Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1048: Big mouth and trouble

   Yang Cheng and Hansen stayed in the hotel and waited. Andrew sneaked back to the rooftop alone. After half an hour passed, there was still no good news.

   Seeing Yang Cheng pacing in the room, Hansen couldn't help but feel relieved, "Boss, maybe the people from C~I~A haven't evacuated, and Andrew can't rush in either."

   Yang Cheng rubbed his face and sat down *, "I know, I'm fine, how would C~I~A treat him after Donnie Fick was taken away?"

Hansen hesitated, "According to what I know about C~I~A, to treat traitors, they usually use a large dose of Veritaserum to squeeze the last drop of oil and water out of the stomach, and then let him fend for himself. "

   Yang Cheng frowned, "Sir?"

   Hansen nodded, "Basically, people who have used Veritaserum will not turn into idiots and it will not be much better, but for traitors, C~I~A definitely doesn't mind increasing the dose. The outcome is doomed."

   Yang Cheng's heart tightened. He was not worried about Donnie Fick's fate, but because he was afraid that he would say something that was not good for him.

   Now he can only pin his hopes on Andrew. If he can find a real SD card, there is still plenty of room for reversal.

   stood up suddenly, "Has the person behind Donnie Fick checked it out?"

   Hansen shook his head, "No, the other party is hiding very deeply, and Donnie Fick has a wealth of anti-tracking experience. There are not many loopholes that can be found, and it is not enough to let people analyze who is behind."

Yang Orange squeezed his chin and analyzed, "First of all, the people inside C~I~A can be ruled out. With Gina Hespel as the backer, Donnie Fick can already walk sideways in Langley. There is no need to find another one with Ji. The master of Naping level, once he is discovered, he will definitely not have any fruit to eat."

   Hansen interrupted, "Where is Brennan?"

Yang Cheng was taken aback, "Donnie Fick spent some time in Brennan's office, and it also created opportunities for both parties to contact, but the timeline was not aligned. Donnie Fick was getting the list and information. Brennan’s office was transferred later. At that time, he had no use value. Brennan would never bother to dig Gina’s corner, so Brennan’s possibility is unlikely."

   "I think you can look up the opponent of the congressman who stole information from Donny Fick."

   Hansen smiled bitterly, "It has been checked, but the congressman has too many enemies. Almost half of the House of Representatives is his enemy, and there are simply not enough clues for us to screen."

   Yang Cheng sighed. He should have thought of it, and waved his hand, "Let’s wait and see, maybe it’s the next second."

  . . .

After waiting for more than half an hour, Hansen’s phone rang. It was Andrew’s phone. He had obtained the SD card and was on his way back, but he could not determine whether the card was the original card that stored the list and information. .

Ten minutes later, the door was knocked, Hansen hurried over to open the goal and greeted Andrew in. Andrew knew that Yang Cheng was impatient and didn't talk nonsense, so he directly handed Yang Cheng an SD that had obvious traces of use. Boss, see if you want it."

Yang Cheng didn't say a word, patted Andrew on the shoulder heavily, took the SD card and plugged it into the computer. Compared with the empty one before, now this card has a lot of good things, Yang Cheng just glanced at it roughly , I knew it in my heart, this was exactly the card he wanted.

   took out the card, carefully cleaned up the traces, and directly restored the computer to factory settings. This was a long sigh of relief and praised Andrew, "Good job, no trouble, right?"

Andrew scratched the back of his head slyly, "It's okay to trouble. When I went, the people from C~I~A had already sealed the scene, but before I had time to investigate, I just thought of a way and transferred the guards away. Then I found this card in the corner where the garbage was piled up."

   Yang Cheng smiled, "That's good, I will give you a bonus later, this is a good job."

   With this handle in hand, whether facing Gina Hespel or the person hiding behind Donny Fick, Yang Cheng has the confidence.

   "Okay, let's go back and rest first. C~I~A must pay attention to it. If Donnie Fick recruits anything, I hope to know the first time."

However, as soon as he got home before sitting down for a while, Yang Cheng received a "bad news" that the big mouth fired again, and this time it was not a small cannon, but an Italian cannon that has been passed down for hundreds of years. The entire U.S. press was stunned in one shot, knowing that your old boy likes to talk nonsense, but can't you say something nonsense?

   What's the matter? It turned out that Donald said in an interview with the media that if he is successfully elected, he will immediately request the National Archives to release all the secrets of the Kennedy assassination.

   Yang Cheng didn't know what to say when he saw the news. This **** is very harmful. I just wiped your **** dry, and in a blink of an eye you pulled up on your underwear, not so bullying.

   You must know that the Kennedy assassination was a “top priority” for Americans. Although more than 50 years have passed since the incident, the attention of the outside world to this case has never diminished.

