Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1043: Ivan and his wife come home

"I agreed, what about the second condition?" Ito Koji did not surprise Yang Cheng at all. The first condition was not difficult, and Ito Koji had no reason to refuse.

But the second one is hard to say, "If I remember correctly, another major shareholder of Master Fan Holdings is Sanyang Foods, which has more than 30 shares. I also hope to get it together."

Sure enough, Ito Koji instinctively refused to hear these words, "The Sanyo Group is one of the pillars of the Mitsui system, not to mention that this may be related to the core strategy of the Sanyo Group. I am not sure to convince the other party."

Yang Cheng waved his hand when he heard the words, "Brother Ito, Sanyang Foods is at most a Mitsui-based fourth-tier company, and even the first three-tier companies have not entered. I think the difficulty is far less than you imagined. For the personality of the person, Sanyang Group must have fought for the management right of Master Zhan, but the result obviously ended in failure. Without the right to operate, Master Zhan is a tasteless to Sanyang Group."

Ito Koji didn't know what to say, Yang Cheng's second condition really stumped him, but Yang Cheng's words sounded very reasonable and seemed to have the possibility of manipulation.

With a sigh, Koji Ito said, "I promise to fight hard, but the result depends on God's will."

Yang Cheng shrugged. Anyway, he couldn't get the shares held by Sanyang Group. Yang Cheng didn't have much interest in the 22 shares of Max Salary Group. Don't look at Max Salary Group, besides the master of chaff, as well as Dicos and Weiquan. The two major brands, as well as the participating FamilyMart convenience store, but in the actual revenue share, the real pillar of the top salary group, the other two brands are just icing on the cake.

But he went to the Bayer with a terrible nausea. If he can't take the absolute controlling rights, the effect of nausea will be greatly reduced.

Koji Ito reluctantly accepted Yang Cheng's conditions, and immediately rushed back to rb to start operations. Whether it was the acquisition of the 101 building or the shares of Sanyang Group, it was not something that could be done in a day or two, Yang Cheng waited.

. . . . . .

It was early December. The temperature in New York dropped sharply, and the day was hovering in single digits. The ladies of the Upper East Side stopped discussing going to Hampton for vacation. The temperature was too low and it could freeze into popsicles by the sea.

In this season, the wealthy and leisurely veteran aristocrats of the Upper East Side mostly took private jets to Miami, and waited until Christmas to return to experience the winter atmosphere. Originally, Yang Cheng was one of them, but he didn’t look for anything to come to him. , Ivan and his wife came, and then came to explore Yang Cheng's tone under the pretext of visiting.

Yang Cheng looked at the serious Ivan opposite and licked the corners of her mouth. It was a normal movement. In Ivan's eyes, it was Chi Guoguo's seduction, but she couldn't do anything in front of her husband. She was so angry that her teeth were itchy. .

Seeing that the atmosphere was a little strange, Kushner didn't think much, and said, "Jan, we haven't seen each other in almost a year?"

Yang Cheng shrugged, judging from his appearance, he should have forgotten his previous unhappiness selectively. In that case, Yang Cheng would not hold it back. After all, he pried his wife, so Yang Cheng was still at a loss.

"Yeah, the last time I met was at your home party. Time flies." Pretending to be emotional, Yang Cheng once again teased Ivan with his eyes. After so long, he has become more and more handsome.

Kushner agreed with a smile, and the conversation turned, "By the way, Jan, you had an appointment with my father-in-law before? Don't know what's the matter?"

He knowingly asked this, and of course he was also passing a narration to Yang Cheng.

Yang Cheng took a sip of coffee and did not answer directly, but instead asked, "Do you have a good relationship with the Zhao family?"

Kushner and Ivan glanced at each other, neither admitted nor denied, "There has been a cooperation, the relationship is okay."

"I don't waste each other's time around the corners. Let's just say it. The Zhao family put forward a proposal for cooperation. After thinking about it, I decided to give it a try. So I wanted to talk to Mr. Donald in person, but he It seems that there is some misunderstanding about me and he refuses to meet." Yang Cheng really doesn't want to talk nonsense, there is c~i~a outside that disturbs his mood, and it is going to be 2016, and some things will not be settled. The day lily is cold.

The Ivans, who had speculated before coming, were immediately pleased. During this time, many allies have joined the Donrad camp, but all the hands that have a decisive role are counted, especially in the media. In the field, Murdoch has always been reluctant to make efforts, and has completely fallen behind his competitors in public opinion. Yang Cheng throwing an olive branch at this time is tantamount to giving charcoal in the snow.

Kushner immediately took the mistake to himself, lest Yang Cheng felt awkward and refused to cooperate.

