Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1060: Cut off the old love (2)

After Yang Cheng proposed his own compensation, he was still a little worried, after all, in his opinion, his compensation conditions were a little bit unreasonable.

However, Xu Lingyue simply accepted, "Thank you, acting is also my dream, and I am not afraid of being bullied if you help me."

Yang Cheng felt sour again in her heart, "Well, don't worry, if you are in danger or if someone bullies you, just call me. There is no time limit for 24 hours."

"Well, thank you~"

Having said that, Yang Cheng realized that his fate with Xu Lingyue was about to end here, and there was an urge to stay, but after all, he did not say what he said.

And Xu Lingyue seemed to be expecting something, but she was still stubbornly silent.

After 2 minutes, Xu Ling sighed longer, "Then, just do it, I don't think you need my blessing?"

Yang Cheng's heart trembled, "Someone will contact you in a while, I will buy you a house in the capital, don't refuse."

He also didn't want to give Xu Ling a chance to refuse, "Let's do it, remember to find me whenever you encounter trouble, goodbye Lingyue."

"Click", the finger is clearer on the screen, the call is hung up immediately, and it is over. It seems that it is not as heavy as imagined. For Yang Cheng, he may sort out his emotions after leaving the study, but some feelings are forgotten. What can't be dropped, it is also worth burying it in my heart and taking it out to savor it when I am free.

. . . . . .

Back in the bedroom, Luo Yue was still asleep, her face was flushed, maybe it was hot, Yang Cheng smiled for no reason, stepped forward and touched her cheek lightly, touched it and touched it comfortably. Slippery hair, sigh in my heart.

I went to the bathroom and took a shower, changed into home clothes, walked out of the bedroom, closed the door, and let Luo Yue sleep well by himself, while walking down the stairs slowly, I heard a burst of excitement in the living room before finishing the stairs. the sound of.

I walked over and looked curiously, only to find that it was Grandpa and Grandpa who had arrived, and couldn't help speeding up and calling someone, "Merry Christmas Grandpa and Grandpa, didn't you just arrive at night?"

Liu Muqian stepped forward and looked at his grandson, "It's not that your grandfather is urging him so hard, you have to let me go early."

Yang Yuanshan was not convinced, "You don't want to see your grandson-in-law sooner? Humph~"

These two old urchins never forget to bicker.

When Luo Zhenhua from behind heard this, he immediately said to his wife, "Go and get Yueyue up, she's not sensible at all. She is still awake when the adults arrive."

Yang Cheng hurriedly stopped a step, "Let Yueyue go to sleep. I slept late last night. Besides, it was my own family. There is no need to pay attention to this."

Liu Muqian is also very sympathetic, "That is, don't listen to the old guy's nonsense, when will the grandson-in-law not be able to see me? No hurry, it is good for young people to sleep more. I can't sleep even if I want to sleep for 8 hours now."

From the face of his grandson-in-law, Yang Yuanshan rarely talked back.

It may be the reason for the holiday. Although it is not the traditional Chinese New Year, Christmas has become very meaningful after living abroad for so many years. Anyway, it is a festival. It is always a joy to get the whole family together.

The two families sat down again to drink tea and chat under Yang Cheng’s frustration. However, Mrs. Luo sneaked upstairs into Yang Cheng’s bedroom while everyone was not paying attention. She saw her silly girl sleeping so that she was a porcelain girl with her face. With a smirk, he suddenly stopped being angry, and without a word, he grabbed Luo Yue's ears and tugged.

"Oh~ what are you doing, mom~" Luo Yue cried, covering his ears, and the quilt slipped away.

Seeing this scene, Madam Luo would have lived for so many years if she didn't understand it.

Seeing the ambiguous smile on his mother's face, Luo Yue murmured shyly, "It's rude to enter someone else's room without knocking on the door."

Madam Luo curled up her mouth and snorted, "Dead girl, you were born to me. What's there to be afraid of being seen? It's a pity that such a good figure is cheap. All, the loss is big."

Luo Yue was not happy anymore, and he didn't care about covering the quilt, and holding his mother's arm abusively, "Look at what you said, when we weren't here, you were anxious to hug your grandson, and now you say this again. It’s really boring, besides, is your daughter an item? Have to get a ring in exchange?"

Mrs. Luo is also in the picture. She has a quick mouth, but she doesn’t mean that in her heart, "Okay, blame me for saying the wrong thing, but how do you feel? Let me tell you, you have to stay a little longer, it’s good for you and his body. , This thing is easily addictive, once you lose control..."

Luo Yue covered her ears and shook her head vigorously. His mother was getting more and more explicit, where is this going on, "Don't listen or listen, mother, go out, I'll sleep for a while."

Madam Luo glared, and pulled Luo Yue's arm down, "What do you sleep with my little ancestor? The two old ladies of the Yang family are here, waiting downstairs to see your grandson-in-law, are you still asleep? What makes people think we?"

When Luo Yue heard this, he was very anxious, and there was no time to blame Yang Cheng for not waking him up. When he was excited, he jumped directly from the *. The result was too much action. It pulled to yesterday’s wound and screamed painfully, his facial features were distorted. It's a piece.

Madam Luo was distressed, and she didn't shut the door again, "This **** boy, I have to talk about him later, he was so cruel the first time, can you pay it later?"

Luo Yue was speechless, "Mom, you are my ancestor. When did you say that there are none, you can go down quickly, I will clean up and go down."

"Fine, I won't tell you, then you hurry up and dress up."

Luo Yue was too lazy to take care of his unscrupulous mother and went straight into the bathroom.

Before leaving, Mrs. Luo deliberately lifted the quilt and took a look at but she didn't find anything, she squeezed her chin and whispered, "It shouldn't be, is it packed?"

It's because Luo Yue didn't see this scene, otherwise he would have to fight his mother desperately, what kind of mother is this, still thinking about seeing her daughter's fall? If it weren't for her cleverness, she asked Yang Cheng to change the sheets the first time last night, otherwise she would have a fight with her mother.

Downstairs, Yang Orange provoked a topic, and everyone was discussing it forever. The topic was about Brexit. This topic has a wide range of implications. The economy, ZZ, and even entertainment and fashion are all related. Basically everyone present there. say.

"I think Brexit is already a certainty, but how it will be implemented in the end is still unknown. We can take the opportunity to make a fortune, and we won't be able to participate in the deeper things." Yang Sen gave his opinion, obviously he too Ready to make a fuss on the British pound.

Liu Muqian is a classical banker and always has reservations about speculation. "Recently, the capital transfers of major speculative institutions have been very frequent. It can be seen that there will be wars in the financial sector in the next year..."

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