Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1039: The aggressive mode of the RB chaebol

"Check, I want to know everything about Donnie Fick from his birth to the present, and whether what he said is true." Sending people away, Yang Cheng told Hansen coldly.

"Boss, do you suspect that Downey is a spy sent by c~i~a?" Hansen questioned.

Yang Cheng nodded, "What c~i~a is best at is to install spies. Recently, at such a sensitive time, a man who claimed to be a former agent of c~i~a came to sell information. I have a hundred reasons to suspect him. The truthfulness of the truth, you must know that things like planting and framing c~i~a are doing it every day."

Hansen, who came out of the army and came out of the battlefield, has always had no good feelings for the guys who live in the shadows all day long, but he didn't say anything, but Andrew did not hold back taunting, "The boss's suspicion is right. , The mice of c~i~a have always liked to do some sneaky things, don’t look at them as they don’t deal with f~b~i, but they have learned everything about fishing law enforcement."

After glaring at Andrew, Hansen led him out to perform the task, and he was never short of excitement with Yang Orange.

. . . . . .

Early the next morning, Yang Cheng received a report from Susu as soon as he came to the company, saying that Ito had been waiting for a long time.

Yang Cheng didn't understand for a moment, what exactly did this little rb want to do?

Soon, Susu brought Ito into the office, accompanied by a beautiful rb girl, but his two good friends were not by his side.

"Mr. Yang, I am very glad to see you again. I just visited your company. It is indeed an international company. It is very stylish and the working atmosphere is very good." Ito Koji gave a compliment as soon as he walked in. Yang Cheng almost didn't. react to.

I was taken aback for a moment, and then he said politely, "I also have a chance to visit your company. We can exchange experience and develop together."

The atmosphere is very harmonious. There is no arrogance when they first met, and the two fully show the businessmen and the wealth-generating side.

Because Ito's secretary was always by the side, Susu did not go out, and was busy with Yang Cheng.

When he came to the salon and took a seat, Koji Ito said straightforwardly, "Mr. Yang, this visit is to cooperate with you. Ito Co., Ltd. intends to jointly acquire Hilton Hotel Group with Yuanshan Capital."

Although no formal documents were submitted, it was not necessary to go through the process if the heirs of the Ito family spoke.

Yang Cheng lowered his head and thought for a while, did not rush to express his attitude, and asked, "I can know whether this is your Ito family's project or the entire First Persuasion Bank Consortium's project. You must know that there is a big difference between the two."

Yang Cheng also knew about the background of the Ito family, so he opened his mouth and pointed out the identity of the first persuasion silver, just to let the other party know that he was not so foolish.

Little rb's international reputation can be achieved by the joint efforts of the consortium, otherwise a certain company will not be able to get on the stage at all, and they are accustomed to the point-to-face model. A certain consortium will attack first and gain a foothold in a market. Related consortia swarmed in to completely occupy this market and drive foreign capital out to achieve the purpose of monopoly. In a way, this set of very mature tactics has been used and is quite successful in the economic field.

The most typical case is that small rb set up a game in order to compete for the rich iron ore resources in Brazil. rb is a big place. All resources are either plundered or bought. In order to develop industry, it is necessary to have overseas bases. Proved reserves of about 21 billion tons, plus the estimated reserves of up to 62 billion tons of Brazilian iron ore is their best target.

As we all know, Brazil's Vale is the world's largest iron ore producer and exporter, and the largest mining company in the American continent, while Brazil's United Mining Corporation is the second-ranked Brazilian mining giant, and the company is officially rb.

The case of rb, headed by the Mitsui Consortium, eroding the second largest mining company in Brazil step by step was included in many business school textbooks.

As early as the 1970s, rb began to take a stake in Brazil's Mining Company's holding company-Brazil Resources. In 1997, taking advantage of the global financial turmoil, the Mitsui Consortium raised its shareholding ratio to 40 in one fell swoop and became Brazil Resources Company. The largest shareholder is also the controlling shareholder and further controls the board of directors.

Brazil Resources Corporation owns nearly 85 shares of Brazil Union Mining Company, so the Mitsui Consortium became the controlling shareholder of Brazil Union Mining.

At the beginning of the new century, the Mitsui Consortium made persistent efforts and used a large amount of funds to complete several equity swaps, directly occupying 5 of Vale’s total shares, making the Mitsui Consortium the third largest shareholder of Vale and directly participating in the management of Vale. And investment.

In the later period, Vale repeatedly tried to drive foreign shareholders out of the board of directors through capital increase and share expansion, but it miscalculated in the face of the strong financial resources of the rb people. Mitsui and the cooperating consortium had sufficient financial resources to cooperate with Vale to complete the capital increase and maintain their own shareholding ratio. change.