"Jan, blame me for this. When you contacted your father-in-law, we had a big fight. You also know his character. If he is in a bad mood, let alone work, he can ignore everything." Kushner said the reason. The search is perfect, and the underlying meaning is very simple: Can you have a general knowledge of neurosis?

Ivan lowered her head and smiled bitterly. To tell the truth, she was used to her father's neuroticism. Can a person who can tell the media that she wants to kiss her daughter Fangze, can the brain circuit be normal?

Kushner said again, "Jan, when we met last year, I spoke out and tried. At that time, you gave me a very negative attitude, so I never took the initiative to talk to you. This time I will not hide from you, Zhao Home is more based on the interests promised by the Elephant Party. If you can join our team, you will immediately replace the Zhao family and become our first think tank for the Chinese constituency."

Yang Cheng immediately waved his hand when he heard it, "No, no, you misunderstood Kushner. I will not personally join Mr. Donald’s campaign team, not just Mr. Donald, I will never stand in person at any time. Canvass for someone before the stage.

The help I can provide is limited to the resources I personally have. "

He emphasized the individual. He didn't drag the entire Yang family into the water. That would be unwise. Maybe he would turn against the donkey party, which he didn't want to see.

Kushner frowned, seemingly dissatisfied with Yang Cheng's words, and his voice became serious, "Jan, as far as I know, you personally are very close to Mrs. Zipton."

Yang Cheng smiled frankly and didn't deny it at all, "So what? Isn't it normal to bet on both sides? Before the result comes out, who dares to stud?"

Having said that, Kushner is still not satisfied, "Jan, I need to see sincerity. Only when you show full sincerity can I have the capital to persuade the father-in-law to grant you more benefits."

Yang Cheng chuckled and shook his head, "I'll be honest, for Mr. Donald's current situation, I can provide more help than my family. Don't forget that New Times Media is in my hands, before it goes public. The board of directors has only one voice, and that is my voice, so you don’t have to worry about my lack of support. Instead, what you have to consider is, if I pay a large enough price, what should you do if you lose?"

His remarks concealed a threat, and everyone was better off winning, but if I lose, I don’t guarantee that I will not retaliate.

Kushner furrowed his brows deeper, "Jan, this is a bet~gaming, no one can guarantee that you will win every bet."

Yang Cheng disagrees, "So what I said is very clear, as much strength as you pay, no one will lose in a fair deal, and I require the benefits to be honored first. To be honest, I don’t believe in Mr. Donald. His character, he often does things like this, and he is well-known throughout the United States.

On the contrary, I have the same attitude towards Mrs. Zipperton. To put it bluntly, you regard standing in line as a gambling. In my opinion, this is just a business. I don’t expect to rely on anyone to fly. Skyrocketing, our Yang family does not need either. "

Ivan smiled bitterly again, but how did she refute? Yang Cheng was right. This has become the consensus of almost everyone who has dealt with Donald.

Yang Cheng’s thoughts came about just now. Before that, he had always been entangled in which side to support. According to the memory of the future, it seemed that he would help Donald with all his strength. The benefits he could get were the greatest, but he helped Mrs. Zipton. Blowing up a thunder in advance makes the chances of Madame Zipton reach the top in this life is even greater, and he has relied on the past in the early days. If he can successfully reverse history, the benefits he can get are equally high. .

But just now I didn’t know what was going on, I suddenly figured it out. With the current status of the Yang family, although the risk is still not small, and the enemies coveting their family are countless, it seems that there is no need for this gambling, through legitimate business exchanges, It can also get a lot of benefits, and it is more attractive to make a steady profit without losing money than a high return from a high risk.

Note that this is not to maintain neutrality. As mentioned earlier, the closer you are to Daxuan, the smaller the space for neutrality. Yang Cheng just made a profiteer attitude of admitting money. My resources are here. Got it!

Kushner was silent for a while, and shook his head with a wry smile, "So, let's just do it, everyone is a business man, and fair trade is indeed a good choice."

Yang Cheng stretched out her hand, "Look, our chat is very enjoyable, right? Would you like a drink to celebrate?"

Kushner nodded helplessly, "Of course, I really should have a drink, but it's not a celebration for me, but a drink to sorrow, you are too good jan, your ability is beyond my imagination."

Yang Cheng got up, poured a glass of whiskey for the Ivan couple in person, and said appropriately, "I'm overwhelmed. I just made a decision that suits me best. If this hurts you, I sincerely apologize to you."

After taking the wine glass and bumping Yang Cheng, Kushner snorted, "In that case, I hope you will take action now to help suppress public opinion on the Internet. The father-in-law's attack on the donkey party'zz' was correct the other day. His remarks aroused the anger of ethnic minorities. There was a lot of scolding on the Internet, and the poll went down a few points. Originally, I wanted to ask Mr. Murdoch for help. Now it’s the same for you."

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