Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1075: Test content (2)

"The content of the test is very simple. Choose a country arbitrarily and become an existence that can control the situation of this country. The test has a time limit. You only have one year to operate. The last day of next year will be the end of the test. Good luck. ."


   Yang Cheng hurriedly stopped the butler who turned to leave. As a result, they didn't catch up at all, and left without stopping for half a step.

   Yang Cheng, who left a black line on his forehead, looked at the empty dark door in a daze~

   "What are you looking at? Everyone is gone!" Yang Sen joked forward.

Yang Cheng was going crazy and looked at his father in disbelief, "What's this all about? The situation in a country? Isn't it too dear to me? Also, didn't he say I can interrupt at any time? How to turn my head Are you leaving?"

   Yang Sen joked, "You really look down on yourself too much, and people didn't let you control the situation of big countries, not to mention the United States and Country Z, even the old developed countries like Britain, France and the United States are not necessarily controlled by you.

   The butler has been such a virtue since I knew him. Never take his politeness seriously! "

   Yang Cheng blinked and quickly calmed down. The butler was too lazy to care about, "You mean I can choose a small country in Africa or Central and South America?"

   "Pop~" Yang Sen snapped his fingers.

"Yes, the 13 club aims to expand its global influence, so using the opportunity of the test to extend its tentacles to Africa or Central and South America is the real purpose of this test. Of course, the strength of the country you choose will also determine your strength. The results of the second test."

   Yang Cheng thoughtfully, "In other words, the stronger the country I can control, the better my grades will be?"

   "Wozi can be taught~" Yang Sen pretended to say.

   Yang Cheng rolled his eyes angrily, "I see, this matter must be planned carefully. If it is only a small country, just take the money directly. Anyway, as long as there is a population, this investment can be earned back."

  He is not talking big, as long as he can monopolize a market of 5 million people, it is easy to make money, even if Yang Cheng is stupid, can he develop the lowest-level cheap tertiary industry? There is always money to be made, or how many people like to be warlords? The rise of Uncle Xi back then did not benefit from the dictatorship of Faxis?

However, as Yang Sen said, it doesn’t take a year to find a small country to control the situation. But if you want to achieve excellent results, you have to consider the strengths and weaknesses of your goals. For example, you can control the situation in Poland. You control the situation in Zimbabwe, and the scores of the two are definitely different.

   Moreover, Yang Cheng never does useless work. If he only lays out from the perspective of testing, it seems a little bit of a slapstick. If he can use the opportunity of testing to deepen his influence, this deal will be a good deal.

With this kind of thinking, Yang Cheng walked the dark road again and left the building by car. When he looked at the building that was drifting away from the rear window, a strange feeling rushed into his heart, unable to tell. He could not describe it in words. He knew that if he wanted to come here, he would have to wait at least nine years later.

  . . . . . .

   On the first day of 2016, the sun was shining, but because of the sudden drop in temperature, the wind blew on the face like a knife. By all accounts, London's latitude is higher than Seoul, but it is far less cold.

Yes, that’s right. Yang Cheng came to Korea not far away on the first day of the new year. Naturally, it was not to travel or meet lovers. Since leaving Club 13, the test became his heart disease. If you don’t start quickly, what do you do? All boring.

Not only did I accompany my family to fish for two days in St. Stefan, Amman, I couldn’t help but ran out. The only companions who were with Hansen were the best bodyguards. His little wife returned to Los Angeles early for work reasons. Give him an opportunity to cheat.

   Okay, Yang Cheng admitted that now that I go to a private meeting with my lover, there is indeed a bit of an affair, but I have been prepared for it a long time ago, at most I just feel that the critical moment should be hard or hard.

   The reason why he chose South Korea as his target is after careful consideration. There are three reasons: First, he already has a considerable foundation in South Korea, eliminating the cumbersome layout from scratch;

Secondly, his skin color is not conspicuous in South Korea, nor does it appear too obtrusive. As the saying goes, people who are not from my race will have different hearts. In a group of white or black people, people have to guard against one or two. It is very unfavorable for Yang Cheng to open up the situation, although it is the same in Korea, but after all, it is not so eye-catching;

   Finally, and the most important reason, South Korea has all the innate conditions to be swayed, and the members are greedy! National recognition of the chaebol economy! Of course, its economic strength among the best internationally can give Yang Cheng a lot of extra points in the final results.

  A combination of various factors contributed to Yang Cheng’s trip to Korea.

Immediately after getting off the plane, Yang Cheng pulled the woolen cap on Hansen's head and buttoned it on his head, vomiting, "Hansen, you have become cunning. I know how to keep warm but I don't know to help your boss prepare. "

   Hansen was holding his head aggrievedly, and he was almost sweating with his hat just now. Suddenly encountering cold air at this moment, his skin shrank sharply. It felt so cool!

