Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1057: Fox Hunt

When Yang Cheng and the others returned to the castle, the old father and father-in-law had just walked into the house, their coats were wet with dew, and they were changing clothes under the servant’s clothing. Two long-barreled shotguns were erected on the corner, with the muzzle still remaining. There were traces of gunpowder and a few drops of blood on the ground that had not been wiped clean, but the prey was gone.

When Yang Cheng came in, she couldn't help asking in surprise, "Did you hit the fox?"

When they arrived in the afternoon, Carson had already informed tonight's activities in advance. It is precisely the prey movement that has been circulated in the upper class of Britain for a hundred years and has been repeatedly banned in recent years.

The British media conducted a survey, and nearly 80 people admitted that the sport was too cruel, but the brightly-dressed aristocrats still enjoyed it, even sophistry saying that most anti-fox hunters are out of jealousy towards the upper class.

However, under pressure from all walks of life, the British zf issued a decree in 2005 to expressly prohibit this ancient noble movement that has been popular for more than 600 years.

However, how can the **** pursuit of entertainment by the nobles that have lasted for hundreds of years stopped? This is a challenge to the upper class! But after all, it’s not the time when the royal family is in power. The nobles can’t do too much. According to the principle that you take your Yangguan road and I cross my single-plank bridge, every fall, the nobles will enthusiastically go out, hunt foxes collectively and enjoy The chasing is fun in this process, but I will never show off my hunting results as crazy as before.

In fact, fox hunting is only one of the sub-categories of hunting sports. It has a long history in the UK. As a kind of upper-class entertainment, there is a reason why it has endured for hundreds of years. The UK has a typical mild and humid environment. The oceanic climate makes the grassy soil extremely fertile, so the English countryside has become a paradise for foxes to play.

Moreover, the active period of foxes lasted for half a year. During this half a year, they acted very arrogantly. They often attacked everywhere and burrowed everywhere, causing huge damage to farmland and livestock. The crops were eaten away, and the farms were destroyed. Farmers and ranchers have caused many troubles and losses, and foxes have gradually become a major public hazard in agriculture and animal husbandry. It is imperative to eliminate these cunning beasts.

As a result, the British people who were already keen on hunting, especially those British aristocrats with shotguns in their hands, are ready to go. Every year when the season of sales comes, the aristocratic hunters gather in the villages all over the UK, under the pretext of venting the peasants, enjoying The **** pleasure of chasing killing.

They usually wear red hunting outfits, black felt hats, and step on tall horses. Surrounded by groups of foxhounds, they ride horses and whips from the autumn fog in the countryside; they are walking in the countryside and jungles. The footprints of the ancestors chased foxes, rabbits, elk and other prey. In order to facilitate the transportation of shotguns and prey, the nobles also tried to modify their cars. This is why people often hear the safari version of a certain model.

Unlike ordinary nobles, hunting is also an extremely loved game for the British royal family. Now the Queen’s Lao Son, George VI and her husband, Prince Philip, who ate soft meals, are both senior fans of this sport. .

But the royal hunting date is not in autumn, but every December 26th. Members of the British royal family will hold Boxing Day hunting in Sandringham, Norfolk, England.

Foxes are warm-blooded animals and do not hibernate, but they have the habit of storing prey, so even in the icy and snowy forests, they can still be found, even easier to track than in autumn. After all, snow is easier to leave foxes. Even if you don’t need a foxhound, you can find the tail of a fox. Thanks to legal restrictions, although fox hunting is not completely prohibited now, almost no one uses foxhounds to track down.

Because some people who oppose fox hunting believe that it is inhumane for the foxhound to kill the fox a little bit in the process of tracking, and it is far worse than killing the fox with a shot. Unfortunately, the marksmanship of these nobles is not as good as expected. It would be nice to be able to shoot an exhausted fox that has no time to make a hole. Want to shoot a cunning, lively fox? Go dreaming.

Generally, the prime time for hunting is early morning and evening. This is the time when fox activities are most frequent. Especially at dusk, the weather is getting colder. Dogs barking and running can be heard from a distance. 15 to 20 pairs of foxhounds are shouting at the hunters. He rushed to the woods under the command of the horn.

The greatest pleasure of fox hunting lies in the hunting process. Most of the hunted prey are red foxes.

The red fox is very cunning and unusual. Once spotted the foxhound, he will become very alert and start his own escape journey. The clever red fox is good at hiding its tracks, but its smell is difficult to hide. The foxhound is specially trained to rely on smell Those who come to track, can keep up with the smell of red foxes. Foxhounds do not walk very fast and sometimes lose their prey. Lucky red foxes can continue to enjoy a free life. As long as hunters who can successfully hunt red foxes, It is no problem for 1 year or 2 years.

