Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1065: William who was mad by Harry

"Heyboss, Merry Christmas, I didn't expect you to be interested in concerts too. I knew we would have an appointment."

Geraldella brought his wife Alex over to say hello to Yang Cheng. As for the three little princesses of his family, it was obvious that the interest in Beckham's son was much greater than that of the father's boss.

Yang Cheng introduced the identity of Luo Yue's fiancée to Gerrard and said with a smile, "This sentence should be for me. I didn't expect you to be interested in concerts outside of football."

Gerrard couldn’t help but smile. “It’s mainly for my family. To be honest, I prefer pop or rock. If the Beatles hold a concert, I will be so excited that I can’t sleep for several days, so I want to participate in the Champions League. The final is the same, but classical music, I know it, it doesn't know me."

Yang Cheng understands that as a native of Liverpool, the Beatles are no different from God in their hearts.

"Do you think there is hope this year? If you can win the cup in San Siro, this championship will be more meaningful."

This year's Champions League final will be held at the San Siro Stadium in Milan.

Gerrard said sternly, "The whole team will work hard for this. If I can win the championship successfully, I will be able to retire."

The idea of ​​retiring is not a day or two. Yang Cheng and the whole team know that everyone wants to use a Champions League trophy as a gift to the red army captain.

"Of course, I never doubted this. It's leisure time, not talking about official business."

Yang Cheng and Gerrard chatted for a few words and then separated temporarily. There were too many acquaintances present. Yang Cheng needed to greet them one by one. Compared with Yang Sen and the others, they were more like Yang Cheng’s home in the UK, but grandfather Liu Muqian saw a lot of finance. The acquaintances of the world also got together and chatted.

Half an hour later, the broadcast announced that the concert was about to start and that people needed to be seated in advance, which ended everyone's chatting. They entered the venue and followed their seats, waiting for this ‘special’ Christmas dinner.

The program list has already listed the repertoires to be performed tonight. As one of the five largest symphony orchestras in the world and the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, which is also a British national treasure, on this special occasion today, I did not choose those repertoires that can demonstrate superb skills and tacit cooperation. , But more arrangements are made of 18 classic waltz and marches that people are familiar with, and whose rhythm is lighter and easier to substitute. Of course, depending on the atmosphere of the scene, there may be additional performances at the end.

A well-known masterpiece was performed by these artists in the Philharmonic Orchestra, creating a magnificent musical dream. The youthful vibrancy of "The Sound of Spring" and the "Chardash" The gorgeous rhythm and the weight of "Symphony of Four Seasons" made the audience forget the time, and they just jumped out of a small town to swim in the sea.

Undoubtedly, this is a spiritual baptism. Under the influence of music, people’s impetuosity and copper odor were washed away. When the conductor invited the audience to interact and perform "Radesky March", the concert The curtain came to an end in a cheerful atmosphere.

. . . . . .

The next morning, William, who was supposed to take part in the royal traditional hunt in Sandringham, showed up at the North Sea Manor with his family. Naturally, the Beckhams and the Geralds who were invited by Yang Cheng last night were accompanied by him. .

According to the original plan, Yang Cheng should go to Sandringham first, hunt with William and Harry, and then return to the North Sea Manor for dinner together. However, before Yang Cheng got up in the morning, he received a call from William saying that the plan had changed. Then it didn't take long for William to take Kate, George and Charlotte into the North Sea Manor angrily.

I couldn’t stop complaining as soon as I met, "Damn, Harry has been crazy by that woman. He has lost himself. Since he was 12 years old, he has never missed a hunting day. This year he took the initiative for that **** woman. Give up hunting and go to accompany the woman to South Africa to see small animals. It's really **** it."

Yang Cheng and Luo Yue stared at each other. William was rarely miserable, and he was so hysterical. Listening to what he meant, it seemed that Harry was inspired by his girlfriend to abandon the royal tradition? It sounds funny, but Yang Cheng vaguely remembered that Harry had made the same turmoil in his previous life, which made Harry a dignified heir to the throne and was ridiculed by netizens all over the UK, saying that he was a strict wife.

Last night’s concert ended late, and it’s also late to go home, but Yang Cheng, who was not sleepy, had to pull Luo Yue to do exercises, but accidentally played too high, and fell asleep later in the night, so he started to compare In the evening, William was more anxious on the phone call. At this time, his clothes had not had time to change, and they looked a bit sloppy, but seeing that William and his wife were also dressed at home, he was not afraid of being rude.

Kate was yawning and she was holding the little princess Charlotte in her arms. It didn't take long for Charlotte to open her eyes. She was so cute, and her cute face made Luo Yue want to hug her in her arms.