   Andrew was not at ease on the side of the knife, "Boss, deduct his bonus."

No way, and it’s not to blame Andrew's jealousy. It was really Christmas time when Hansen got a bonus that made him jealous. Of course, Yang Cheng wouldn’t favor one another, and Andrew did a lot, but considering that Hansen received so many bonuses , In the end, a fine was required, so I sent out more.

There were a lot of things last year, during which Hansen also made mistakes, so Yang Cheng, who was clearly rewarded and punished, issued a lot of fines to this capable cadre, but no one complained. This should be done. Rules are rules. , Cannot be broken because of personal feelings.

   "What's the situation? Why hasn't the car come yet?" Yang Cheng stood under the gangway and waited for a while. She couldn't stand the cold air, and asked with breath.

   Hansen also frowned. He arranged the car. If something went wrong, it was his responsibility. "Maybe the snowy road is not easy?"

   By looking at the snow near the airport, you can know how much the snow fell before they came.

   "Damn Korea, I hate this country." Andrew was also freezing cold enough, rubbing his hands and thinking.

   Fortunately, Yang Cheng did not wait for too long. A few minutes later, four Land Rovers wrapped the Bentley in the middle and drove over from the special aisle. Hansen's eyes brightened and he waved to the team, "Finally, the boss is here."

   This time when he came to Korea, Yang Cheng didn't notify anyone. He found that he especially liked surprise inspections. Only in this way could he see the truest side of his subordinate companies.

   Poor Liu Jianjun didn’t know that his boss was about to reach the door.

This time, Yang Cheng stayed at the hotel in Silla, and nothing else, because of Li Fu's relationship, the service Yang Cheng can enjoy in Silla is the best, and has the same power as the princess. Apart from not selling the hotel to make money, everything else is fine.

   Although there was no notice, Yang Cheng believed that it would not be long before Li Fu would receive the news from him.

   South Korea is really cold, even though the car is driving with warm air, Yang Cheng still feels the cold wind digging into the car.

   cursed, and said to Hansen, the co-pilot, "Forget it, go back to the hotel, the company will go tomorrow, it's too cold, I don't want to move when I am cold."

   The hotel and the company are in the same direction, and the convoy that has not yet entered the downtown area of ​​Seoul does not need to change direction, but Hansen still notified via the walkie-talkie.

On the way, Yang Cheng searched for recent hot news in South Korea with her mobile phone, trying to find a starting point, but unfortunately, probably because of the end of the year, South Korea’s news page has been contracted by the entertainment industry. It is not the movie king who won the award, or The star is in love, boringly tight.

Throwing the phone away, leaning back in the back seat and closing his eyes to rest his mind. He didn’t get nothing from the news just now. At least he got a piece of valuable information. According to the news, the Seoul City Hall has officially decided to develop the old city of the city, but The specific plan is not reported. Yang Cheng is going to scan through Li Fuzhen's relationship. He thinks this is an opportunity that can be used.

Last year, he and Li Fuzhen had reached a cooperation project on the renovation of the old city in Jiangnan District. This time, Yang Cheng was still ready to cooperate with her. There was no way, and no one else knew Yang No trust foundation. Talk about cooperation?

In addition, CY Entertainment, which has established a firm foothold in the Korean entertainment industry today, must also be used. Even if the company looks so powerful, it is even comparable to CJ, the leader of the Korean entertainment industry, but regardless of its background or the backing of foreign companies It is difficult to contend with CJ. Of course, the two sides are currently in the honeymoon period and the cooperation in all aspects is very smooth. Although Yang Cheng does not want to be the person who breaks the balance, if he wants to use CY Entertainment to do something, then with CJ Conflict is inevitable, which is more difficult.

When I arrived at the hotel just in time for lunch, Yang Cheng asked for a private box to eat. Just as he was about to go back to the room, the box door was knocked, and Li Fu walked with elegant steps. .

   just came in and said grotesquely, "You kid won't tell me when you come? Are you secretly preparing to do bad things?"

   Although Li Fu is still elegant in manners, Yang Cheng still sees a slight strangeness from her makeup. The fatigue and decadence are hard to conceal no matter how top cosmetics are.

He stretched out his hand to Li Fuzhen calmly, let her sit next to her, took a new set of tableware with her own hands, and put some favorite dishes for her, which deliberately cared with a joking tone. "I know you will come, so I didn't waste the phone bill. Have you had a bad experience recently?"

Li Fu really took a few bites for the sake of face, and ridiculed, "Yes, I had a bad time. This is not because I suddenly heard the news of your marriage proposal. I was so angry that I didn't sleep well for a few days. Let's talk about how to make up for it. I?"

  :. :

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