and saw that it was Zhao Anqi. Why did this mature woman who had been in a ambiguity with him suddenly remembered to call him?

   connected the phone with doubts, and said frivolously, "Sister Anqi? If you call me because you miss me, I will be very happy."

   Zhao Anqi was startled, and then took a sip, "Bah, the dog can’t spit out ivory~"

   I really haven’t lost anyone than the poor-mouthed Yang Cheng, "Oh, my dear sister, if the dog can spit out what I want, I would have become the richest man in the world~"

  Zhao Anqi was amused by Yang Cheng, but she was serious about calling, so she cleared her throat and said, "Seriously, I'm calling for something to find you. By the way, is Yue Yue next to you?"

   As soon as the question was asked, Anqi Zhao realized that it was not good, it was too ambiguous. Isn't this an excuse for Yang Cheng to molest herself?

   As expected, Yang Cheng said without hesitation, "Does An Qi want to do something bad?"

   "Get out~ Stop it, I'm going to talk about things~"

   Yang Cheng rolled her eyes, "Who is making trouble? Who won't let you talk about business?"

   Zhao Anqi yelled in embarrassment, "Shut up, now you are not allowed to speak, listen to me~"

   Yang Cheng closed her mouth obediently, but Zhao Anqi didn't hear the response and thought the signal was bad, "Hello? Hello? Jason? Did you hear it?"

   After more than a dozen feeds, Yang Cheng still couldn't hold back, "I heard it, didn't you let me talk?"

   Zhao Anqi screamed angrily and almost pierced Yang Cheng's eardrum, "OK OK, my fault, you can talk about it quickly."

   How to provoke someone, don’t provoke a woman? This kind of unreasonable creature that never plays cards according to the routine is definitely the nemesis of men, "It's late, I don't want to say it now~"

   Yang Cheng couldn't laugh or cry, and said in a coquettish tone of coaxing Affifa, "Well, isn't this just playing with you to increase the relationship? How old is it to have a temper, and it's not good."

  Zhao Anqi is really dumb to eat coptis and can’t tell, is it the old mother’s fault that she falls together?

   But business matters, just a little trouble and let Yang Cheng take the initiative to persuade them, UU reading www.uukā "You wait, this matter is not over yet.

I am calling you to send you a message on behalf of my elder sister. Gina Hespel has officially included the overseas assets of Yuanshan Capital in the search list. You are ready. In addition, my elder sister said that the previous proposal is still valid. As long as the Yang family asks for help, our Zhao family will spare no effort to help you solve this trouble. "

   Yang Cheng's laughter expression turned overcast, and his heart said that the Zhao family was really determined to integrate the Chinese world for the wasp. This action was too fast. What a reminder, this is clearly an ultimatum.

He still remembered his father’s request and asked him to delay as much as possible. It would definitely not work to compromise like this. He had to find a way to divert the Zhao family’s attention. This was a test of his eagerness, his eyes swept around and seemed to think. Find inspiration from nearby sights.

   Good luck, it really made him think of a good idea, what does the Zhao family do? What is the most afraid of encountering ocean trade when starting shipping? Of course it was the notorious pirates.

   After having an idea, Yang Cheng said perfunctorily, "I know, I will discuss it with my family before making a decision."

   The voice fell, and I didn't even bother to talk to Zhao Anqiduo, hung up the phone directly, and instead dialed Mohammed's personal mobile phone.

   Once connected, Yang Cheng omitted nonsense and said bluntly, "Mr. Mohammed, I need your help~"


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