Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1037: Former agent of C~I~A (1)

The big election is approaching, and it is difficult for any media in the United States to stand alone. It will either catch the candidates and scold them or stand up to their deaths. In short, with the advent of the decisive battle, the space for neutrality will increase. The smaller.

Yang Cheng’s arrangement seems to be moderate, and neither side should be guilty. Of course, this is also the privilege of the media giants. It is true that these giants have too many resources in their hands. If a group breaks out to support one party, it will definitely be overwhelming. Advantages, this is not allowed.

But in fact, Tangrad is currently in an obvious weak position. Let alone contend with Mrs. Zipton, even the dang is not unified. Under such circumstances, Yang Cheng used half of his resources to help Tangrad. It is a manifestation of sincerity.

Of course, if Tang Lad is sensible and pays great benefits to Yang Cheng, this sincerity will continue. On the other hand, if this guy pretends to be confused, then I'm sorry. Yang Cheng is not a shantang, so don’t blame it then. He turned to support your Donrad opponent.

Taking the initiative to publicize for Tangrad now can be regarded as releasing goodwill. After all, Eddie's handling made Tangrad upset before, and this was taken as compensation.

After talking about New Era Media’s affairs, Yang Cheng told Ryze again, “You have recently paid attention to the trend of the pound, and you can also contact your counterparts on Wall Street to see the wind direction. If they are ready to attack the pound, We can't be left behind."

Ryze was startled, "Boss, someone is going to snipe the pound?"

Yang Cheng said ambiguously, "I'm not sure, anyway, look at it first, and you won't lose much."

He didn't care much about what he said, but Ritz didn't dare to take it lightly and decided to go back and arrange for colleagues in the analysis team to work overtime.

Then Yang Cheng asked Ryze Khan to pay attention to the Chrysler Building. He intends to acquire it as the second headquarters of New Times Media, or simply relocate it. Anyway, the number of floors and the total office area of ​​the Chrysler Building are large enough. 7

The yantpark building is 2-3 times that of the yantpark building, accommodating 5,000 people. As for now, this building can't be sold. If it is left for rent, the ground is so good, the annual rent is also a lot of money.

The two of them left after a short talk. Now that the company is on the right track, there are fewer and fewer things Yang Cheng has to deal with personally. Almost all power is in the hands of these two people. For Yang Cheng, this is a small hidden danger. Fortunately, now that he has an absolute controlling stake, even if there is an accident, he can quickly get rid of the chaos anyway, but it is hard to say after the listing in the future.

Therefore, Yang Cheng is considering whether to introduce a third party for the two of them to balance each other's constraints. The triangle has always been the most stable structure.

However, he currently has no suitable candidate. He is young and strong now, and can't die for a while, not to mention Eddie is the oldest, even if he is dead, Yang Cheng can still live well.

This matter is not listed for the time being. After the two of them went out, Susu walked in with a notebook and reported to Yang Chenghui, "During this period, a rb person has repeatedly submitted an application for meeting, but you are not in the company and I have to postpone it. deal with."

Yang Cheng frowned, "Rb person? What is his name? What is it for?"

He guessed that it might not be the Ito I met in Hawaii, right?

Don’t say, it’s really him. Susu glanced at the notebook and said, “The identity left by the other party is the vice president of rb Ito Co., Ltd., whose name is Koji Ito. It is not an urgent appointment. He just emphasizes that you will be notified as soon as you come back. he."

To be honest, if the other party hadn't taken the initiative to come, he would have forgotten this person.

After hesitating for a while, let Susu arrange the meeting time. There was no way, he was curious, he really wanted to know the other party's purpose, it can't be just chatting.

I was busy working in the company all morning, ate something casually at noon, and was about to go for a lunch break. Unexpectedly, an uninvited guest came, a man who claimed to be an agent of c~i~a, dignifiedly called Susu’s office phone. , Asked to meet Yang Cheng.

In normal times, Yang Cheng treats this kind of prank call coldly, but she was nervous about c~i~a a while ago, and was extremely sensitive to c~i~a. Hearing the other party’s self-reported identity, Yang Without much thought, Orange asked Hansen to lead the man up.

This person's name is Donny Fick, which is a bit weird and does not conform to the traditional white naming habit.

Sure enough, when he appeared in front of Yang Cheng, Yang Cheng realized that he should be of Latin American descent, and his big bald head reflected glare in the sun.

The office door was closed, Hansen and Andrew always kept 2 meters away from Donny Hank, beware of his actions against Yang Cheng. Whether this person is a friend or an enemy is unknown.

Yang Cheng sat in the comfortable boss chair, and looked at the bald-headed man who seemed to be in his 30s. His eyes revealed an inexplicable taste.