As a result, the Mitsui Consortium indirectly controlled Brazil’s iron ore resources through its equity participation in Brazil’s two largest iron ore companies-Vale and Brazil Consolidated Mining Company, and occupied the commanding heights in the upper reaches of the steel industry chain, which is equivalent to rb Steel companies opened the door to Brazil.

The above process took a full 30 years, but only completed the first ring of the layout, and then the most important:

After opening a breakthrough in the raw material market, the Mitsui Consortium began to introduce Nippon Steel, the largest steel company in rb, into Brazil. When Nippon Steel entered Brazil, it was aimed at Brazil’s largest steel company-Uminas, and Uminas in Brazil. Shareholders include Nippon Steel, Vale, and several major industrial giants and construction companies, with an annual production capacity of 9.5 million tons, accounting for 28% of Brazil’s steel production. Nippon Steel acquired shares of other Uminas shareholders to hold them in total. Shares reached more than 20, becoming the new controlling shareholder.

After subduing the local steel leader, Nippon Steel began to establish its own Brazilian company, enclosing territory, and determining its sphere of influence.

Since Nippon Steel Group started building a large-scale steel plant in Brazil, the total investment has exceeded 600 billion yen. The company's output accounts for about 20% of Brazil's steel output. By building a new company, Nippon Steel can prevent the loss of core technology , To avoid large-scale overseas investment risks, and at the same time to deliver a large amount of steel raw materials to the country, and at the same time there is spare capacity to sell to other countries lacking raw materials, such as country z, which has made huge profits with two birds with one stone.

But the plot of the rb people has never been so simple. When Nippon Steel had the ability to control its largest steel company and its own factory in Brazil, it began to intervene in the entire industry, carried out a major industry reshuffle, and further determined itself. Right to speak.

First, Nippon Steel’s Uminas Company invested nearly US$1 billion to acquire three mines in Brazil, thereby occupying the world’s highest-quality iron ore producing areas. At the same time, a subsidiary of the Mitsui Consortium established a port in Rio de Janeiro. The expansion can not only be used for the group's ore transportation, but also gain a dominant position in the logistics industry.

At the same time, rb’s allies rushed into the South American continent, including Ito Koji’s family business Ito Co., Ltd., JFE Steel, Sumitomo Metal Industries, Kobe Steel, Nisshin Steel, etc. The rb steel alliance formed a controlling stake in another Brazilian company. The company, the Brazilian National Mining Company, firmly holds the future of Brazil’s entire steel industry in the hands of the rb people. This hand almost digs the foundation of Brazil’s future and also allows rb to intervene in the zheng altar of the largest country in South America. Emboldened.

In general, the ambitions of the rb people have never been so easily satisfied. Through the model of economic overseas invasion, that is, the general trading company first shares in local leading companies under the name of commerce, and obtains relevant business intelligence. In certain industries with market prospects , Through direct or indirect acquisition to gradually achieve the holding or close to holding position, and then introduce its upstream or downstream enterprises into local enterprises to form an industrial chain, and finally integrate and reshuffle the local industry to achieve the purpose of controlling the entire industrial chain~www completed the all-round invasion of zz, culture and other fields.

In this way, the RB people have greatly increased their voice in the world. They know that they have the lifeblood of a country’s industrial development. If we cannot meet our conditions, I will not sell it to you, even if it is due to your military strength. If you have to sell it, you have to take a tube of blood from you, and it won't let you pass it easily.

The country that suffers the most is country Z. The rb people and Vale have repeatedly speculated on the price of high-speed iron ore. While allowing China to swallow the bitter fruit, they are also secretly achieving one goal after another, and making your money still makes you suffer. Say no Out, the means of small rb can be seen.

Therefore, Yang Cheng never mind looking at the RB with a malicious eye. Not to mention the other abilities of this nation, the destructive power is absolutely rare in the world. On the surface, he is polite to you, and he stabbed the knife without mercy. rb people leave the impression of the whole world.

It’s just that Yang Cheng didn’t understand. If the acquisition of the Hilton Group is a precursor to another overseas invasion by the RB, what is their purpose? Everyone understands the importance of controlling iron ore and steel production, but what does the Hilton Group have? To put it bluntly, it’s just a leader in the service industry. No matter how high the market value is, it is not of strategic significance. The acquisition of Hilton Group will not increase the confidence of rb people in facing American dads. It can be said that apart from sending money to American dads, they can’t find it. At least Yang Cheng himself didn't see any profound meaning.

What's more, Ito Koji asked for cooperation when he came up. This is contrary to Xiaorb’s usual style. It’s right to invest in shares first, but you should not introduce yourself to a strong competitor. The wolves are the most familiar to rb people, because they usually It was the wolf that was introduced!

However, Ito Koji's next words not only failed to answer Yang Cheng's doubts, but became increasingly confused. . .

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