Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1072: This is not Marvel


I have been pitted for a lifetime, and I was almost assaulted by a group of young people. The old man didn't change his tone. Now he has become a heart disease, and he is often teased by old opponents in the past.

Yang Sen mentioned this to remind Yang Cheng to be careful. Now it is recognized that fraudsters in Dilwan are the world’s most recognized thing. Any business involving Dilwan must be cautious of 120. If the whole family is deceived, every one of them is deceived. , The joke is big.

The family and friends who knew about it also persuaded the old man to want to start something, just as an investment loss.

But Yang Cheng knew in his heart that what grandpa felt uncomfortable was not that the investment did not see a return. To put it bluntly, for Liu Muqian's terrifying family fund, even if it lost $1 billion, it wouldn't hurt. Many are equivalent to skin trauma, the pain will not even leave a scar for a while.

The background of these veteran businessmen cannot be estimated by ordinary people. Take Li Chaoren as an example. His overseas family fund has already exceeded 100 billion U.S. dollars. He even helped his second son, Superman, set up a fund of almost the same size. In other words, the assets controlled by the Li family are far more than the tens of billions of dollars on the surface. The real figures are unknown to the outside world, but they are definitely in the hundreds of billions.

The Yang family is no exception. Grandpa and Li Chaoren are of the same generation. Although they are much younger, they can’t hold back their grandpa’s early debut, and their business talents can’t distinguish between high and low. Deeply cultivating the banking and financial industry, Li Chaoren is also much bigger than his grandfather in terms of external fame, and with his financial resources, grandpa is really not that weak.

Of course, the exact amount of money Liu Muqian has is unknown to Yang Cheng, just like how much his father has, he doesn’t know at all. Anyway, every time he complains that he has no money, he can always squeeze him out of nowhere. A huge sum of money.

All in all, a loss of 1 billion is almost like a fart to Liu Muqian, but why are you so persistent? It’s just that I can’t swallow it. If there is no excitement from outsiders, maybe after a long time I will forget it, but I can’t hold my grandfather to settle in Xiangjiang all the year round, and there are more old opponents. I have to ridicule this matter over and over again in three days. The healing was then uncovered again. Over time, let alone Liu Muqian, even the young man Yang Cheng couldn't help it, wishing to pull the culprit out and shoot him for five minutes to vent his hatred.

Now Grandpa has not only hated the gang of scammers, but also has no good feelings about the entire Duiwan, so when Yang Sen learned that Yang Cheng was going to take down the 101 building, the disgusting Duiwan people, he would specifically remind him, this is. A good opportunity to breathe out for grandpa.

Of course, they have to go back and think about it. Right now they are still in the 13 clubs, and they can't get revenge.

After winning the deal provided by No. 6, Janssen never spoke again, leaving the opportunity to speak to those in need.

Taking advantage of Yang Sen's good mood, Yang Cheng asked casually, "Is Superman Li on No. 6?"

Yang Sen shook his head firmly, "No, but I guess he should have a red background. In the previous meetings, he not only applied for any help, but he could always solve problems for others and also provide opportunities to make money. I think I don’t know No. 6, I only know that he may have something to do with insurance."

Yang Cheng turned his head to look at the red light that had already been extinguished, and murmured in his heart, "If you are in the insurance industry, would it be that giant? It just so happens that that company also has red status, and it's the most red one. One of them."

I can't help but shudder at the thought of this, it's better not to hit that house.

Changed the question and continued to ask, "Can you tell me about this 13 club?"

Originally, Yang Sen was going to go out from the club and then talk to Yang Cheng, but there is nothing wrong with him. In addition, he has just completed an excellent investment, and he is in a good mood. He simply said, "As for the history of 13 clubs, I don’t know."

Yang Cheng stared in anger, feeling that Dad still didn't want to say it, and it was really too much to use himself to shake it up.

But Yang Sen smiled bitterly and said aggrievedly, "Don't look at me like that. There is no need to lie. I really don't know. It was purely an accident to join. Not long after I joined, the referrer died, so no one followed me. I have introduced the history of 13 clubs."

Yang Cheng sneered at this, "Dad, how about using me as a three-year-old kid? Okay, even if it's true, no one has introduced it, but I don't believe I didn't investigate."

Yang Sen's face sank, "That's right, I really checked it, but let alone history, I even doubted whether it really exists in this world, because I haven't found out anything."

After a pause, Janssen denied his statement, "No, no, I found something. As far as I know, 13 clubs have at least 100 years of history, but who does not know the founder of the club; The purpose is to know nothing; I don't even know what earth-shattering thing I did afterwards!

The only thing I know is that this club can solve all the problems that can be raised! "

When talking about this, Yang Sen couldn't help taking a breath, maybe he couldn't believe this fact until now.

Yang Cheng was shocked and wondered at the same time, "All the problems?"

Yang Sen nodded affirmatively, "Everything, there was a member who was the previous No. 2 who raised a question that seemed ridiculous to me, even a joke."

Yang Cheng's heart suddenly lifted. UU Reading listened carefully to his father's words, "That was in the 1970s, when the previous No. 2 proposed a deal. He said he wanted to see the chaos in Chile. I got up and offered a $2 billion bounty for this. You must know that it was $2 billion more than 40 years ago. The previous No. 1 took it down without hesitation. Then, it didn’t take long for Chile to change. , Chief Tong was ousted from office."

Is this Nima really not a fantasy novel? Yang Cheng was overwhelmed and told him rationally that this was probably a story fabricated by the top of the club, just to prove to the members what kind of organization the 13 club is.

But subconsciously, Yang Cheng has already begun to believe this ‘joke’ story for no other reason. Is one of the members including Yang Sen a fool? If this story is false, these members might have been upset, there will still be 13 clubs?

He can't help but start to guess what kind of big people the previous No. 1 and No. 2 will be. If they are still alive, I'm afraid that the earth will be destroyed by stomping their feet?

Okay, okay, this is too exaggerated. After all, this is not the Marvel Universe. There is no monster like Thanos in the world. Snap a finger to the entire galaxy.


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