Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1041: Conspiracy on low-end sales

Originally, Yang Cheng was going to continue to decline. He felt that the risk of cooperating with rb was too high, and he didn't want the Hilton brand. Why should he share it with others since he is thinking about acquisition?

Just when he was about to change the conversation, he saw Ito Koji’s very excited face, his brain moved, and he swallowed it back when he wanted to speak. From Ito’s surname, he thought of another brand-Ito Yokado !

The most famous of Ito Yokado is the global chain of convenience store brand 7-11. Of course, as the parent company, Ito Yokado has little relationship with the Ito family. The Ito family is the core of the First Persuasion Consortium. Ito Yokado is an important puzzle of the Mitsui system, and the two parties only cooperated in the Z company of Ito Yokado.

Compared with Hilton, Yang Cheng is more optimistic about 7-11, the king of the low-end retail sector. Of course, it is also more convenient to control. Hilton's background is too complicated, and it is difficult for the Yang family to balance it alone. Shen is to make wedding dresses for others.

But Ito Yokado is different. Although the background is the same and it is backed by the top rb consortium, its country z branch is relatively independent and easier to control. Most importantly, 7-11 is backed by the country z market. The economy is in a stage of steadily taking off, the future prospects are very promising, and there is more room for operation.

The development prospects of Hilton Hotels will be much smaller. Now the downturn in the global hotel industry does not know how long it will last. For these considerations, Yang Cheng feels that it is a good time to take advantage of Xiaorb’s initiative to come home. It is more cost-effective to seek a 7-11 country z company than to acquire the Hilton Group directly.

With this thought, Yang Cheng's attitude became more and more friendly, "Brother Ito, I have another proposal here, I don't know if you are interested."

He lifted Koji Ito's appetite, "Of course, if you have any suggestions, Brother Yang, but it doesn't matter."

Yang Cheng didn’t sell Guanzi, and said straightforwardly, “I know that ITOCHU is a shareholder of Ito Yokado Z Country Corporation. Yuanshan Capital can help you purchase shares of the Hilton Group of equal value in exchange for what the ghost family holds. Ito Yokado Z Country Corporation shares, what do you think of this proposal?"

Koji Ito was stunned for a moment. He never thought that Yang Cheng would hit Ito Yokado’s body. He frowned for a while, then smiled bitterly, "Brother Yang, if I guessed correctly, you are Do you want a 7-11 convenience store?"

Yang Cheng didn't understand, so he just nodded, why is Koji Ito's attitude like this? Neither agree nor angry.

Koji Ito took a sip of coffee, "Brother Yang, I’m afraid you’re going to miscalculate. Ito Yokado’s Z company is not responsible for the 7-11 brand, but is responsible for the development and management of the comprehensive shopping plaza. The centralization of the management power in Country Z in the hands of Ito Yokado Z Country Company is only symbolic because the agency power is too scattered.

To be honest, country Z is too big, and the previous agency authorization is messy, which makes the southeast, northwest and northwest not a faction at all. Beijing, Tianjin Wei, and Rongcheng are dominated by rb7-11, while Shanghai stock market is the same as Dawan 7-11. Factions, and 7-11 in Yangcheng is the agent of Xiangjiang Milk Company. They can't form the fighting power of the group and restrain each other. This is the reason why 7-11 has not been able to develop in the mainland of country Z. "

Yang Cheng was stunned. He still wanted to be simple, or that he didn’t have a deep understanding of Ito Yokado. He didn’t expect this situation. The complexity is no less than that of the Hilton Group. Within time, Yang Cheng retreated in his heart. He wanted to make money, but he didn't want to get him into trouble. Neither the Xiangjiang Milk Company nor the faction of Dayan were friendly and might be involved in fighting. Yang Cheng has a lot of energy, what can't he make money with this time?

He shook his head, "In that case, this proposal is invalidated, just as I didn't say it."

This time Ito Koji was anxious, and Yang Cheng was about to agree to cooperate, but he flinched because of what he said, and he didn't even have any nostalgia. This made him regret it, and he could not wait to pull his own mouth, and blamed himself for being cheap and idle. It's okay to pretend to be kind.

"Brother Yang wait a minute, don't rush to make a decision. If Brother Yang values ​​the low-end retail field, there is no second choice." Koji Ito said hastily.

Yang Cheng frowned, "The second option? You should know that I like 7-11 because of the particularity of its brand. At least in my mind, there is no second option that can replace it."

Ito Koji smirked, "In fact, there is a brand in rb that is not inferior to 7-11, and its scale in the local area far exceeds. Of course, the influence in the international market outside Asia is lacking, but in Yang brother The country’s development potential is no less than 7-11."

Yang Cheng had a guess, "You don't want to talk about Lawson convenience store, do you?"

Ito Koji pretended to arch his hands, "Exactly~"

Yang Cheng had no expression on her face, as if the brand was completely unconceptual to him.

