Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1047: You lie to me i lie to you

   "Asshole, you won, quickly let go, get the money, and then you guys get out of the way~"

   Donnie Fick's appearance at this time is really not very good-looking, and the violent blue veins on his neck and forehead look very hideous.

   Yang Cheng waved his hand to signal Hansen to let him go. He believed that at this time, Donnie Fick would make the most correct choice.

Sure enough, Donnie Fick stood up and glanced at Yang Cheng resentfully, but he ignored Hansen’s nearly broken wrist. He walked a few steps to the garbage dump in the corner and pulled it for a while, then pulled out a black piece from the cracks in the brick. Mini SD card.

   went back to Yang Cheng and gestured with the SD card, "Where is my money?"

   Yang Cheng smiled, her expression very innocent, "What money?"

Donnie Fick was taken aback for a moment, and it was obvious that Yang Cheng's sudden rhetoric made his head not turn around. As a result, it took a full 2 ​​seconds to understand that it was already too late. Hansen quickly shot with a hand knife. It was cut on the back of Downey’s head without any accident. Downey fell down and landed face on the ground. This is a standard shit. It is estimated that his face will be broken, but Yang Cheng doesn’t care, even when he wakes up. It doesn't matter whether you will curse yourself later, anyway, when you get something, people are willing to curse a few words, and there is a lot of meat.

Just when Donnie Fick turned his back to fetch the SD card, Yang Cheng quickly communicated with Hansen. Of course, the two of them used lip language and gestures during the communication. Not aware of it.

   Yang Cheng squatted down and pulled out the SD card from Donnie Fick's hand. Not to mention his strong hands, it is probably unwilling to subconsciously.

   took the SD card and threw it to Hansen, stood up on his knees, "Go, find a room to hide."

Hansen rushed to lead the way. Behind Andrew's house, the three masters and servants didn't say a word. They quickly went downstairs to find an empty room and got in. Andrew quickly cleared the traces. A few minutes later, there was a rush. The sound of footsteps slowly drifted away from far to near, Yang Cheng hiding in the room could hear the exclamation of the C~I~A agents who found Donny Fick lying on the roof, and communicate with each other the sound of.

Hansen lay on the door and listened for a while. When he was sure that the agents were on the roof and there should be no people in the stairs and corridors, he opened the door and waved at Yang Cheng and Andrew. The three rushed at extremely fast speeds. When he arrived downstairs, he disappeared from the eyes of the agents who were guarding in the car with the cover of the garbage can and the fire stairs.

   After several laps in this run-down residential area, he almost stunned the homeless, until Hansen was sure that no one would be following him before he got in the car and left.

Maybach was speeding up, Yang Cheng sat in the back row and heaved a sigh of relief. Just now it was really close, and almost collided head-on with the C~I~A. Fortunately, there was no danger in the end, and she successfully avoided it. C~I~A's sight also got what I wanted.

To be honest, he really wanted to make a deal with Donnie Fick at first, but Yang Cheng suddenly felt that keeping Donnie Fick outside was a hidden danger. For a calculating agent, the level of frontal combat might not be enough. , But if they are lurking in the dark waiting for an opportunity to give a fatal blow, this is their specialty. Yang Cheng doesn't want to expose herself to the gun all day because of a momentary softheartedness, so she can only apologize to Donnie Fick.

   Yang Cheng would not feel proud of sacrificing others for his own life. Of course, he would not regret it if he did it all. The same result would be the same again.

   Hansen looked at the SD card in the co-pilot, his expression getting more and more serious, suddenly his pupils dilated, he turned his head abruptly, and said to Yang Cheng, "Boss, we were cheated~"

Andrew, who also heard this, slammed the brakes. The Maybach, with excellent safety performance, turned from motion to standstill in a very short distance. This action can hurt the car behind. A series of events occurred in the lane where Maybach was located. The brakes were slammed, and the tires rubbed against the ground violently and made a sharp sound. Fortunately, there were not many cars on the road at this time, and the distance between the cars was maintained relatively well, without causing a serial rear-end collision.

   Andrew also realized that it was not good, and quickly restarted the vehicle. After passing the red light, he randomly found a roadside stop and smiled apologetically at Yang Cheng.

   Yang Cheng, who was almost overturned by the sudden brake, just glared at this reckless guy, then looked at Hansen, his words were the root cause of the accident.

   Hansen raised the SD card and gave a wry smile, "Boss, although I am not sure yet, this card is almost always blank. It is too new and there is no trace of it."

Yang Cheng's face sank, grabbed the SD card, opened the car window, and looked carefully at the sun for a while, clenching his posterior teeth, almost squeezing a national curse from his teeth, "cao ~"

As Hansen said, the chip position of this card is the same as it was just unpacked. There are no scratches on the SD interface at all. This is not realistic at all, but he still does not give up, pushing the door and standing outside the car and scanning left and right On the lap, I found a hotel next to me. I ran in a few steps to the front desk and opened a suite. I also specifically asked for a room with a computer.

   completed the check-in procedure as quickly as possible. Apart from anything else, he took the elevator to the room, followed by Hansen and Andrew.

Turning on the computer and inserting the SD card There were no surprises. Yang Cheng looked at the empty page and laughed angrily. Fortunately, he still feels that he is not doing this properly. It turns out that everyone is each other, worthy of C ~I~A's former elite agent, this method is fine.

   Andrew asked anxiously, "What about the boss? Shall we go get people back?"

   Hansen frowned and scolded, "Don't make any mistakes, grab someone from C~I~A? Are you going to wander to the South Pole in the future?"

   After learning the result, the anger in Yang Cheng's heart was not so strong. I lied to you and you lied to me and owed no one. Isn't it fair?

   smirked and shook his head, "Hansen is right. After all, we can't fight against a country's violent agencies. I'm not that long."

Hansen hesitated and suggested, "Boss, why don't we go back to the rooftop to check it out. Think about it from another place. If I were Donny Fick, I would never hide such an important thing elsewhere. It must be Within my line of sight, it’s hard to say that C~I~A has already taken people back to Langley at this time. At most one or two people are in the vicinity of the rooftop for routine business. We sneak back and won't be noticed by anyone."

   Andrew nodded repeatedly, "Yes, boss, it doesn't matter if there is a small team watching, they can't stop me."

Yang Cheng listened to the two confidantes’ suggestions, and thought it would be nice to check it out, maybe Agent C~I~A was still immersed in the joy of catching people, and before he had time to thoroughly search the scene, the information and the list were actually stored. The SD card is still left in place?

  :. :

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