Upon seeing this, Kate very generously handed the little princess into Luo Yue's arms, scaring the servant behind them shivering, mother, this is the royal heir, princess, just like a puppy Up?

But William and Kate didn’t say anything. As servants, you can’t talk nonsense. Fortunately, Carson knew that the little prince and little princess would arrive today. He arranged people and toys in advance, and he was not afraid that Luo Yue’s mistake would hurt the little princess. , This is not Luo Yue lamely holding the little princess in his arms, and there are two servants who hold their hands next to him to prevent the child from falling.

Kate, who threw the little burden out, rubbed her sour arm and complained, "Jason, you have to persuade William, he was flabbergasted. After watching the concert last night, he had a big fight with Harry. I didn't sleep much, and started complaining as soon as I opened my eyes in the morning. I didn't go hunting at Sandringham at all, and came straight to you."

Yang Cheng and the others invited in, took their seats and asked the servants to bring them food and drink. The 2-year-old little Prince George was more lethargic. At this time, he went to the servant's room to make up for sleep.

"You asked me to investigate the actress's name last time? Megan? It seems that the relationship between her and Harry has progressed quite quickly. This can already influence Harry's hobbies." Yang Cheng took a sip of coffee to refresh her mind. , Asked as if thinking of something.

William is still the lingering anger, "That’s why I am irritated. The actress is a complete bitch. After accepting Harry’s pursuit, she moved outside under the banner of the royal family. I warned through Harry. She had to deal with it several times, but she still did her own way behind her back. Harry was embarrassed to be caught in the middle, but out of love, he didn't say much, so he could only let it go. Please understand me more, what a damn!

And if nothing happens, they should get married, Harry said personally, the most important thing is that he has had an in-depth conversation with his grandmother, and grandmother expressed respect for his choice.

To be honest, I had a bad impression of Meghan at first, but Harry liked me and didn’t say much, but she actually let Harry give up the habits of a young life, just to satisfy her thoughts, which is too selfish. Extraordinarily, she is provoking the rules and bottom line of the British royal family. "

Yang Cheng has a black line in his forehead, as for? Isn't it just a vixen who has fascinated the prince, who wants to show off his charm and want to be unique? Why did you provoke the bottom line of the royal family?

But he didn't say this. Sometimes the thinking of the royal family is completely different from the thinking of ordinary celebrities and rich people.

Raise your hand to complain, "OK, OK, don't think about it, or let's go hunting? Since you don't go to Sandringham, you can do it in North Sea Manor."

Kate also wants to make William happy. It's Christmas now. He may be the most distinguished person present. If you always hold your face, other people don't want to have a good festival.

William rubbed his face, "Okay, but let's wait until David and the others come together. By the way, Jason, where is your family? I heard that your family is there?"

Yang Cheng shrugged. Fortunately, William could listen to persuasion, otherwise he would be in trouble. "They were still asleep when they came back yesterday night. My father hunted a red fox the day before yesterday. Let’s see how your luck is today. ."

Hunting is one of William's greatest hobbies. He became excited when he talked about it, and he didn't bother to continue to complain about Harry and his **** girlfriend.

"Really? I haven't hunted a fox for several years. After all, I have to pay attention to the influence." William touched the Mediterranean hairstyle regretfully.

"Today you can go on a big killing. I am all closed, but no reporters will bother you."

William beamed with a smile. "That's great, you know, Sandringham has been surrounded by reporters. It has become a show over there, and the fun has long been lost."

"Then set off when David and the others arrive, but I guess they will take some time. Do you want to rest first?"

Without waiting for William to Kate preemptively said, "Yes, my God, this lunatic got up and tossed early in the morning, and I was so sleepy."

What didn't say, the princess made a request, and Carson naturally wanted to do his best to satisfy him. Besides, William had private rooms in Beihai Manor, which he had packed up early and could move in at any time.

After Carson took them back to the room to rest, Yang Cheng yawned, "Let's get some sleep too? I'm sleepy too."

"You go back to sleep, I'll stare at the kitchen. Although I haven't been in contact with similar jobs, I still have to study hard, and I can't shame you." Luo Yue said solemnly, tilting his head.

Yang Cheng thought Luo Yue like this was very cute, and couldn't hold back her mouth and pecked fiercely, "Well, you don't have to worry too much. Professional people should do professional things. You are the hostess of the castle. That's it."

Obviously, these words caught Luo Yue's heart, but he deliberately acted impatiently, "Know it, go to sleep, go to sleep, long-winded~"

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