Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1030: Woman's routine

   Yang Cheng cannot belittle the donkey party in front of Zhao Anqi, let alone flatter the elephant party, so no matter how Zhao Anqi asks, he has not exposed the most true things in his heart.

   Zhao Anqi sighed helplessly, and put on Yang Cheng, a cunning little fox, her savvy and powerful skills in the past have become petty.

   "Well, you little slippery, if you don't want to express your opinion, I don't make it difficult for you. I just hope that it won't affect our cooperation."

   Yang Cheng breathed a sigh of relief and smiled, "Of course, Yang Cheng has always spit on one nail at a time. Naturally, I will not regret what I have promised."

   The hotel booked by Anqi Zhao is the London Xia Hui Hotel, which is the official Chinese translation of the hotel, and its original sound is called TheSavoy Hotel (TheSavoy).

This hotel, built in 1889, is known as "London’s most famous hotel". It is adjacent to Coventry Gardens and Charing Cross Station. As the first luxury hotel in the UK, it was also the first to introduce electric lights, elevators, and most of the guest rooms. A hotel with modern services such as bathrooms and uninterrupted hot and cold water supply. At that time, it also hired the first manager, Kaiser Ritz, to take charge of the hotel management. This name is often mentioned by people nowadays. It is the founder of the famous Ritz Hotel.

   Therefore, TheSavoy in London really defines the world's earliest luxury hotel standard to some extent.

   In 2007, the hotel closed and invested 220 million pounds to refurbish it. Three years later, the hotel was grandly opened and was taken over by the world-renowned Fairmont Hotel Group. At the same time, the official Chinese translation of the hotel was officially announced: London Xia Hui Hotel.

   The main entrance of Xiahui Hotel opens on Sharond Street in London’s theatre district, and you must enter via a private path.

The cars of the North Sea Manor are registered in major hotels and high-end places in London. When Rolls-Royce crossed the path, a senior concierge dressed in a tuxedo and a top hat came out to greet him and bypassed the crystal sculptured carp fountain. The car stopped in front of the main entrance, and the concierge opened the door for Yang Cheng with an enthusiastic smile and opened the umbrella. Yes, just for a while, it started raining again in London.

The check-in procedure naturally does not require Yang Cheng and Zhao Anqi to worry about. Taking advantage of this time, the concierge, with Yang Cheng’s permission, introduced the history of the Xia Hui Hotel to the two of them. "Today Xia Hui Hotel has two wings, and the renovation project is in charge of several The design masters of The Peninsula and Four Seasons Hotel are responsible.

   The old wing located on the river, according to the decoration style of the Edwardian era in the past, is as new as the old, as if time travels, but everything is brand new.

The new wing maintains the Art Nouveau style before the closure of the hotel. It is renovated and remodeled. After maintenance, most of the original old objects of the hotel have been preserved, and then polished and restored by handcrafted masters to the new standard. .

   Every guest who sees these old furniture and old furnishings in the hotel will be full of praise. "

Yang Cheng could feel the concierge’s deep love and pride for this hotel, and by the way, she knew that the concierge was almost 60 years old. He had worked in Xia Hui Hotel for a lifetime. He could have gone to the royal suite as a housekeeper. But because of his love for hotels, he is doing the simplest and most important job of opening the door to welcome guests. To some extent, this old gentleman represents the face of Xia Hui Hotel, and many have a good first for Xia Hui Hotel. The impression of the guests is due to the presence of this old gentleman.

   Zhao Anqi couldn't help but stand in awe. Before entering the elevator, she cordially greeted the old gentleman.

She booked an ordinary suite, but the interior decoration style is not inferior to the royal suite. The furniture in the room is antique restoration grade, full of historical sense, and does not make people feel stale. Many technologies are used, such as the bathroom. The classical floor tiles with floor heating, the high-definition TV of the luxury brand loewe and the intelligent audio-visual system, etc. will make people live more comfortable.

The self-trained butler provided the most perfect and thoughtful service. For the arrival of Yang Cheng, a new celebrity in London, he gave a warm welcome. A welcome cake made of top plant cream and fresh tropical fruits , Represents the sincerity of Xia Hui Hotel.

After the housekeeper closed and went out, Zhao Anqi took a bite of the cake with a small silver spoon and joked, "You still have a lot of face. I have stayed at Xia Hui Hotel so many times, and this is the first time I have accepted the welcome cake made by the chef himself. ."

Yang Cheng smiled and did not answer the conversation. She took off her casual suit jacket and took out the sparkling wine from the ice bucket to open. After pouring two glasses, the tall champagne glass instantly covered with a layer of mist, golden yellow The champagne liquid is magnificent under the yellow light.

   handed over a cup, then he picked up his fork, and roughly pushed a piece from the cake into the mouth, nodded while eating, and said vaguely, "It tastes good, and the fruit is fresh."

His actions directly destroyed the beauty of the cake. Zhao Anqi gave him an angry look. Two slender, snow-white calves flicked, kicked the high heels away, and instantly stepped down a step above the table, leaning against the edge of the table, sipping a cool mouth The sparkling wine made a pleasant groan. This extremely beautiful and seductive voice made Yang Cheng's heart tremble.

   He raised his head and poured the contents of the cup into his My eyes began to glance randomly on Zhao Anqi's rugged Fengyun figure. As a result, the wine just didn't quench my thirst, but felt that my throat became more dry.

   Noting Yang Cheng's small movements, Zhao Anqi pursed her mouth and snickered, but did not stop it. Instead, she supported it with one hand and sat on the dining table dexterously. The two big white legs shook, Yang Cheng felt dizzy.

   "Cough cough~" After coughing twice, Yang Cheng still couldn't help it, and smiled tentatively, "Then what, or should I go first? Sister An Qi, you must be tired after a long flight?"

   said so, but he didn't move a minute under his feet, and his body didn't move half a minute, so he didn't mean to go.

   Zhao Anqi drank all the wine, leaned over, picked up the bottle and poured herself a half glass, and smiled playfully, "Okay, then I will have a good rest. You should go back and rest soon?"

Yang Cheng was almost crying. Without anyone who played like this, he felt that his little brother was about to lose control. He had a faint posture of piercing the tent to let out the wind, but Zhao Anqi was not an ordinary person. Before he was sure of the woman's mind, Yang Cheng really didn't dare to treat the cake as rudely.

Seeing Yang Cheng's desire to cry without tears, Zhao Anqi continued to laugh, even shaking with the huge group of big baby. After laughing, Zhao Anqi's folded legs slowly lowered and gently Jump, put down the wine glass with Yang Cheng on his back, and pull the hairpin behind his head easily, and the black hair flows down like a waterfall.


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