A few years before Yang Cheng bought the "New York Times", the "New York Times" also made a special topic-the 50th anniversary of Kennedy's assassination. At that time, it attracted the attention of the United States. Everyone was actively discussing the largest in American history. The conspiracy can be said that apart from the "911" terrorist attacks, the assassination of Kennedy was the most traumatic public event experienced by a whole generation of Americans in their lives. In the 1960s, the U.S. TV penetration rate was as high as Ninety percent, equivalent to the entire United States, "witnessed" the entire process of Kennedy's assassination.

But the people who witnessed the whole process in those days are still not dead. Under such circumstances, Donald has not hesitated to break through. He also claimed that the National Archives should declassify, to the ordinary people or to see the assassination of all people. For the elderly in the process, this is definitely a booster. After all, this mystery has tortured a generation, but for those relevant stakeholders of the conspiracy back then, Donald’s remarks are a provocation by Chi Guoguo, why? Do you think we dare not make another version of Assassination 2.0?

The press in the United States was turbulent for a while. In the absence of specific instructions from above, the editors of various newspapers and websites maximized their brains, and various conspiracy theories were being posted on the Internet in an endless stream. Newspapers were hindered by their own. Seriously, I haven't dared to criticize one party too blatantly, but there are not so many scruples on the Internet.

At least on the Toutiao app, some self-media that took the opportunity to earn hot spots have published one after another provocative and inducing articles, and even those who are not afraid of death directly targeted Lyndon Johnson. Vice President Tong, who has always been questioned, has once again become the subject of verbal criticism.

Lyndon Johnson was sworn in to the U.S. Constitution on Air Force One after Kennedy’s death. He was also regarded as the most profitable suspect. Because Lyndon Johnson under Kennedy had many differences with Kennedy. He, and even quarreled with Kennedy many times, this was confirmed by Bai Gong's internal staff.

In addition, there are still conflicts of interest between them. The Northern Consortium represented by Kennedy and the Southern forces represented by Johnson have always been at odds with each other. At that time, the tax reform policy promulgated by Kennedy touched the interests of the Southern Petroleum Monopoly Group in the United States. Lyndon Johnson is regarded as one of the main reasons behind the scenes;

  Of course, the media has taken a different approach and targeted the black hand dang. The reason is that in the fifth year after John F. Kennedy's death, his brother Robert Kennedy also suffered the same fate during his campaign for the US president. He was assassinated by gunmen.

Robert Kennedy, who was once called the "Washington No. 2 Person" by the Associated Press, has always held a high position within Bai Gong. On many key issues, President Kennedy will seek the advice and attitude of his younger brother. This makes The latter became General Tong’s closest ZZ adviser. Before Kennedy’s assassination, Robert Kennedy, then the U.S. Attorney General, refused to listen to dissuasion and destroyed the black hand in the United States, which violated the interests of the black hand in the United States.

According to the investigation, before Kennedy was killed, the leader of the Florida black-handed Dang revealed to an F~B~I informant, “Kennedy will be killed soon when he is (the chief tong).” These words were also viewed by the media. As evidence that "the black hand dang is behind the scenes".

The murderer Osvallo had been to Mexico City alone two months before the assassination of Kennedy, and then there were speculations that he was there or received training from spy forces in other countries or even black hands. The'magic' third shot at the time of the incident has not yet a reasonable explanation, but everyone agrees that Osvallo must have the help of his accomplices, but this person has never been caught.

Of course, the biggest conspiracy theory all the time still points to F~B~I. In the 1960s, the US economic strength appeared to decline. Kennedy ZF did not want to rely on military industry and rely on global military deployments, but found another way to open up the aerospace industry. Offended many domestic forces in the United States, especially those arms dealers who pointed to military orders to eat feasts, and were full of disdain and dissatisfaction with Kennedy's strategy.

In addition, Kennedy's judgment on the Cuban issue led to the failure of the last "Bay of Pigs Incident", which is also strong evidence. To a certain extent, it was Kennedy's strategy that backfired and consolidated Castro's rights. It evolved into a later missile crisis, which annoyed C~I~A and the US military who wanted to contain Castro.

In addition, President Kennedy appointed his younger brother to be the chief judicial officer, for the first time to force F~B~I to obey the leadership of the judicial system, which to a certain extent limits F~B, who has been the “dominant family for many years” in the American judiciary. ~I Director Hoover’s rights, and the investigations after the death of President Kennedy were all led by F~B~I, and all the information available to the outside world was released by F~B~I, but with F~ B~I and the power of Director Hoover at the time, really couldn't find out the real culprit of the assassination?

  :. :

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