Downey's expression was very relaxed, he couldn't see the tension at all, and he opened his hands and joked, "Mr. Yang, I am not a woman. You don't need to look at me like that. Of course, if you are gay, then I didn't say it."

Yang Cheng thought this person was a bit interesting, "You said you were an agent c~i~a?"

Downey nodded and shook his head immediately, "To be precise, it is a former agent. I still had a gun and credentials 72 hours ago, but now~"

He opened his hand again and motioned that he had not brought anything, "You see, I can't even eat food."

Yang Cheng's eyes floated towards Hansen, Hansen nodded intently, and had already undergone a body search before coming up. How could Hansen allow an unknown person to carry weapons to face his boss.

Yang Cheng relaxed, as long as he didn't have any weapons, he wanted to be disadvantageous to himself with his bare hands. I was afraid that he had never tasted Hansen's fist.

"So you asked me to beg for food?" Yang Cheng's tone was not good, but rather provocative.

However, Downey didn't seem to hear the irony in the words, and nodded calmly, "Yes, Mr. Yang is generous, and he definitely doesn't mind subsidizing me a little bit of food."

Yang Cheng tilted his head and smiled, a bit interesting, "Then tell me, I think c~i~a should have taught you that there is no free lunch in the world."

"Of course, then please allow me to make an official introduction. My name is Donnie Fick. I was born in Puerto Rico since I was a child. I smuggled to the United States with my mother at any time to find a living. I grew up in a slum when I was young. Life has taught me the truth of reality. This is a world of cannibalism. If I am not cruel, I only have to wait to be devoured, but I don't want to die.

By chance, I met a retired agent of c~i~a. He was a great teacher and existed like my father. He taught me how to fight and how to shoot faster and return. I taught me all kinds of espionage knowledge, and then I entered Langley without accident. I was the best one among the students in the same period. If I want to get second, no one can get the first!

After successfully graduating, because of my pedigree and identity, I joined the c~i~a secret operation team in the Central and North American substations and became an agent who is struggling at the forefront. I vowed to let my mother do this. Rong.

It didn't take long before I was transferred to the Middle East because of my outstanding performance and became a team leader. Gina Hespel was my direct supervisor. "

Yang Cheng, who was still listening to the story with a relaxed mind, stood up immediately after hearing the familiar name. His face was not ugly, but it was extremely serious, "I'm sorry to interrupt you, but I still want to confirm what you said. The name is Gina Hespel? The head of the covert operations now?"

Downey seemed to have expected it a long time ago, and was not surprised at Yang Cheng’s actions, "Yes, you heard it right, Gina Hespel, I was appreciated by her in the Middle East, and later returned to Langley with her. Headquarters."

After a pause, Downey suddenly sighed, "I didn't expect this time to ruin my entire agent career."

Yang Cheng realized that what Downey was about to say was not simple, so she stood and listened carefully without interrupting.

"After returning to the headquarters, I still took a small team. Compared with the nervousness in the Middle East, the days in Langley were very relaxed. Most of the time was spent in the office or the training ground to vent the extra energy~www.wuxiaspot. com~ I thought that such days would last for a long time, but it didn't take long before I received Gina's order to send me to perform some secret missions, mostly assassinations, and occasionally small missions such as stealing intelligence.

I am naturally very excited about this. To be honest, I am not interested in the identity of the mission target. As long as I can perform the mission, I feel that living is meaningful, so I have never asked about the news I shouldn’t know. I kill whoever I kill. "

When talking about this, Downey, who was still very calm, suddenly became tyrannical, his eyes widened, red blood appeared in the whites of his eyes, and his muscles were tight, as if he was about to violently start his hands in the next second. Sen and Andrew also took a step closer. As long as the kid dared to make any moves, they wouldn't mind pressing the person directly on the ground and letting him eat **** before discussing right or wrong.

Fortunately, Downey calmed down after a few rapid breaths. "Until one time, when she sent me to steal information from a congressman’s house, she accidentally discovered an amazing secret. The congressman even sold it abroad. Our c~i~a list and information of the hidden spies."

Yang Cheng raised her brows, "Inadvertently discovered?"

Downey said dejectedly, "Yes, I accidentally discovered that I dare to use my life to swear that I was bored while copying materials, just clicked on a few files at random to browse."

Yang Cheng nodded, "What then?"

"Then? Of course I dare not say anything. Once this incident is exposed, it will cause a mess. As the fuse, I will definitely be targeted by everyone and will never die, so I pretend to know nothing and go back to hand in the task. Return to life.

But it didn't take long for me to learn from the news that the polar bear KGB arrested 12 hidden spies at a time, and the names of these 12 people appeared on the list peddled by the congressman. "

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