Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1038: Former agent of C~I~A (2)

"The polar bear KGB arrested 12 potential spies at a time. They were arrested almost without any response, and the names of these 12 people appeared on the list peddled by the congressman."

The sad emotions infected Hansen and Andrew. Although they are not spies, the army hates the rapes by no less than c~i~a. If it is forced to betrayed, the most hated ones are those for profit. A thief who doesn't care about the lives of his teammates, this kind of person is not too much to pull out and shoot for 20 minutes.

Donny Fick choked and said, "One of them was a friend I knew when I was a student. At that moment, the belief that I had cultivated in c~i~a for so many years collapsed. I remembered that when I was a child, my friends One dollar coins must be shot and beaten. Now it is not surprising that someone betrays his teammates for greater benefit.

In addition to the 12 people, there are more than 100 names on the list. They are hidden in various countries. If they are all uprooted, the overseas intelligence network of c~i~a will be paralyzed immediately, and it will be difficult to fight in a short time. The degree of repair. "

Yang Cheng wondered, "What then? This incident was discovered? You were driven out of Langley by Gina Hespel?"

Downey smiled bitterly, "I also blame myself for not being careful. When I learned this amazing secret, I was absent-minded. I was doing the task because I lost my mind and almost hurt my teammates. Gina talked to me, but I was scared when I saw her. I was afraid that she was the one who leaked the list, so the conversation between the two of us was not going well. I let her down. Of course, I also knew that this state was not suitable for rushing to the front line. Then she asked me if When I was willing to transfer to a civil service, I agreed without hesitation.

Under Gina's arrangement, I went to work in the administrative office of Director Brennan. During this period, I came into contact with more shocking conspiracies, including your Mr. Yang. "

Yang Cheng was not surprised when he heard this, otherwise Downey would not come to him.

He didn't rush to ask about the content of his conspiracy. Instead, he asked, "Then why were you kicked out of Langley? I don't think you are too old and you have no disabilities."

Downey shook his head, "I was not driven out, but took the initiative to leave, because I found that my ability to bear was limited, and I was baptized by various conspiracies every day. I really had enough, so I He took the initiative to make a mistake, a mistake that is not guilty of death, and then he resigned, and the bureau agreed without saying anything."

Yang Cheng's expression changed, "You said you left on the initiative?"

Downey nodded affirmatively, "I know what you want to say, and you guessed it, c~i~a won't let me go easily, especially when I'm exposed to so many secrets, but you Don't worry, I had already thrown away the people who followed me before I came. Believe me, the group of trash that hasn't even gone out of the United States will never keep up with me."

The more sure he was, the more worried Yang Cheng was. The reason was simple. Those who drowned would know water.

No matter what Downey thinks, Yang Cheng still has to be careful. He and c~i~a are not considered enemies now, but the relationship is definitely not harmonious, so he told Andrew to go downstairs to check in person, a c~i~a The mortal target hid in his own company, using his **** to know that c~i~a would not give up. If he was treated as an accomplice, Yang Cheng would really have nowhere to cry.

To Yang Cheng's caution and distrust, Downey curled his lips and said nothing.

"Tell me about your intentions, why are you looking for me? Why are you looking for me?" These remarks are what Yang Cheng cares most about right now, and he is wary of Downey's true intentions, and at such a critical juncture Suddenly, a former agent of c~i~a came, and the background of the story was so perfect, it seemed that there was no flaw. If Yang Cheng hadn't been wary of him, he would have died ten thousand times.

Sometimes too perfect is also a loophole, because this story is likely to be composed by professionals, and then let Downey forcibly remember, just to mix with Yang Cheng as an undercover, this possibility is not small, so Yang Cheng also It just seemed to listen carefully, but not a word was taken to heart.

Downey grinned and said, "Of course it’s to make money. You have to know the list in my hand. Nearly ten of them are lurking in Country Z and Xiangjiang. If you can give this list to Country Z, in exchange for it The benefits of the company cannot be imagined, so I want a bearer bond worth 10 million U.S. dollars. This condition is not excessive, right?"

Yang Cheng followed with a smile, and said perfunctorily, "Really? That's really not too much."

But I have already made a big alarm in my heart, p, this guy will not really be sent by c~i~a to test himself, as long as you give this list to the people in country z, you will immediately detain yourself a certain spy Then the whole Yang family will be ruined. This trick is really rough, but it doesn’t hold up and the effect is With the urine of c~i~a, let alone conclusive evidence, even if it is suspected The evidence is enough for them to take action.

At this time, Andrew came back and said nothing, but shook his head to Yang Cheng, indicating that he hadn't noticed.

Downey glanced back and shrugged, meaning that he knew why he wasted effort.

"You sold such important information, isn't it the same as the traitors you once despised?" Yang Orange tentatively asked.

Downey's eyes widened, like a furious bull, shouting at Yang Cheng, "I was forced, I didn't want to sell it, but c~i~a is going to kill me, even my mother. , Can you bear it after changing you?

I know that it is difficult to fight against c~i~a on my own, so I am not prepared to fight, but I can always use the information in my hand for some money to run away, right? Of course, I don't rule out the idea of ​​adding a bit of chaos to c~i~a, anyway, I have to run away, and it doesn't matter if I bear the reputation of a traitor. "

Yang Cheng smiled and didn't say a word. Downey calmed down and said, "By the way, I still have a lot of surprises. If you are interested, I will sell them to you. I have to go to the next house if you are interested. Wasting time does not add to the risk, if you agree with me to give you a friendship discount."

discount? I am afraid it is a reminder! Yang Cheng sneered in her heart.

However, we still have to appease Donny Fick at the moment. Before he confirms the truth of the matter, he must not be allowed to run away. Agent, if you want to hide, no one wants to find it.

"Let me think about it. You know this is not a trivial matter. I have to find a good next home to buy your information. I never lose money!"

Downey did not refuse, but mumbled dissatisfiedly, "Cunning businessman, evil capitalist!"

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