Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1013: Pirates succeed

Yang Cheng found that there were a number of heavily armed soldiers on the streets of Luxor. Although they did not reach the point of three steps, one post, five steps and one guard, setting up a patrol point every 50 meters was enough to ensure every blind spot on the streets of Luxor. They were all under their sight, their expressions were depressed and unhappy, and their fierce eyes were drawn across ordinary people, as if they were all suspects.

   Sitting in the car prepared by Mohammed, he looked at the murderous atmosphere outside the window and raised the corners of his mouth. He could imagine the scene of Nasef jumping. It would be great if he could provoke Nasef and the military by the way.

People were successfully rescued, Yang Cheng is also considered to be less worried. The next step is to get in touch with Boeing, and at the same time, through Richard Debin's relationship, to allow Congress to approve the arms sale. Of course, Boeing is not. For vegetarians, in order to pass the US$5 billion order, Boeing will definitely try every means to lobby congressmen to release the arms sales.

Mohammed also sent someone to Paris. He needs to let French ZF sit on the ground and raise the price, unilaterally sabotaging the negotiation process. Boeing will take advantage of the situation and get in touch with Ceci ZF. At the same price, the Rafale really can’t follow F /A18 Super Hornet contends. After all, the Super Hornet is war-tested. In layman's terms, the volume of the Super Hornet is about 20% larger than the gust. Don't underestimate this 20%, which means more advanced electromechanics. Equipment and more ammunition equipment.

Compared with the omnipotence emphasized by the Rafale, the Super Hornet is a true multi-purpose fighter, which has a strong deterrent in both ground and air combat. The Rafale is an air superior fighter and has no obvious advantage in ground attack. When the prices are similar, the Egyptian military will know which one is better.

However, Yang Cheng knows that arms sales are never something that can be negotiated in a few words. The relationship between countries is the primary consideration for whether arms sales can be achieved. In the United States’ Middle East strategy, Egypt has always been on this big chessboard. An important chess piece, especially in the past few years because the second generation of the United States was engaged in affairs in Egypt, it was given to Egypt by ZF. The relationship between the two sides suddenly changed from an ally to a former ally. Entangled in Syria and Iran, Egypt has long been a testing ground for new US weapons.

  Although the new ZF has come to power, the relationship between the two sides has not made substantial progress. The deadlock is the best situation that both sides can think of. Under such circumstances, will Sisi ZF bow to the United States by purchasing arms? Yang Cheng couldn't be sure. On the surface, it was a matter of 5 billion US dollars, but when calculated, the benefits involved are far more than 5 billion US dollars.

   In addition to the huge single amount at the beginning, the subsequent continuous income and incidental additional ZZ income are the bulk.

First of all, the reason for the huge profits and far-reaching impact of the arms trade is its high degree of monopoly. No more than ten countries in the world can independently produce and build three generations of fighters, no more than five countries can produce high-performance air defense missiles, and ten countries can build three generations. For main battle tanks, no more than seven countries can build regional air defense ships, and ballistic missile technology is in the hands of a few military powers.

  This has led to countries without production capacity that can only turn to military powers. This is an extreme monopoly industry in itself, and because this monopoly has the meaning of ZZ, it is protected by ZF and becomes a tool for ZF to reach its destination.

  For example, the F-35 fighter jet, the export price of the year before last was about US$180 million. What is the concept? The price of a Boeing 737-700 is $85 million.

   Is this over? It's not that simple. The logistics maintenance and regular maintenance of the F-35 cannot be done in general countries. You must find the manufacturer Boeing to do it. This is a crazy extra income, and the money has to be paid periodically. It’s not a one-shot deal. According to statistics, the benefits of replacement of logistical maintenance parts for a fighter aircraft during its life span greatly exceed the selling price of the aircraft. One aircraft sells you two for the money. The bank didn’t make that much;

   Think this is over? Haha, has your pilot seen a fourth-generation aircraft? Have you flown four generations of aircraft? Do you know what is beyond visual range air combat? will not? Come and come, as long as you are willing to pay, your buddies will give you training, and you will have a church package for one year. This is definitely not a part of getting around. You can only go to school. When you buy Apache, you must go to the United States for training in advance. Don’t talk about the fourth-generation aircraft. You have to know that the profession of pilots is comparable to a national treasure in which country, and train you a weapon that may defeat yourself in the future. I am sorry for that aircraft without charging you the sky-high price. ;

   Don't worry, it's not over yet! Fighter technology is updated very quickly, especially the avionics system. This year I recommend new phased array radars to you. I don’t know where it is better than pulse Doppler. I will recommend active phased array radars to you next year. The passive ones don’t know where they are so powerful. The next year may come to sell plasma radar to you. Anyway, new cabbage will be delivered every year. In order to keep up with the trend of the world, these small countries maintain their air superiority over neighboring countries. Can bite the teeth and sell blood and cut meat;

   That, sorry, it's still endless! Fighters are just weapons platforms. Weapons are another matter. You can't buy an empty shelf and go back without deterrence, right? Not to mention the slingshots you put together on the fourth-generation aircraft, right? It doesn’t matter. Boeing will list a series of weapons, such as laser guided bombs, air-to-air combat bombs, mid-range interceptor bombs, auxiliary fuel tanks, conformal fuel tanks, external electronic warfare pods, and invisible paints that must be painted every time they come back from work. Nothing is free, all tm are consumables.

