Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1076: Fallen Bai Fumei?

   "Yes, I had a bad time. This is not because I suddenly heard the news of your proposal. I was so angry that I didn't sleep well for a few days. Let's talk, how can I compensate me?"

   "Ahem~" Yang Cheng took a sip of water, this sister is doing woolen yarn? Don't look at how old you are, and still play with little girls jealous?

   But Yang Cheng knows that no matter what age a woman is, he can't reason with her, so he chose to change the subject wisely, "Don't be kidding, I'm serious, did your idiot husband do something again?"

   Li Fu really smiled at this, obviously unwilling to mention people who didn't want to mention it in front of Yang Cheng.

   "You can go back to jet lag as soon as you finish eating." Li Fu really stood up and licked his hair.

   Yang Cheng was startled, "Are you not with me?"

   "Bah~Selang, my sister still has work to do, so I won’t accompany you. There is a family dinner in the evening, so I really don’t have time."

   Everyone said so, Yang Cheng didn't want to stay too much, but just stood up and hugged, then let them go.

But as soon as Li Fu went out, the smile on Yang Cheng's face disappeared. He felt that Li Fu's state was really wrong. When he was chatting, he yawned several times, not because he was sleepy. The state was more like an addiction. .

   Yang Cheng was shocked, right? Li Fu really got du product? Yang Cheng's face is ugly, there are some things that can't be touched, whoever touches will die, no matter how rich it is!

   instructed Andrew who was eating there, "Go and follow her quickly, and find a way to find out if she has anything to do with it~"

   made a gesture of sucking du.

   Andrew reluctantly took the soup, and finally he slapped his lips with unbearable intentions. An angry Yang Cheng said with a smile, "Get out of here, if you can't complete the task, you don't want to eat anymore."

   knew that Yang Cheng was joking, but Andrew really didn't dare to scream, and he ran away.

Yang Cheng took a few more bites and lost his mood. Li Fu was really good to him, so he didn’t want to see this woman fall for herself, but if she really touched that thing, he couldn’t help but think about it and cooperate. Don't continue.

After eating, I went back to the villa with jet lag. I slept until the next morning. The sky was white, and the sun hadn’t gone to work. It was the coldest when this kind of blinding light. Yang Cheng shrank subconsciously when he opened his eyes. Neck, I slept until midnight last night and woke up to go to the bathroom. I turned off the air conditioner because of the heat. It was good now. The outside of the bed was all Antarctica.

   gritted his teeth and found the remote control to turn on the air conditioner. The temperature was adjusted to 30. After a violent blow, the biting chill was finally driven out. Then he got up from the bed and ran into the bathroom.

   The sound of water release was accompanied by a happy moan. After a while, Yang Cheng came out to find his mobile phone to call Andrew. He slept too hard yesterday and didn't know how the task he explained was accomplished.

   "Good morning boss~" Yang Cheng couldn't help frowning when he heard Andrew's dumbfounded voice, "You didn't sleep all night?"

   Andrew smoked his nose, "Yes, Boss, this woman doesn't know what the wind is. She stayed in the hospital all night, so I didn't sleep all night without talking, and got a cold."

   Yang Cheng frowned tighter and stayed in the hospital all night? Did you guess wrong? Not sucking du, but sick? Has that sort of malaise appeared?

No, it’s not right. Yang Cheng quickly denied his idea. He was sure that he would not be wrong. He was deeply impressed by the virtue of sucking du. During the years of indulgence, he was often with addicts, although he He was timid, but he still remembered what those people were like when they became addicted.

  Can **** du why go to the hospital? And staying is all night?

   I couldn’t figure it out, so I had to ask Andrew to investigate further, "Andrew, hold on, I will let Hansen send someone to help you, find a way to get Li Fu's medical records, and see if she is sick and needs hospitalization."

   "It's the boss, I'm going to check it now, this thing is very easy to get." Andrew said confidently.

I hung up the phone and glanced at the time by the way, and found that it was just after 6 o'clock, and the outside was still gray, and I was thinking about sleeping back, but when he closed his eyes, Li Fu was really addicted to the du product, which made him upset. , I simply went to the bathroom and took a hot bath until the sky began to turn red and the sun rose. I called the housekeeper to bring breakfast, eat and drink, and set off for the company by car.

   Just in time for the morning peak, Seoul was not congested, and Yang Cheng was helpless. He complained to Hansen, "This country is poisonous, so why not go well."

   Hansen chuckled. Just as he was about to answer the call, Yang Cheng's cell phone rang, and it was Andrew who was calling. This guy is like a duck in South Korea, and he makes things easy and enjoyable.

   "Boss, I really found it. It's unlucky for me to say that this woman is too." Andrew reported in a flashy report.

   Yang Cheng urged impatiently, "Said the point."

Andrew didn’t dare to hesitate and said hurriedly, “Yes, according to my investigation, last fall, Li Fuzhen had a physical conflict with her husband or ex-husband, and then Li Fuzhen was admitted to the hospital for treatment. The records show that Li Fu really left. My leg suffered a small area of ​​low-temperature burn. Although the operation went smoothly, it still failed to avoid After that, I received many scar removal treatments.

Later, I found from her medication record that she injected propofol several times after the operation. The frequency increased from once a month at the beginning to twice a month. Last night was the day when she injected propofol. . "

   Yang Cheng is a little dazed, what the **** is that propofol?

Andrew did not wait for Yang Cheng to ask, he took the initiative to explain, "Propofol is the legendary "anesthetic milk". The main function is the induction and maintenance of general anesthesia. Long-term injections are prone to dependence and addiction. It is very easy to use. Side effects such as apnea occur, but for the rich, this is something that is more acceptable than du products. It can paralyze oneself without the strong dependence of du products.

   By the way, Michael Jackson died from an overdose of propofol. "

Yang Cheng was still confused at first, but when Andrew mentioned Michael Jackson, he immediately remembered what this thing with a complicated name was. This tm is similar in nature to medical morphine. It can cure diseases and can be addicted to excessive use. Unexpectedly, I did not expect that Bai Fumi, the top Korean leader, could not escape the torture of the world and had to rely on foreign objects to paralyze herself.

   MD, it was that Ren Youjae who killed him. Damn it.

Yang Cheng really took Li Fu as a friend. No matter how bad he is, he is also a very good partner. Now because of Ren Youzai, the cooperation between the two parties has been uncertain. In other words, this **** may have broken his own. How can Cailu easily spare him?

  :. :

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