Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1061: Christmas feast

Luo Yue tidyed up for half an hour, and finally walked out of the bedroom slowly. At the door, she struggled for several minutes about whether to wear a ring or not. Finally, she put the shiny big white pear diamond ring into the safe. This is her yesterday. I asked Carson to put it in the room lately. There was no way. This attractive diamond ring made people have the urge to commit a crime.

Downstairs, everyone is discussing the possible impact of the possible Brexit events in the United States and the United Kingdom next year on the global economy. Of course, the impact of ZZ may be even more serious. It must be taken seriously, and it is precisely because the discussions are too enthusiastic. , So that no one noticed Luo Yue's appearance, the little girl stood there awkwardly for 10 minutes and no one paid any attention. It was because of her good temper that she would not make a whisper about it.

It wasn't until Yang Cheng picked up the coffee cup to take a sip, that Luo Yue was standing behind Mrs. Luo, listening to the conversation with a quiet smile, and quickly put down the coffee cup, "When did you get down? Don't say a word?"

As Yang Cheng got up to greet, everyone immediately stopped the topic and looked at Luo Yue. This was the first time Yang Yuanshan and Liu Muqian met their grandson-in-law. I have to say that Luo Yue's behavior to not interrupt the conversation just now won the two old people's goodwill. She is a lady who understands etiquette and her first impression is very good.

Luo Yue smiled sweetly, and began to call people obediently, "Hello, grandpa, grandpa, my name is Luo Yue, I am rude to get up late."

Yang Yuanshan is a typical mountain king, and he waved his hand, "Okay, OK, Luo girl is good. If Xiaocheng treats you badly in the future, just tell me, I will take care of him."

Liu Muqian smiled very kindly, "This girl is so beautiful, we are blessed with Xiaocheng, don't listen to this old guy's nonsense, I believe Xiaocheng will be very good to you, grandpa has a small gift that is not worthwhile. I want to give it to you, I hope you don't dislike it."

While speaking, Liu Muqian stood up with a cane and took out the black jewelry bag from his pocket.

Yang Cheng greeted him, took the jewelry bag and stuffed it into Luo Yue's hand, and said softly, "You don't have to refuse what Grandpa gave you."

Liu Muqian smiled and gestured, "Open it and see, it's not a precious gift, it's an old object left by Xiaocheng and his grandmother."

Luo Yue heard this and opened the jewelry bag and found that it was a crystal-clear jade bracelet. The moment it appeared in front of people, the light that bloomed under the sun was even comparable to a diamond.

This is a top ice floating flower bracelet, "Emerald algae light flower, fringed beautiful floating shadow", this sentence is used to describe the floating flower jade, the image of jade, is also the most beautiful description.

In its clear and moist texture, it is as graceful as green water weeds washing away on the clear lake bottom, and the beauty is moving. Looking at the round patina on the surface of the bracelet, it can be seen that the original owner's love for this bracelet must be worn all year round and from time to time. Play in the hands, otherwise it is difficult to form such a thick patina.

Luo Yue was in a daze for an instant, and hurriedly said, "Grandpa, I can't take it, it's too expensive."

Liu Muqian disagreed, "Don't have a psychological burden. Your future mother-in-law will have the same one, but she is just a violet, not suitable for you. When you get older in the future, your mother-in-law will definitely pass that one to you. "

Liu Yun followed with a smile, "Yes, Yueyue, just keep it. This bracelet is not considered a family treasure, but it is still qualified as a heritage of our women."

Speaking of this, Luo Yue really didn't dare to refuse, so he cautiously put the bracelet back into the jewelry bag, while holding it in his hand, cautiously, for fear that he would have a lot of fun without holding it and falling to the ground.

Or Yang Cheng will comfort people, "Don't be so nervous, if you are really worried, go back to your room and put the table in the safe."

Yang Cheng’s proposal is in line with Luo Yue’s intentions. She thinks so too. Otherwise, she feels frustrated when she thinks that she is holding a'heirloom' worth tens of millions, for fear that her hands and feet will be broken. There is no place to cry.

Regardless of etiquette, he hurriedly greeted everyone, and ran back upstairs to set up the bracelet.

Liu Muqian sat back on the sofa and said gratifyingly to Luo Zhenhua, "You have a good girl."

Luo Zhenhua deeply agrees, and at the same time he is proud of his decision. After all, the husband he chose for his daughter is very good. From the old man to Yang Cheng’s attitude towards his daughter, it can be seen that they are all from the heart. Let the guilt in his heart weaken slightly. No matter how good the marriage is, the essence is to sell his daughter for glory. As a father who thinks he has a conscience, he doesn't feel so comfortable in his heart.

. . . . . .

This year's Beihai Manor was particularly lively because the owner, Yang Cheng, took the whole family at the manor for Christmas, which changed the desertedness of previous winters.

