Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1063: The harmless "drug scheme"

"During Christmas, there are a lot of threats from terrorist attacks in London, right?"

Yang Cheng's words stunned William. She seemed to have guessed something, but she didn't dare to think about it. She stammered back and asked, "What do you mean?"

After taking a deep breath, Yang Cheng picked herself out first, "Don't worry, I haven't been so frantic enough to take the lives of countless people to divert my attention. I just need a shocking explosion to pull people's eyes out of the royal family. , I believe that the people in the six places must have this kind of information in their hands to allow the terrorists to implement the plan, but you must determine the target, and you must not explode in a human place, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous."

His move can be called fighting poison with poison, but there is really no good way at the moment. William asked him that the best method in a short period of time will have a backlash effect. This is inevitable. Anyway, he did not expect the best of both worlds. In the face of the scandal of the British royal family, it is useless to expose the news of a few celebrities cheating and sucking du. No one cares about whether they die. Anyway, the chaos in the entertainment industry is not a day or two.

William was frightened by Yang Cheng's plan. It was these businessmen who were ruthless. Such a poisonous trick could be imagined. William couldn't help being a little afraid. Fortunately, he and Yang Cheng were friends, otherwise. . .

However, I have to admit that William repeated it in his mind several times. It seems that there is no better way than this. It is a bit ruthless, but the effect is immediate. In front of the reputation of the royal family, everything else is not important, including There is no alternative to the lives of ordinary people. This is reality.

However, William and Yang Cheng are not so frantic and dare not really do it with human lives, but the explosion is still possible, but the location of the explosion must be selected well, it must cause a sensation and cannot kill people, of course, as to whether there is any afterthought The terrorist jumped out and admitted that neither Yang Cheng nor William had worried about this. This group of guys with violent cells in their brains can’t wait to take all the dirty things in the world on themselves, or they can show their power. It.

"I know what to do, and you must do a good job of public opinion guidance." William made up his mind and his tone returned to normal.

Yang Cheng waved his hand irritably, "I see, you can handle it as soon as possible, and my report will follow."

After hanging up the phone, Yang Cheng first went to the Toutiao app, and found that the homepage recommendation was almost overwhelmed by the “Paradise” file. In just a few hours, the media caught the hot news and wrote countless articles attacking the UK. The royal family also has those American multinational companies.

Just like Yang Cheng thought, the focus of ordinary people will always be those with huge size and reputation. As for the name of the Yang family, which is submerged in thousands of names, who can notice?

As long as he didn’t get involved with his family, Yang Cheng wouldn’t be so nervous. He helped William even come up with such a poisonous scheme. In the final analysis, it was to make the royal family owe favors. Last time he offered the “Paradise” documents and got them. The Queen’s verbal promise that if this is done, the scope of fulfillment of this promise will be at least doubled. Anyway, it must not be cheaper for William. If it weren’t for him, he would have eaten breakfast downstairs by now. Up.

Luo Yue never disturbed Yang Cheng, sitting quietly on the head of the bed, seeming to be playing with a mobile phone, but the light from the corner of his eyes was always on Yang Cheng.

It wasn't until he put down his phone that he couldn't wait to ask, "I've read the news. The paradise file is widely involved, will it affect us?"

Yang Orange smiled bitterly, "This document has almost installed the global multinational groups, and we are no exception, but the law does not blame the public, and there is a big one in front of it. Our trouble is not big, at least compared to As far as the reputation of the British royal family is concerned, even if we are attacked, the harm we will suffer is minimal."

Luo Yue breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good, but what you just said on the phone was so scary."

Yang Cheng was stunned for a moment, only to remember the suggestion he had made to William and Luo Yue also heard him, "I can't help it. William wants me to help him divert the royal family from the whirlpool of public opinion, but his upper lip It's easy to touch my lips, but it's hard to do it. I can't offend the entire Toutiao users for him and the British royal family. Once I do that, Toutiao app will not be far from decline.

So I can only think of a different way.

Don’t worry, William knows in his heart and conspiracy has a bottom line. Our goal is to create a terrorist attack to divert people’s attention. As for how many people died, it can be faked. We will never make fun of ordinary people’s lives, or conspiracy. Once exposed, the British royal family is completely finished. "

Luo Yue was unconscious, nodded dumbfounded, and didn't know whether he understood it or pretended to understand it. Yang Cheng didn't bother to explain it in depth. He didn't want Luo Yue to get too much dirt.

Yang Cheng suddenly remembered something, and quickly found the remote control and turned on the TV. It happened that the BBC was reporting on the "Paradise" document, but they must have received a warning from above. The main object of the complaint was Apple, and they kept silent about the royal family's suspected tax avoidance. .