Of course, you don’t have to, and I didn’t force you, but look at the guy next to him who has a lot of four-generation machines, more than you, and the equipment is unambiguous. When it comes to fighting, you just get stuck on the ground~~ ~No no no~~~ Press and rub on the clouds, can you afford to lose this face?

The routine of the arms dealer is always deeper than the routine of your pick-up girl, not only because the arms dealer needs your purchases to share his research costs, but also because you can’t make a knife and kill you. If you are determined to resist the pressure, you can’t beat him. He will arm your neighboring countries with high-tech equipment and keep you under pressure until you can’t handle the pressure, dreaming of being thrown on your head with a bomb, and starting to seek a strong army to update your equipment. Cut your arteries with a smile and want to save some money for economic development? Go dreaming!

   In short, if Yang Cheng and Mohammed’s plan are to be implemented smoothly, they must be prepared for a protracted battle.

  . . .

   The dazzling champagne-colored Jason rose from the ground at Cairo Airport. Through the porthole, looking at the smaller and smaller land, Yang Cheng said in his heart: I will be back~

Flying from Egypt to London, with Jason’s endurance, Yang Cheng can sleep all the way without having to land midway, but he can’t fall asleep anyway. After the plane climbs to a height of 10,000 meters and starts a smooth cruise, Yang Cheng asks Shirley to turn on With satellite TV, he needs some noise to distract.

   Who would have thought that the news that was being broadcast caught his eye-Mohammed's people succeeded!

   Yang Cheng waved his fist, and said in his heart: Nice job!

According to news reports, the Fuma Group’s “Sky Star” (fictitious) freighter was hijacked by Somali pirates. The freighter is 200 meters long and has a load of about 108,000 tons. The volume is equivalent to the existence of an aircraft carrier. At this stage, no crew is in a situation. And reports on damage to the tanker.

The news also said that the hijacked cargo ship is currently heading towards and approaching the port of Ella in northeastern Somalia, where Somali pirates are entrenched. The scope of hijacked ships is generally limited to the Gulf of Aden and the waters near Somalia, but this time the pirates chose to be in the Gulf of Aden. It committed crimes in the south and successfully avoided the **** warships. The actions were rapid and precise, which means that the Somali pirates are equipped with advanced equipment and are sufficient for long-distance crimes.

Experts hired by news programs believe that hijacking a large freighter is no easy task. Usually, such large ocean-going freighters have armed escorts. The pirates are likely to follow the "Sky Star" on a large ship equipped with a speedboat, and then use the speedboat to approach it. , And finally used ropes to climb onto the deck to carry out a sneak attack.

Hearing this, Yang Cheng smiled in his heart. He didn't expect that he had inadvertently changed the tactics of the pirates. At the same time, he also praised Mohammed. He didn't think those pirates would dare to go so far without support. Hijack a 100,000-ton freighter.

At least it must be equipped with advanced communication equipment such as long-distance ships, satellite phones, and global positioning and advanced automatic weapons, bazookas and other weapons, but Mohammed can't lose it, this time in order to complete Yang At Orange's request, the pirate opened his mouth for a ransom of 50 million US dollars.

   Of course, this cannot be the final transaction figure. After negotiations, the pirates can get 20 million even if they succeed. The 20 million US dollars must be divided by Mohammed at least half. What is the cost? Human life is not included.

   However, the amount of ransom received is not within the scope of Yang Cheng's concern. Whether he can successfully drag the Zhao family into the quagmire is the most important thing.

After the news was broadcast, in order to put pressure on the Zhao family, he made a few more calls to the headquarters and added some fire to the public opinion. Although he hates moral kidnapping, there is nothing better than this at this time. He has always paid attention to reputation. The Zhao family, you must be anxious, Yang Cheng thought with wicked fun, let you add to the little master!

As he thought, as soon as the news spread, it immediately set off an upsurge on social networking sites. In recent years, as countries have increased their efforts to **** the Gulf of Aden, there has been little news of successful pirate hijacking. Now Somali pirates are making a comeback. The eyes of the whole world are focused on the sea of ​​the Gulf of Aden.

   Of course, a wave of invisible pressure is like an invisible big hand hanging over the Zhao family's head. Everyone wants to see what this well-known Chinese family is going to do. Is it for the employees to compromise with the pirates? Or is it cold-blooded and ruthless, saving a huge sum of money regardless of the life and death of employees?

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