Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1029: Milf arrives

Joe Lewis’s reason for sniping the pound is sufficient, but Yang Cheng still has doubts about his ability, and Joe Lewis is well-connected in the UK. Even if he is really attacked for sniping on his own currency, the British ZF may not be able to completely remove him. Expulsion, after all, you have to pay taxes if you make money, even if you are cutting your own wool.

But Yang Cheng is different. He is also an outsider in the final analysis. Don't look at him as brothers with William, but in the face of fame and actual interests, this brotherhood is not worth mentioning. Maybe it will be introduced by Joe Lewis and British ZF. As a scapegoat, by then his investment in the UK will be completely wiped out.

   Yang Cheng still needs to think about it, so he didn't agree to it for the time being. After having dinner at the White Club, he returned to Beihai Manor.

  . . . . . .

Four days later, the northern hemisphere officially entered winter. In December, London was extremely cold, and the rain fell on time every day. In this season of reading and listening to the rain by the fire, Yang Cheng appeared outside the VIP passage at London Heathrow Airport. , A person wearing sunglasses, the eyes under the sunglasses swept left and looked again, not a moment idle.

However, Xian is not idle, it is boring enough. Of course, he came to the airport to pick up people. Zhao Anqi ran to Europe to deal with the cargo ship hijacked by pirates. After working for several days, she suddenly called Yang Cheng and said that she was going to London to play. To play, I asked Yang Cheng on the phone in the tone that you would dare to promise my old lady to die to show you whether he would accept it?

   Yang Cheng is speechless, you have the ability to call again after getting off the plane?

I complained for a while, and it was strange to say that the little princess of the Zhao family did not take a private jet, but flew to London by civil aviation. After a long time, Yang Cheng tasted the flight delay again. taste.

   glanced at the wall clock on the opposite wall, Yang Cheng beckoned impatiently to the air behind him, and after a while Hansen ran over to ask Yang Cheng what to order.

   "Go and find out what's going on, the delay is almost half an hour."

   Hansen had just turned around, the airport announcement sounded, informing the passengers that the delayed flight had landed. Hansen felt that he was lucky, so he didn't have to run in vain, and he simply stopped hiding and stood directly behind Yang Cheng diagonally.

   First-class people can always come out first, and Yang Cheng soon saw Zhao Anqi's elegant figure in the VIP passage.

Compared with the dresses we met last time, Zhao Anqi, in a black professional suit today, is more heroic. With long hair behind her head, she steps on high heels but walks flat on the ground. The little secretary behind hurriedly followed Zhao Anqi's pace. .

   Yang Cheng beckoned to her, "Sister An Qi, I haven't seen you for many days, the beauty is still there."

   Zhao Anqi still has to pretend to be under the genus. Although her steps have been unconsciously jumped up, she still maintains a calm smile on her face, as if Yang Cheng is her client.

   "Thank you for the compliment, let's go, I will come to London to do something on the way, so I won't go to you."

   The two walked side by side in front, and Gentleman Hansen’s helper was carrying a bag behind him.

   Zhao Anqi's words were beyond Yang Cheng's expectation. He thought everything was in order. When he came to London, he would naturally go to Yang Cheng's house to check the softness and hardness of chuang, but what is the situation now? Regretted it?

   answered rather depressed, and said angrily, "I didn't book you a hotel."

   As expected, Zhao Anqi lightly touched Yang Cheng's arm with her shoulder, "Don't worry, I will make it myself."

Yang Cheng shrugged helplessly, did not speak any more, and walked out of the airport. Andrew was already standing by the car and opened the door for the two of them. Zhao Anqi consciously sat in it, and her little secretary wanted to follow the car, but she was well understood Hansen, winking, invited to the Mercedes behind.

   The car started and drove towards the hotel that Zhao Anqi had decided. At first, both of them remained silent, as if they were competing, whoever spoke first would lose.

Zhao Anqi couldn’t guess Yang Cheng’s thoughts. When he turned his head out of the window and didn’t look at himself at all, she knew that he was **** and smiled knowingly. She took the initiative to pull Yang Cheng’s arm and said in Chinese, "Don’t play a kid’s temper. At first, I did think of you taking a few days off on vacation, but before I got on the plane, I received a call from home and my father told me to take care of some things. If necessary, I will have to trouble you for help."

Of course Yang Cheng was not really angry. At first, it was a little bit depressed, but she didn't lose her demeanor. The reason why he didn't take the initiative to open up the topic was because he suddenly remembered something. The Zhao family did not make the "Chinese Light". I know what's going on. Seeing that it will be 2016, the war of Daxuan will be completely diffused. At this time, any movement will be infinitely magnified. If Yang Cheng is really mixed into this'Chinese light', donkey The party doesn't know what to think about, will he think he has decided to stand in line? And stand directly on the opponent's side?