But without the help of foxhounds, even with the remaining snow in the winter forest, it was not easy for Janssen and the others to hunt foxes.

And Yang Sen and the others do not have rich fox hunting experience. This is not just for fun. Don’t think that you can easily capture prey by wearing a hunting suit, carrying a long-barreled shotgun, and straddling a horse. Well-known foxhounds can help. Wait for the fox to do its stamina and lie down on the ground to die. You just need to pull the trigger and think about how to show off.

But without the help of the foxhound, let alone whether you can find a fox, you can ride a horse for half an hour in the snow. Inexperienced people can't hold on. Fox hunting also needs knowledge and physical support.

First of all, the horse and the rider on the horse need to cooperate tacitly, pay close attention to the whereabouts of the prey, choose the nearest route to follow. There are no special requirements for the breed of fox hunting horses, but the fox hunting horses must be trained, and the horses must be calm, brave and possessive. Endurance. Because the terrain of the jungle is more complicated, there are often natural obstacles such as bushes and running water. The requirement for endurance is higher when traveling in the snow. The fox hunting horse must successfully overcome the obstacles to hunt down its prey.

The rider must first learn how to control the fox hunting horse. If the rider hesitates a little, the horse will refuse to jump, and the prey may escape between the hesitation of man and horse.

Therefore, Yang Cheng was so surprised when he saw the blood on the ground. If I remember correctly, this should be his father's first fox hunting. Of course, when his old man was young, he often followed his grandfather to hunt in rural Texas or Alaska. I should have experience in tracking prey, and the horse riding skills are also great, but I have lived in the office for so many years, and I don’t understand the temperament of foxes, and I will be able to shoot. Yang Cheng can't help but admire it. Arrived.

Carson also greeted him with a surprised smile, "Yes, they had good luck. They found the red fox in the first fox hunting. After 40 minutes of tracking, he succeeded in removing it at the hole of the red fox. Shot, it’s a pity that there is only one red fox in the cave, and that should not be its lair, otherwise we might be able to catch one."

The upper class in Britain all have the gene for killing. Even if Carson, who is just a housekeeper, when talking about killing the fox family, his eyes are not sympathy, but disappointment of not being successfully captured.

Yang Cheng certainly doesn’t have that kind of emotion. For him, foxes are neither protecting animals nor his pets. The British dispose of more than 10,000 adult foxes and more than 3,000 young foxes every year. There are a large number of foxes damaging the countryside. To some extent, fox hunting is not a good thing for human survival, as long as you don't use extinction methods to cause foxes to disappear in the British Isles.

"Remember to take off the fox skin and find a reliable tailor to make a scarf or handbag. Let my dad give my mom a gift." Yang Cheng casually ordered.

Carson responded, "By the way, Mr. Luo also hit an adult Yue also followed in surprise, "Really? Did my dad hit his prey too? But what is a pheasant? "

The girl didn't know much about these prey, so she asked Yang Cheng.

There are not many opportunities to show your profound knowledge in front of your lover. Yang Cheng will naturally not miss it, "It is the pheasant of country Z, but this thing is eaten as a protected animal in country Z, but there are probably more than foxes in the UK, and it is overflowing. It’s said that there are rewards for killing one."

Carson added, "Yes, now zf encourages civilian shooting, killing one to a fixed location can receive 20 pounds, it is impossible to make a fortune by this, but it is still possible to subsidize the family."

Yang Cheng shrugged, "Unfortunately, the British people's pursuit of food is too low. If the same number of pheasants are thrown into Country Z, it will be extinct in two years."

After that, he licked his lips and swallowed the flood of saliva. Not to mention, he hadn't tasted game for a long time, and couldn't wait to ask, "Will the kitchen make it? Just in time for a supper."

At this time, Yang Sen, who had changed into dry clothes, came over and cursed with a smile, "You kid knows how to eat, don't worry, the kitchen is already doing it. Go change your clothes and wait to eat."

Yang Cheng grinned and said, "Then I have inherited you too, or you arranged it without waiting for me to say it, but you are really good, and you will get a reward from the first fox hunt. It seems that you will participate in the royal hunting the day after tomorrow. , You can show your skills."

"Okay, don't be poor, Yueyue is not tired? Do you want to go upstairs and rest for a while?" Yang Sen had a pretty good impression of his daughter-in-law, and his attitude was much more kind.

Luo Yue hurriedly said, "Thank you for your concern, uncle, I'm not tired, I took the car all the way and didn't walk much."

Yang Cheng curled his lips, saying that he had a daughter-in-law and forgot his mother, and the father said that he had a daughter-in-law and forgot his son.

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