Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1073: housekeeper?

   "Speaking of the last No. 1 and No. 2 are still alive?" Yang Cheng swallowed unconsciously and asked.

Yang Sen shook his head, "I don't know, but the rule of the 13 club is that someone must die or lose the ability to think actively before recommending successors to the club. Therefore, even if they are still alive, they have lost their thinking ability and died. It makes no difference."

   Yang Cheng was stunned, can he enter the club only if he is dead? What's the situation now?

As if guessing Yang Cheng’s problem, he shook his head and explained, “This time the successor was called in advance to avoid the accident. Two members died suddenly because they died suddenly. If there is time to choose a successor, or their successors can not automatically join the club without being introduced and inspected.

So it was very embarrassing at that time. There was no successor, which represented the vacancy of the members. The 13 club was incomplete, but it was impossible to find someone to recharge the number. After a joint discussion among the members, they decided to give the recommendation right to everyone and found After the candidates were tested for promotion, they finally found two new members to join. "

   Yang Cheng couldn't help asking, "This is how you joined the club?"

   Yang Sen drank a sip and nodded, "Yes, it was my teacher who recommended me to come in."

   Yang Cheng was shocked, "Teacher? Is a teacher qualified to join such an awesome club?"

   Yang Sen laughed, "Don't underestimate my teacher. He is the heir to a core family in the Boston Consortium. His hobby is teaching and educating people, so he inherits his family business and also works part-time as a mentor."

   "Oh my god, your teacher is so great, is he still alive?" Yang Cheng said with emotion.

   "Long gone, not long after I joined the club that year, he passed away due to illness, and the vacated position was replaced by a descendant recommended by him, which is now No. 13."

   Yang Cheng is stunned secretly. These 13 clubs are almost in one-line contact. They don’t know each other and are kept secret to the greatest extent. If they were not recommended by the previous one, who would know the existence of 13?

   "So this time, in order to avoid the embarrassment of the year, the successor will be brought over in advance. If you successfully pass the test, you will automatically take over in the future?"

   "That's right, I guess it's because a certain member or a few members are dying, and this is a temporary plan." Yang Sen said, touching his chin.

   Yang Cheng sighed, "What's the matter with that test? Is it difficult?"

   Yang Sen tilted his head and smiled, "Are you afraid?"

   Yang Cheng stalked his neck, "Just kidding, I don't think there are any tests that I can't afford to play. Can't you give us a gun and walk around the battlefield alone?"

   Yang Sen said playfully, "That's not good, don't say it too early, be careful of retribution."

   Yang Cheng curled his lips, and then asked, "Then what test did you accept?"

   There was a flash of memory in Yang Sen’s eyes, “Because we directly selected core members instead of successors, the difficulty of the test was naturally the highest in history. I still remember that there were 7 people who participated in the test with me."

   Yang Cheng interrupted hurriedly, "Wait, two people who died accidentally went out, shouldn't there be 11 members recommended?"

"Yes, but 4 people are said to have been passed without even passing the initial audit. I don't know what the audit criteria they set at the time, but it is definitely not simple. You must know that I just took over the Yuanshan Group at that time. For how long, the embryonic form of Yuanshan Capital has not been revealed, but it ranks among the best among real estate companies in the United States.

But not long after the test began, many enemies appeared at the same time. At first, I didn’t think much about it. I thought I had moved someone’s cheese and was retaliated madly. But then I found out that these enemies were harsh but not fatal. , No no no, maybe my counterattack was too ruthless, and they scared them so that they didn’t dare to kill me. In short, after almost a year after I stunned against my peers, my teacher informed me that the test was over. Congratulations on passing The test. "

   Yang Cheng was a little emotional, MD, this test is too new, like the Eighteen Bronze Figures of Shaolin Temple, you have to knock down all the Bronze Figures if you want to pass the customs.

But this is too hard to play. Yang Cheng can imagine how fierce the battle was back then. An endless stream of enemies were chasing you. If it wasn't for your father's ability to be too strong, I'm afraid he would have been played directly. If you can't join the 13 club, I'm afraid you won't even be able to keep your own industry in the end.

   Thinking of this, Yang Cheng instantly pulled her face down, "These deflated calves are not going to attack Xiaoye's New Era Group, are they?"

Yang Sen saw that his son’s face was not very good, he was very dark-bellied and laughed, “Don’t worry, the same test will not be played a second time. You successors are too early to take over. If the core members present here do their best. To deal with you, let alone you, Lao Tzu may not necessarily resist the past.