After having breakfast together, Carson arranged a wealth of programs to choose from. After discussion, everyone decided to split up. The two elderly people, Yang Yuanshan and Liu Muqian, did not choose to go out due to physical reasons. Instead, they played Go by the fire. The servants served the whole process, and the two have made up their minds that before the evening meal arrives, they must make a difference. For this reason, they also bet on the whole cost of fishing in New Zealand next year, who will be responsible for the loss.

But in terms of Go, Yang Yuanshan suffers slightly. Compared with Liu Muqian, who has dealt with numbers all his life, Yang Yuanshan’s proud layout ability is not worth mentioning. In short, the two ancestors are inextricably killed, which also makes the younger generations feel that Peace of mind, don’t need to be distracted to take care of;

The two owners, Yang Sen and Luo Zhenhua, chose a more elegant project-sea fishing!

The offshore speedboat ordered by Yang Cheng at Sunseeker has arrived, but he has not used it yet. It is now being maintained in the warehouse. After learning that Yang Sen and the others are going down the river to fish near the entrance to the sea, Carson immediately arranged the crew At work, I also prepared the fishing tackle and bait needed for sea fishing. The requirements for fishing in winter are relatively high. Because of the water temperature, most of the fish swim to the southern waters, where the water temperature is relatively warm.

But there are many deep-sea fish near the North Sea, such as cod, tuna, sandwiches, trout, etc., which are more common on the British table, are all caught, but you have to go to deeper waters. The offshore is basically If you can’t catch it, anyway, the two are partners, and they will talk about cooperation when fishing, mainly to pass the time, and whether you can catch the fish is second;

As for the two ladies Liu Yun and Mrs. Luo, it is much easier. For women, there is nothing that spas cannot solve. Britain is also a capitalist society. As long as you have enough money, even if it’s Christmas Eve, Someone came to serve you.

Luo Yue, who was still going to talk to Yang Cheng, didn’t want to miss a good opportunity to take care of her skin. She had a coquettish relationship with Yang Cheng and decisively released Yang Cheng’s pigeons. He accompanied the two mothers to a full-body spa. For a long time, Yang Cheng became a lonely man again, and could only stare at Carson with big eyes. This festival was sad enough.

"Master, what do you want to play?" Carson also has work to be busy, can't you leave the master alone? Had to ask intimately.

Yang Cheng waved her hand, "Forget it, stop playing, it's boring to play alone, let's find something to do, or should I help the kitchen prepare a big meal?"

Carson is clever, this is not good, Yang Cheng went to the kitchen and it was not a help but a mess, but the master's request could not be refused, she could only say tactfully, "The kitchen welcomes the master's guidance, but it is not troublesome to get started. rule."

Yang Cheng shrugged, he didn't mind, anyway, just to find something to pass the time, he wouldn't be able to get started.

In fact, when it comes to the current Western Christmas dinner, it is nothing more than traditional food such as turkey, smoked ham, pudding and cinnamon wine. It sounds simple and monotonous, but the real British aristocratic Christmas dinner is quite the same. Complex and heavy.

Take the big meal at Beihai Manor tonight as an example. The 12 helpers in the kitchen, under the leadership of the chef, started to prepare 3 days in advance. It can be said that the project is quite extensive, and many of the dishes violate the outside world's perception of the United Kingdom. The first main dish-slow-roasted pork head with jam, caramelized oranges and pork intestines, this combination of fruit and pork, except for those chefs with surprising brain circuits in Fuguo, everyone dare not even think about it. Think, let alone try.

The Christmas dinner arranged by Carson is taken from the classic Christmas menu of the nobles in the Edwardian period. The dishes are almost completely in accordance with the past, but the ingredients and seasonings have been improved. At least Yang Cheng is sure that this sounds rich. Dark cuisine-style dishes are definitely not difficult to swallow;

The second main course is pheasant apple pie with roasted quail. How could it be possible without apple pie for Christmas in the British

After that, the third dish was the highlight-grilled beef heart. Of course, it was cancelled when Yang Cheng learned about it and changed to grilled lamb chops. On Christmas Eve, someone holding a beef heart full of mouthfuls. Oil, the picture feels cold after thinking about it, anyway, Yang Cheng doesn't have the guts to try it. He can only find time to let the chef cook it for himself in the future. In fact, he is quite curious about the taste of roast beef heart.

Next comes the dessert, mainly pudding. Various flavors of pudding are bombarded in turn. This is an indispensable link for the sweet-hearted John Bulls-black cherry rose pudding + coffee almond milk jelly; mussels Pudding; Marzipan peacock sugar with sugar candied meringue frosting, etc. Among them, the mussel pudding, Yang Cheng dare to swear by the happiness of his lower body, no one will touch it even if it sounds like a roasted beef heart. There was a smell of smell.

In short, most of these dishes are used for decoration. It is not important whether they are delicious or not, just good-looking. They are placed on a long table to demonstrate the pride of the castle. As for Yangcheng, they really want to eat Chinese food. Mainly, of course, it is made in Chinese and Western style, and finally a roast turkey is used as the base, and a rich and lively Christmas meal is completed in this way.

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