Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1064: Christmas concert

On Christmas Day, almost the entire Western media is paying attention to the series of events triggered by the exposure of the "Paradise" document. No one seems to care about Christmas that should be celebrated globally.

Of course, there are also many people who feel that it is irrelevant to them. They still leave more energy to their families. The rare family reunion, even in the relatively weak and independent West, is an extremely anticipated thing.

So Yang Cheng discovered a strange situation. Before he activated the navy to forcefully reverse the trend of public opinion, the attention on the Internet for this incident did not seem to be as intense as intended, and even felt empty.

It took him a while to figure it out, and right, the amount of discussion on the Internet today is based on a global scale, but if it is really subdivided into each region, such as the British Isles, not many people actually participate in the discussion. , After all, except for those lonely and enthusiastic guys, who scolds royal entertainment on Christmas?

This situation made him a little relieved, and he didn't know what the hacker thought, but chose to expose it on Christmas Day, which wasted a good opportunity for hype.

In any case, the people in charge who received Yang Cheng’s call took action. At noon, the latest news came from London. There was an explosion in an abandoned factory in the suburbs. It is suspected that terrorists made a mistake in making explosives and accidentally ignited the bomb. Fang said that if the bomb is detonated in the city center, it will cause at least thousands of casualties, with disastrous consequences.

For the first time, the media under Yang Cheng and the media that the royal family greeted the incident very tacitly reported the incident. The trend of almost slaughtering the page pushed the news of the'Paradise' file directly out of sight. Not to mention, Yang Cheng’s move has had an unexpected effect. At least the wind in the UK has turned to terrorists. Even if there are a few clear-headed people who want to continue to play the royal rhythm, they can’t get over the waves. .

After the incident, William called to express his gratitude to Yang Cheng on behalf of the royal family, and implicitly promised the importance of this favor. Naturally, Yang Cheng would not say much on the phone, and everything was silent.

At night, after having a dinner at the castle that was even more splendid than yesterday, the whole family put on their dresses and set off for London in four Rolls Royce. Carson specially booked the Philharmonic Orchestra at the Royal Albert Hall. In the eyes of Londoners, the Albert Hall is as important as the Viana’s Golden Hall. The annual Christmas concert is comparable to the existence of the Vienna Golden Hall New Year’s Concert. It's not an exaggeration.

The Albert Hall, located in Knightsbridge, Westminster, London, has been in operation since 1871 and has been in use for more than a century. It is not only the oldest concert hall in London, but also thanks to its red imitation of the Roman Amphitheatre. Brick buildings have always been a landmark in London and are unique among many Victorian-style buildings.

However, the Albert Hall was built by Queen Victoria to commemorate Prince Albert. When Prince Albert, who liked music, was alive, he suggested to build a large-scale concert hall. However, the budget was insufficient. The concert hall was not able to be capped, but Queen Victoria finally fulfilled his wish, and named the concert hall after him to commemorate it, and erected an Albert memorial in Hyde Park opposite.

To express the feelings for her husband in this respect, Queen Victoria is also worthy of admiration, at least this great building has not been abandoned in the following time, hundreds of years, countless great activities have been in Albert Music The hall was successfully held, including the Promenade Concert held every summer.

This concert is different from other concerts where you must wear a tuxedo. It is just like the name. The tickets for each concert can only be purchased on the day of the concert. The music starts. In the future, everyone can walk around at will. You don’t have to sit tightly like a classical concert. You can even dress casually, drinking drinks and snacks, and enjoying music like watching a football game. It’s as easy as you want, so it’s named after "Professional Concert".

When Yang Cheng and the others arrived outside the concert hall, there was a loud voice. Countless celebrities from the upper circles of London gathered here. The hard-working media reporters were holding long guns and short cannons while capturing celebrities. Snow fell in the air without affecting the red carpet. The stars are pretending to be posing for photos.

Yang Luo and his family are not celebrities. They didn't have the consciousness of taking pictures. They entered the hall directly through the VIP passage, and the heating was wrapped in an instant, which made the ladies in cool clothes grateful.

Luo Yue chose a yellow off-the-shoulder dress today, but to keep out the cold, she also wore a white mink shawl on her shoulders, and her hair was pulled up high, just like a lady of London with a huge sapphire necklace between her necks. Wonderful.

It’s a pity that it’s dark now, and it’s too rushed just outside. Everyone didn’t have time to admire this magnificent building. The difficulty of building a circular vaulted building in the last century is far more difficult than building a 600 building today. The meter-high building is much more difficult, and the designer and the construction team not only completed the work brilliantly, but even after a hundred years passed, the dome did not fall at This is definitely not a big deal in the history of architecture. Little miracle.

The concert didn’t start for a while. Yang Cheng and the others didn’t rush into the concert hall. Instead, they visited the concert hall with the flow of people. You can see the Queen's full of love and nostalgia for Prince Albert-walls, stair railings, and ceilings. It is said that there are more than 500 Prince Albert's initials carved in various places in the concert hall.

Everyone was walking around, and they met a team of British sports stars headed by Sir Alex Ferguson. At this time, he and his wife turned their backs to Yang Cheng and the others, greeting Beckham's family, and gathered next to him. F1 champion Hamilton, tennis superstar Murray, Yang Cheng also saw the Red Captain Gerrard's family not far away. The United Kingdom is still too small, and I really look down and see you.

Gerrard also saw his boss, and happily took his wife and daughter over to greet Yang Cheng. Because of Yang Cheng’s arrival, he saw the possibility of his death in Liverpool, so for Yang Cheng, a young boss, He is grateful and respectful from the bottom of his heart. After all, the team's changes after Yang Orange's arrival are obvious.

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