   The purpose of selecting successors is to make the 13 club stronger, not to kill you candidates, otherwise the 13 club formed by a group of remnants will lose its power. "

   Yang Cheng breathed a sigh of relief when she heard the words, but she felt a little upset in her heart. Do you look down on Xiaoye?

   I have to say that people are cheap embryos, and those who don’t want to take it for free, and the money is too expensive, no matter how inappropriate.

   "Okay, wait, everyone should discuss and test your successors when you finish talking. You have to be careful, these guys are very thief."

Yang Sen reminded him that he wanted to close his eyes and rest up his mind, but how could Yang Cheng let him go and continued to ask, "Wait, I still have something to understand. Dad, you are also a core member. Why don't you participate in formulating the rules? Process?"

I was a little embarrassed by Yang Cheng’s problem, I saw Yang Sen scratched his head, "I almost forgot to say that in addition to our 13 core members, there is also a housekeeper who is responsible for daily contact and notification. Organize member gatherings when needed. Of course, he is also responsible for formulating assessment procedures and selecting core members for the club. However, whether the successor can pass the test depends on the performance of the successor and the core members vote. You can pass.

   In other words, the butler’s existence is to continue and prove the existence of the 13 clubs. The two complement each other and rely on each other.

   The most important thing is that he may be the only person in the club who knows all of us. "

   Yang Cheng puzzled, "Doesn't the power of this housekeeper be amazing?"

Yang Sen waved his hand, "On the contrary, the housekeeper has no power, and his orders have no restriction on us, and he has no money to achieve any purpose, because his salary is paid by our core members, and each of us will hand it in every year. Give the butler 100,000 US dollars. This annual 1.3 million US dollars is equivalent to the salary of the butler and his team. At the same time, it is also responsible for maintaining the club’s headquarters around the world, so there is not much money in the hands of the butler."

   Yang Cheng couldn't help but nod. The rules of Club 13 are very reasonable. At least he can't fault it.

   "Then how many headquarters does the club have?"

Jansen raised three fingers, "There are three on the bright side, London, Los Angeles, and Singapore. If there is a problem with these three headquarters, there is a backup headquarters. Only the housekeeper knows where the three headquarters are destroyed at the same time. At that time, the standby headquarters will be activated."

   I don’t know what to do, but the 13 club is worthy of its name.

   But Yang Cheng still couldn't help but complain, "Speaking of which, your headquarters is too shabby, not even a top club."

Yang Sen slapped Yang Cheng angrily, "We don't live here, why are repairs so luxurious? The three headquarters take turns to use, which means that they only come once every 9 years, and the repairs are so luxurious and usually no one Don’t you take the initiative to send out the doubts?"

   Yang Cheng disagrees, it is only once in 9 years that it is easy to be suspicious, right?


   But he didn't dare to talk back. The main reason was that the venue became quiet again. This time the red light did not turn on for a long time, indicating that the business affairs had been discussed.

Sure enough, the spotlight changed this time. The lamppost shifted. An old man in black slowly came onto the stage, wearing a mask on his face, unable to see his face, and a tall top hat with the word 13 embroidered on it with gold thread. It looks very similar to the figure of a sculpture.

   "Is this the housekeeper?" Yang Cheng asked intently at the figure on the without turning her head.

Yang Sen said, "He is the housekeeper. No one knows what his name is, what he looks like, how old, and how many years he has been in the club. He is like the shadow of the club. The club is here and the club is dead. "

After    said, a touch of respect appeared on Yang Sen's face, which was respect for an old man loyal to the club.

   The butler spoke. Although he didn't hold the microphone, the voice came from the speaker clearly, "Everyone, don't come here without problems. It's been three years, everyone is still the same."

  The voice is slow and old, and the subtle trill sounds a bit of a dying year.

"This year’s gathering is slightly different from previous years because there are 13 more outstanding young people. They are the successors carefully selected by each member. They will also take over your positions in the future and become one of the owners of the 13 club. I represent 13 The club, welcome everyone, and hope that in the near future, I can say to you personally, welcome to join the 13 club!"

   Butler’s opening remarks are similar to those of No. 1, but his words are more emotional and give people a sense of home. How do other people think about it, at least Yang Cheng sounds warm.

"According to the regulations, if you want to become an official successor, you have to accept a test. I believe your recommenders have reminded you of it, but I still want to emphasize that this test is only for you personally. Don't think about cheating or With the help of the recommender, once discovered, both the successor and the recommender will be hit hard by the club and will be merciless."

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