Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1042: Nausea Bay

ITOCHU Corporation started its business in linen cloth, and it has spanned a century and a half now. It has a wide range of business fields. There are as many as hundreds of direct subsidiary holding companies. It is not difficult to find a well-known brand.

But the crux of the problem lies in Yang Cheng’s picky appetite. Not every brand can be in his eyes. Especially, there are few brands that are comparable to Hilton Group to a certain extent, let alone this brand. It has a certain weight in the Z country market.

After screening by various conditions, let alone Koji Ito find a good brand, and this brand has recently fallen into a great credibility crisis. The family is considering whether to stop the loss in time, so as to prevent the brand from falling apart and losing money. I can’t get the money back. This brand is the famous instant noodle brand owner in Z country. Itochu bought 20% of the shares of the brand’s parent company Max Group as early as 10 years ago. Later, it continued to increase its holdings. twenty two%.

However, due to the edible oil crisis that broke out recently, the market value of Master Zhuan was as high as hundreds of billions of Hong Kong dollars. Now it has fallen by more than 50 billion Hong Kong dollars, and the market value has shrunk by nearly half. Similarly, the shares of the 22% top-paying group have also become It’s not so valuable anymore, because the most valuable asset under the Max Salary Group is the Master Champ Company. Counting the added value of other brands under Max Salary Group, these 22% of the shares are worth 4 billion Hong Kong dollars, which is converted into US dollars. More than 500 million, you have to know that the acquisition cost nearly 800 million US dollars that year, and the loss was huge!

Seeing that the stock price is still unimpeded on the downward channel, ITOCHU's management can't help but stop the loss. Of course, buyers are not so easy to find. First of all, the buyer must have a strong interest in the Z country market; The buyer's anti-risk ability must be strong enough; in the end, it is best for the buyer to take out cash for the acquisition.

Therefore, there are very few buyers who meet these three conditions at the same time, and investors are not fools. The disturbance caused by Master Zhan may drag down the entire maximum salary group. Knowing that it is a pit, who is there? Will step into it.

Now Koji Ito thinks that Yang Cheng is a good buyer. Yuanshan Capital is a Chinese enterprise. Needless to say, what kind of affection he has for the market of the motherland, he has strong financial strength, has enough funds to resist risks, and is willing to spend time waiting. The re-emergence of Master Fan, the most important thing is that the Yang family can help the Ito family to win the Hilton Hotel, which is more satisfying than a cash acquisition.

So when Yang Cheng was about to wait impatiently, he finally opened his mouth and said, "What is Mr. Yang's opinion on the brand of Master Zhan? This is the largest fast-selling product brand in Country Z, and its market share has always been the first! "

Yang Cheng thought about it. When Ito said so, he remembered that the national brand that has been criticized by the people of Z for many years, the majority shareholder behind it is RB people, and there is more than one RB person. Sanyang Foods is the number one master of tan. The major shareholder, ITOCHU Corporation, also holds shares in the parent company of Shifu Zhu. In such a calculation, for every bag of Shifu instant noodles or other types of food consumed by Z people, one-third of them go into the pockets of RB people, which is really unhappy.

However, now there is a chance that the national brand can return to the hands of the Chinese. Yang Cheng feels that this business is worth doing. As for the current turbulent crisis, Yang Cheng doesn't think it is a big deal. After he successfully buys the shares, he will use Thunder to launch it. A few responsible persons are scapegoats, and then a wave of price cuts will be made, plus public opinion control, and the stock price will return soon.

The reason why the arrogance is so fierce and has not been resolved is entirely because the Diwan people are stupid and arrogant. Since they want to make money, they have to show sincerity, put themselves in a high position, and treat all Chinese people as fools. It's strange to be stripped of two layers of skin.

Seeing Yang Cheng's eyes brighter and brighter, Ito Koji's heart fell halfway, and he couldn't help but think proudly, "Sure enough, the patriotic complex is the most effective weapon against the people of Country Z."

Yang Cheng leaned forward and smiled with interest, "Brother Ito, we can talk about this business."

Koji Ito stretched out his hand and said, "Of course, the current market value of the shares of the Max Salary Group is about 500 million US dollars. I don't know if Brother Yang has any questions about this."

Yang Cheng quickly searched the current share price of Master Zhan through the software, then converted it in his mind, and then agreed.

However, when he searched, he also accidentally found a few interesting news. He couldn’t help but have more ideas. He raised his mouth and smiled, “Brother Ito, I have two small conditions as the icing on the cake. Satisfaction is better, and it cannot and will not affect our cooperation."

Ito Koji didn't dare to neglect. He didn't believe Yang Cheng's words. If it didn't affect the cooperation, I'm afraid that if he couldn't be satisfied, the business would end here.

Yang Cheng clicked on the news, and then handed the phone to Koji Ito.

The content of the news is that Max Salary Group is negotiating with Malaysia's IOI Group to sell 37% of the shares in the Daiwan 101 Building. The negotiation was going smoothly. Both parties are about to sign a contract, but the Daiwan authorities jumped out. The negotiation was stopped because it suspected that the IOI Group has a Chinese background, and clamored that even if it was sold to RB people, it would not be sold to Z people. The strange brain circuit of these idiots Yang Cheng declined to comment, but it does not prevent him from spending money. Disgusting and disgusting them, buy the landmark building in Daliwan? Happy thinking about it!

Pointing to the news, "The first condition is this. You help me buy the 37% of the shares in the Dayan 101 Building, and it will be included in the Hilton share transaction."

Koji Ito gave a wry smile. He has been educated in the culture of Country Z since he was a child, not because of his love, but simply to do business with the people of Country Z better. This is an education that every descendant of the RB big chaebol family must receive. Excellent, anyway, you can't ask three questions.

And Koji Ito is the one with excellent grades, which can be seen from his ability to speak Chinese that is not authentic but very fluent.

Because of this, he is well aware of the taboos of the people of Country Z. For the mainlanders of Country Z, Diwan and their RB are taboos, and the stick is half a stick, so things involving these three places are no small things.

Now Yang Cheng wants to take the landmark of Didawan. This is definitely the face of the authorities of Didawan. You must know that the Yang family has maintained a friendly relationship with the mainland of Country Z over the years. Although it is not close, it is absolutely absolute at the critical moment. There is no doubt that they will help. Therefore, it is not wrong for the Dawan authorities to count the Yang family as a Chinese-funded background.

It’s easy for the Ito family to come forward and take the shares, but the difficulty lies in how to transfer the shares to Yang Cheng. This requires a good preparation, but Ito Koji is confident that for him, staying bay people are much easier to deal with, at most It just costs some brain cells and it won't be impossible, so he simply thought for a while and then simply agreed.

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