He had to be cautious about this issue. To be honest, he also knew that the reason why he was entangled now, worried about this and worrying about that, was actually because he wanted to be a biaozi but also wanted to establish a memorial archway, but survived in the cracks. Does it make him a little "dream"?

   Just when he was thinking about it, when he heard what Zhao Anqi said, he couldn't help wondering what urgent things must be done now? But it has nothing to do with him. He was too lazy to ask, and agreed, "Yes, Sister An Qi, you can speak, I can help."

   Zhao Anqi’s smile was a bit complicated, she avoided Yang Cheng’s hot eyes, and sighed softly, “Now there are no outsiders. Your driver shouldn’t understand Chinese? Can we talk to our heart?”

   Yang Cheng subconsciously took a look at Andrew and nodded, "Don't worry, he can only greet simple Chinese, and don't understand the complicated ones. What does An Qi want to say?"

Zhao Anqi turned to face Yang Cheng. This action made her move a little closer to Yang Cheng. Yang Cheng found that her face was small and maintained all the year round. Although she painted light makeup, at least no obvious wrinkles were visible on the bright face. It is simply reverse growth.

   "What do you think of the donkey party's democracy?"

   Yang Cheng frowned. He thought that Zhao Anqi was going to talk about private matters, but in the end he wanted to talk about ZZ.

Seeing his expression, Zhao Anqi directly stretched out her finger to smooth Yang Cheng's brows, and said grotesquely, "Don't want to bend with me, my sister wants to be honest. The content of our conversation will not be taken outside the car until the car stops. ."

   Yang Cheng didn't know the meaning of this question, but he instinctively didn't want to say more. He was cautious and he didn't want to reveal his true attitude, even if he had a good impression of Zhao Anqi, even if Zhao Anqi said that the conversation was only between the two.

I organized a wording in my heart, "My opinion is not important. I am interested in benefits. If the donkey party can give me benefits, I will cooperate with them. Similarly, if the elephant party gives me the same respect and benefits, I am also willing. Work with the Elephant Party."

   This is the answer he thinks is the most balanced. No one can offend and no one can please. Otherwise, what can I say? Is it simply a foolish decision to criticize the Donkey Party’s democracy?

In fact, most Chinese in the United States, because they are not those with vested interests in the upper echelons, they only value which policies of the dang faction can improve their quality of life, and will not think about deeper issues. Of course, they also do those issues. Out of control.

   But leaving aside the old immigrants and those Chinese who are eligible to participate in the ZZ game, ordinary new immigrants or Chinese students studying in the United States have been extremely disgusted with the Donkey Party’s democratic policies these years.

why? Because the number of "low IQ" ethnic groups in the United States is too large, the democratic policy adopted by the Donkey Party has been distorted and changed.

In fact, the United States has traditionally been a relatively right-handed Western country. Although this country also practiced democracy in the initial stage of its establishment, they knew the importance of elite governance and imposed certain restrictions on the so-called democracy because everyone voted for it. The administrators of the country, therefore, the people who vote must have a certain IQ and ability. If the people who vote are all idiots, then they will not pay attention to the correct policies, but pursue various irrational demands.

Therefore, the early democratic restrictions were very high. The people in power at the time believed that men were generally smarter and more capable than women, whites were generally smarter and more capable than colored people, adults were generally smarter and more capable than minors, and those who had had their possessions were generally smarter and more capable than the proletarians. Ability, so at that time, most people with the right to vote were adult and productive white men. Women did not have the right to vote until the 1920s.

Later, with the development of the country and the increase in the number of immigrants, various demands were accepted by those in power, and more and more people advocating full democracy gradually changed its taste, and all adults have it. The right to vote, although the elected leaders are still elites, their policy of implementation has become less elite, because in order to obtain votes, they must serve the voters and formulate policies that cater to the demands of the voters. Ignore the development of the country at the same time.

   For example, many Latino voters in the United States vote for Donkey Party candidates without hesitation, hoping that the candidates will provide them with high benefits and high unemployment benefits when they take office, but they do not want to work.

Candidates are well aware of the importance of Latino votes, so they go further and further on the road to satisfying Latinos, and they are lost. When you raise your unemployment benefits, these guys with only one brain should feel that They can live comfortably without work, so they return home to enjoy life one after another. How do they enjoy life? Of course it is to give play to their innate ability to reproduce, keep creating people at home, and continue to demand welfare from the state after having children, and then when their offspring grow up, they will continue to vote for candidates who support democracy and call for democracy. , In this vicious circle.

  This makes those Chinese who work hard dare not speak up! But what can be done? This is not their country after all.

   These thoughts above are all thoughts of Yang Cheng's past life, and they are real thoughts that really belong to him, but he can't tell Zhao Anqi about all of them, and they shouldn't be the thoughts of a big family heir.


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