Apple is also unlucky and has become a scapegoat for the British royal family. According to the news-Apple has found a new way to maintain an ultra-low tax rate through the small British island of Jersey, evading hundreds of millions of euros in taxes.

The news directly quoted the original content of the "Paradise" document, claiming that Apple was severely cracked down by the European Union in 2013 for its tax avoidance in Ireland, and then found a new tax avoidance program through the British island of Jersey.

According to the report, before 2014, Apple had been using loopholes in the U.S. and Irish tax laws to avoid taxation. Using this loophole, Apple transferred all its sales produced outside the U.S. market to the name of its Irish subsidiary. In accordance with the normal tax rate, Apple Need to pay 35% of taxes to the US ZF, or 12.5% ​​to the Irish ZF, and Apple’s tax avoidance mechanism can reduce the tax amount to about 5% of its overseas market profits, sometimes even less than 2%.

After the incident was exposed, in order to maintain a low tax rate, Apple conducted an investigation through a legal consulting company in 2014, and finally chose the small British island—Jersey as its offshore financial center. This place has its own tax law and is Foreign companies do not charge corporate income tax, which is far more effective than the tax avoidance measures implemented in Ireland.

Seeing this, Yang Cheng squeezed his chin and dialed Weatherrow’s phone and gave him an order to follow up Apple’s tax avoidance. With the guidance of the "Sunday Times", at least on the land of the British Isles, The reputation of the British royal family can be maintained for the time being. The next step depends on whether William’s actions go well. If everything succeeds, the British royal family will be able to retreat from this vicious incident. Of course, Yang Cheng. The contributions of the main heroes will not be forgotten.

Downstairs, Yang Sen and the others also saw the news during their breakfast. At this time, they were discussing a new round of tax avoidance plans.

Seeing Yang Cheng come down, Yang Sen pointed to the news that was on the TV and asked, "Did you see it too?"

Yang Cheng sat down, and the servant immediately set up empty plates, knives and forks, and brought a bread box for Yang Cheng to choose the staple food.

He took a piece of vanilla croissant and took a bite, "I see, the scope of this'paradise' file is too wide, but it weakens the lethality. If it only targets a certain power, the impact will be much greater."

Liu Muqian drank the hot milk and agreed, "Xiao Orange is right, don’t look at the sheer power, but whose interests can really be harmed? I am afraid that except for the British royal family, big companies including Apple will not take it seriously. One statement is enough."

"In any case, we should also plan ahead. Our tax avoidance program has been in the Cayman Islands. This time it is not only Cayman. Some classic tax havens in the past include Bermuda, Switzerland, the Virgin Islands, the Isle of Man, Cyprus, Jersey and so on are all well-known on the list, and they have become a target that people are watching closely. We cannot take risks. It is imperative to find new tax havens."

Yang Sen snarled, "What do you think?"

Yang Cheng had thoughts upstairs, "Cambodia!"

Yang Yuanshan asked in astonishment, "Cambodia? Can the poor dirt-eaters also avoid taxes?"

Yang Cheng smiled, "Grandpa, you probably don’t understand. The “Belt and Road” initiative promoted by country Z has brought spring breeze to all of Asia. With the deepening of this initiative, many companies in country Z have accelerated their investment in Cambodia. And the enthusiasm continues to rise, and the investment atmosphere is very good.

Moreover, Cambodia implements a unified national tax system, and no value-added tax is levied on goods exported outside of or services provided outside of Cambodia. This is one of the reasons why Cambodia's manufacturing industry is relatively developed.

According to a recently released report, Cambodia’s GDP has been growing at a steady rate for 10 consecutive years, with an average of about 7%. There is no luxury tax, land value tax, stamp duty, capital gains tax, etc. The most important thing is that this country is based on U.S. dollars. The U.S. dollar asset advantage country is the official currency, the currency value is quite stable, and foreigners can also have freehold property rights when buying houses. To some extent, Cambodia’s advantage has completely surpassed Cayman’s old tax havens.

Of course, what I value most is the current stability of Cambodia’s government policy and the relatively strong continuity of its policies. ZF has been committed to improving the investment environment and attracting foreign investment, making foreign investment an important driving force for Cambodia’s economic development.

In such a market with rapid and stable economic growth, broad investment prospects, and full of vitality and vitality, we can still get a share of the pie while avoiding taxes. Why not? "

Hearing what Yang Cheng said, it seems that Cambodia really has the potential to become a new generation of tax avoidance'paradise'. Liu Muqian was interested, thinking about going back and inspecting, and then deciding whether to use the holding companies offshore. The company moved to Cambodia.

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