Of course not. On the contrary, he really understands this. Although it is only on the surface, it is enough for him to slap Ito Koji. P, 7-11 is backed by Mitsui, and there is no one behind Lawson convenience store. ? Just kidding, the six rb consortiums control more than 60 companies across the country. Lawson claims to be the second largest convenience store chain in rb. How could it have no background, and the background is not weak, they are all three-year-old compatriots-the Mitsubishi Consortium is also.

Regarding this quite well-known rb consortium, Yang Cheng didn't have a good face. They were the main war criminals of the year. The family that rose step by step by invading other countries can give Yang Cheng a good impression?

However, the impression belongs to the impression. Yang Cheng still recognizes and even fears Mitsubishi's strong foundation. Don't look at it because of its bloated volume and slowly show its fatigue. It even has the taste of being a little bit weaker, but its penetration in various fields , Is still the dominant level.

Unlike Mitsui’s business and mining, Mitsubishi started as a shipping company. At the end of the 19th century, it even reached a monopoly. It even acquired the first-ranked shipping company under the Mitsui Consortium through tough methods, and then began to carry out The limited diversification development is also the expansion in the same industrial chain, such as wharf warehouses, shipping insurance, etc., but in the early 20th century, it began to become a true diversified integration because it followed the army to eat and drink. With the development of the consortium, the reputation of Mitsubishi Corporation slowly spread across the world.

Like Mitsui & Co., Mitsubishi Corporation is absolutely beyond your imagination. Let’s put it this way, Mitsubishi Corporation is involved in all areas you can think of, and even in many areas that outsiders do not need to control. Under Yi’s command, from fighter jets, tanks, and warships of military products, to strategic industries such as pharmaceuticals, petroleum and minerals, and even the lives of people on the streets, including Lawson convenience stores, fashion shows, milk, etc., it really penetrates people. All walks of life in life.

It is not difficult to understand why Yang Cheng's fear of Mitsubishi even exceeds that of Mitsui.

"Hurry up, with Mitsubishi Corporation's possessiveness, I have never heard of anyone who has managed to **** food from their hands." Yang Cheng is really unwilling to deal with rb's big consortiums, not afraid. Mainly because they are afraid of trouble. This group of people are lice. If they don’t bite, they can’t get rid of them. Even if they have to cooperate, it’s best to be a rising star other than Mitsui and Mitsubishi, at least to the degree of disgusting. A lot lower, Yang Cheng is confident to get rid of it, such as Ito Koji in front of him.

Koji Ito shook his hand sullenly. He found that he seemed unable to refute Yang Cheng's words, let alone outsiders, that is, if the Ito family wanted to grab food with Mitsubishi Corporation, they had to plan carefully and make meticulous benefits. Exchange the plan, otherwise Mitsubishi will definitely go crazy.

Seeing that the conversation was on the verge of collapse, Koji Ito gritted his teeth, "How about FamilyMart? This is our Ito brand. As long as we sell it, no one dares to have an opinion."

Yang Cheng didn’t even think about it this time, and shook his head very firmly, “I’m not interested. The main market of FamilyMart’s convenience store is concentrated in facing 7-11 and Lawson and the locals in the z country. The multi-faceted flanking of self-owned brands. It costs a lot of money to stand out. And I hate dealing with Dawan people. They are all outsiders, outsiders, insiders, and I want to enter the low-end retail industry to reap the benefits. , It’s not for siege.”

Koji Ito is going crazy, he has never seen Yang Cheng such a "hypocritical" person, besides, why is the convenience store not strong enough? No matter how it is rb's third-largest convenience store chain, it has a considerable market share in East Asia and Southeast Asia, and has made achievements in the US market. Its market value remains stable at 10 billion US dollars. Why is it so bad?

Yang Cheng may also realize that he is a bit too much. He sneered at this and touched his nose, and comforted, "Brother Ito, when doing business, naturally you have to discuss it, and you can’t benefit one party and harm the other party’s interests. The road is nowhere. Let’s find another way. Don’t worry.

Ito Koji almost spurted Yang Cheng with a mouthful of old blood, p, you have finished talking about good and bad things, what else can I say?

But he also saw that Yang Cheng was not unwilling to cooperate, but he wanted to take the opportunity to get a big vote. For Yang Cheng, Hilton’s attractiveness was not enough for him to contribute money and effort, so he had to provide him with all his strength. Motivation to sell, such as 7-11 with the same brand value, or other brands.

Koji Ito’s ambition for the Hilton Group is indeed as Yang Cheng thought. It involves the secrets of the family and the consortium behind it. Of course he can’t share it with Yang Cheng. For this reason, he doesn’t mind being slaughtered by Yang Cheng. When the Hilton Group gets it, the benefits will be several times what he has paid now. He has such confidence.

Therefore, Koji Ito is crazy about filtering the family's brands in his mind. Which one is Yang Cheng tempted?

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