Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1058: Seeing the mother-in-law with diamond eyes open

Yang Cheng and Luo Yue also hurriedly went back to the room and changed their clothes. The two adults were still talking in the living room, and they could not delay too long.

It’s also blamed that these two people are both the masters of big eyes. They forgot to take off the big diamond ring shining in their hands. When Luo Yue was downstairs before, Luo Yue had been covering up and showing his embarrassment, but now he forgot to take it. , This is good, so a big diamond ring can be used as a laser in bright light, blind people can see, let alone adults with normal vision?

Before the two of them had just arrived in the living room to sit down, Madam Luo screamed and almost scared the dead fox to life, "My God, Yueyue, did you rob the jewelry store?"

Luo Yue was stunned for less than a second, and immediately realized that he covered his left hand with his right hand, and lowered his head shamelessly, his face almost bleeding.

At this critical moment, Yang Cheng’s cheeky acted as a city wall and waved his hand indifferently, "Isn’t this just going to the Cartier main store, and I happened to see this diamond ring, so I bought it and asked for it. A marriage, nothing serious."

The four elders, including Carson, who was waiting by the side, looked at Yang Cheng with that shocked look. Who can make such an important matter of marriage proposal so indifferent?

Yang Sen was the first to react, looking at the Luo family sitting opposite with a wry smile, "My husband, it seems that we will be able to hold our grandson soon."

Luo Zhenhua was overjoyed at first, and then a burst of bitterness and sorrow rushed to his heart. As a father, the daughter he raised by himself will soon be the chuang of another man. Okay, although it is a bit dirty and straightforward. , But the truth is that the daughter is the father’s little lover. Which man have you seen willingly sends his lover to other men? Except the bastard!

But Luo Zhenhua is not an ordinary person after all, and his mentality has changed very quickly. Of course, this is also due to his unreliable wife. Everyone is gratifying for the children to finally get married. Mrs. Luo is good, her eyes are fixed. Luo Yue couldn't hide the light on her ring finger no matter what.

"Yueyue, show me the ring. For the first time in my life, I have seen such a big diamond."

Mrs. Luo's open face at the sight of Qian couldn't help making Yang Sen and Liu Yun dumb, and Luo Zhenhua and Luo Yue wanted to cover their faces and pretend not to know each other, which was too embarrassing.

"Mom~" Luo Yue groaned forward, reminding his mother to pay attention to restraint.

But in Mrs. Luo's opinion, this kind of thing is normal. Why do women like diamonds? My mother has never seen such a big diamond, no, no, to be precise, she has never seen it at such a close distance. Her friends are not without upstarts, and there are diamonds of more than 10 carats, but she is embarrassed. Borrowed to play with others, but my daughter is different. They are all from my own family, so why are you embarrassed to speak up?

Luo Yue also had no choice but to ask Yang Orange for help with his eyes.

Yang Cheng didn't think there was anything. The woman would never resist in front of the jewelry, and she shrugged, "Let's show the aunt, in fact, the diamond itself is nothing, the rare thing is that the cut shape is perfect, and the win has far-reaching significance."

Liu Yun is an expert in the fashion industry, and the research on jewelry is even at an expert level. However, she took a few glances and confirmed that she no longer appeared in her mind. She wondered, "Which celebrity is this? Why didn't I see it? Ever?"

Yang Cheng sat down and explained, “It’s right if you haven’t seen it. According to Cartier’s manager, this'Angel Tears' was customized by Princess Diana to Cartier during her lifetime, and some of the elements were designed by the Princess herself. Unfortunately, the design passed away just after the first draft was completed, and the design draft was sealed up. It was not until the new century that Cartier restarted the design without the most suitable diamonds."

When everyone heard that this diamond ring had such a history, they couldn't help but nod their heads with emotion. They felt that Yang Cheng's work was reliable, especially the Luo family and his wife. They felt that Yang Cheng had paid attention to his daughter, which was more valuable than the diamond itself.

Yang Cheng remembered about the formal wedding ring, "By the way, mom, I have to trouble you to introduce a master. Our formal wedding ring has to be designed and made by a master."

Liu Yun didn’t even think about answering it. It’s about her son’s life-long event, so naturally there is nothing to refuse, "Okay, I will contact you to see which master is free recently, but you have to send someone to buy the diamond. , The rough stone is the best, which means more plasticity."

Yang Orange turned to look at Carson, "Carson, this is up to you. After Christmas, you will take your checkbook to the auctions around the world. I believe that every auction house must have stock in hand."

The two families sat in the living room and chatted over the fire. The servants kept serving fruit snacks and drinks, but they didn’t taste because of the aroma coming from across the corridor from time to time. It has completely aroused everyone's appetite, it's too fragrant.

At this time, the chef walked out wearing a dark gold chef robe with the logo of the manor, stood in front of everyone, respectfully bowed, and smiled, "Everyone, the roast chicken dinner will be out in 10 minutes. Before that, please allow me to introduce to you the recipe of this special roast chicken tonight.

After referring to the characteristics of Asian cuisine and American flavors, I tried a new production method. First, I used basic seasonings such as onion, lemon leaves, herbs, green onion, **** and garlic to pickle the pheasant. The juice from several tropical fruits was soaked in the juice for half an hour before being roasted.

The roasting process is also biased towards the ancient method, using the aroma of fresh fruit wood and pine and cypress to smoke and roast, while roasting, turning and brushing the seasoning, with the oil secretion of the pheasant itself, so that the seasoning and fruit wood aroma are further immersed in the meat, and the final result is The effect should be crispy skin, fragrant and tender meat, and rich juice and delicate taste. I hope that today's delicious roast chicken can open up a wonderful Christmas holiday for everyone. "

Yang Cheng clapped his hands as the host, "It's great, it sounds very tempting, I can't wait, by the way, you remember to put this dish in the standing menu of our manor, and the Duke of Cambridge and his family will come the day after tomorrow. I want to help test the dishes."

The chef immediately became energetic, regardless of how honorable his master is, but in his eyes, he will never be more expensive than His Royal Highness.

Carson immediately agreed, "I will arrange people to hunt in the forest tomorrow. Pheasants are much easier to find than foxes."

Yang Cheng nodded, and got up and invited everyone to the restaurant to prepare for a meal. He was really hungry. He hadn't eaten anything all night, and he also engaged in such an important activity as a marriage proposal. At this moment, he urgently needs meat to supplement energy.

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