Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1012: Pirates

   "Mr. Mohammed, I need your help~"

   Yang Cheng's tone was very anxious, and Mohammed did not ask questions, "You said~"

"Thank you for checking whether there is a ship from the company that is currently sailing on the Red Sea. If there is, I hope you can help me stop the ship and keep it in place as much as possible. Of course not Expose us."

   He used the block word and emphasized his tone. Mohammed understood Yang Cheng's meaning at once-to find the ship of the Fumao company, and to keep it in any way, should he use a reasonable way? What is reasonable? Of course it is the Somali pirates, this group of stupid goods who dare to hit the tanker with the fishing boat for money!

   Ships all over the world will be vigilant when they enter the Red Sea. It is the existence of Somali pirates that makes them daunted. There is no way. Everyone is friendly and wealthy. What can we do if we encounter an unreasonable master? It's okay to have money and avoid disasters, and it's okay to meet a humane boss, but if you have a cold-blooded black-hearted capitalist, it will be bad luck.

   Anyway, no one would suspect that Somali pirates. They have existed for so many years and have a reputation. Fumao’s ship encountered pirates can only be said to be bad luck. Who would have thought that this group of pirates were instigated?

   Yang Cheng doesn’t need to ask, but also knows that these African capitalists have more or less supported some pirate gangs. Not only them, but even some pirate gangs still stand behind the power of Wall Street. Why? Of course, it is to control the stock price. For which listed company Wall Street wants to target, it looks for ships or products of this listed company at sea, yes? Then it will be easier to send pirates out, and when the news spreads around the world, the stock price will fall, and the money will be easily made. The pirates can also drink some soup and do two things with one stone.

   Even Wall Street did not hesitate to fund Somalia's temporary ZF at a huge amount of money to gain a righteous reputation. Even if the conspiracy was exposed, they would have reasons for sophistry, and they might become poverty alleviation philanthropists.

African capitalists support pirates in the same way. Therefore, Yang Cheng does not need to say clearly that Mohammed can meet his requirements. The question now is whether his luck is good enough. If there is no good ship on the Red Sea, then he No matter how good the plan is, it is nothing.

Fortunately, he never disappointed him. Mohammed quickly replied that there happened to be a Fumao 100,000-ton freighter transporting rubber from Southeast Asia to Europe and was about to enter the Gulf of Aden waters. This is the most pirate activity in Somalia. The dense area, but there are troubles, because the freighter of Fumao seems to have requested the **** of the British Royal Navy frigate.

Yang Cheng cursed the coward very unreasonably, rubbed her hair and thought for a long time, and he intentionally called William and arranged to send the British frigate off the course for any reason. He opened one eye and closed one eye, but the call has not yet been made. He gave up on this idea. First, it was a serious matter. In case of an accident, William would be affected and the gain would not be worth the loss. Second, it would leave traces. Generally, in sunny weather, the probability of a naval frigate's deviation from course is It's almost zero, why can't the confluence be completed after receiving the **** application?

   This plan is not reliable, Yang Cheng simply cruelly said to Mohammed, "Bring back Fumao's freighter directly, but don't hurt the crew on board."

   Mohammed didn't ask why from beginning to end, and happily accepted Yang Cheng's request.

After hanging up the phone, Yang Cheng breathed a sigh of relief. The pirates have rich experience in communication with cargo ship owners. Yang Cheng doesn’t have to worry about it. The rest is left to his fate. I hope everything goes well, as long as Zhao’s family is caught by the pirates. On the hijacked freighter, he was not in the mood to make trouble for the Yang family.

The reason why Yang Cheng has this confidence is that Fu Mao is the core of the Zhao family. Zhao Xiaolan's popularity in the zheng altar is precisely because of the big wallet of Fu Mao. Fu Mao is their business. The Zhao family will not allow Fu to come up with major issues for the entire family, and will definitely go all out to resolve them.

Looking at the fishing boats under the skyline, Yang Cheng secretly thanked him. It was because he saw their existence that he had an idea. He had this bad idea, otherwise he must still have a headache. How to pay back Zhao Anqi It.

  . . .

There is a word called Good Luck Lianlian. The person who coined this word is really talented and right. Sometimes luck can't stop it. I just dealt with a tricky thing and lay on the sun lounger again. Not long after Hansen received a call from Andrew, Craig Harrison retreated from the barracks without causing any movement and successfully inquired into Eiffel's situation.

It's a bit miserable. According to Craig, Eiffel has experienced brutal and inhuman torture. Although he is still angry, he has more air but less air. If you do not take treatment in time, I am afraid that there will be more bad luck, except for Eiffel. Now there are only two people left, both brothers in the Hansen bodyguard team. As for the expedition professionals recruited by Eiffel, none of them survived.

   Yang Cheng listened and threw a glass to the ground, Nasef Savilis, really cruel!

   Without Mohammed's help I am afraid that Eiffel will die, and Yang Cheng doesn't know where he is.

   It’s too late to feel sorry for the brother who has died, so I will get the living person out first. Although that is not very good, it is definitely easier to save three people than to save 10 people. It is also a joy in suffering.

Now that the specific location has been found, the biggest difficulty in the rescue has passed. What is left is how to steal people from the barracks silently. Hansen rushed over to make plans. There are so many special warfare masters, and the success rate is great. improve.

Sure enough, he was not disappointed. On that night, Hansen personally led a 6-person team into the barracks. The mission of this trip was to save people, not the fire team. Too many people went in and it was prone to problems. 6 people were just fine, three of them One person in charge, with three remaining on guard, Craig holding his sniper rifle and other team members are waiting on the periphery. Once something happens, Craig will instantly become a **** of death and reap lives! Open up a life channel for Hansen and them.

   Good luck and always stood by Yang Cheng's side. The entire rescue operation was full of surprises, and several times before being exposed, they all evaded the past dangerously and dangerously.

It was not until Andrew arrived at Cairo Airport with the unconscious Eiffel three people and took a private plane arranged by Mohammed to fly to London. Finally, there was movement in the barracks, and the humiliation was deeply engraved in this field battle. On the faces of everyone in the regiment, under the eyelids of heavy defense, three half-dead "prisoners" disappeared out of thin air without a trace of vigilance. Isn't this a shame?

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