Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1081: I am innocent

   Yang Cheng regretted it after he said it. If this is not explained clearly, the captain Irene would probably not be able to do it.

But before he said what he said, Irene calmly said, "Board nim, variety shows are not something we can say. The entertainment industry has never been so simple to talk about it. I will keep your business card carefully, but this It can’t be the reason for my wanton behavior, so I thank the directors for their concern.”

   These reasonable and well-founded remarks made Yang Cheng look at the girl with admiration.

   nodded, no longer entangled in this topic, looked at the agent, "Are there any trips for a while?"

  The agent glanced at Irene in embarrassment, and said weakly to Yang Cheng, "There are two more opening activities to run~"

   Yang Cheng knew this before, and immediately interrupted before the voice fell, "I pushed it, and I will be responsible for the penalty. As for the exposure, I will arrange for you to go to variety shows to make up for it."

   paused, looking at Irene's delicate eyes, "Is this arrangement possible?"

   Irene hesitated, saying yes or no, saying no, no more. Seeing Yang Cheng's unwillingness to refuse, she knew that once she said no, the director nim would have to go crazy.

   When Yang Cheng saw this, he decided directly for them, and didn't give a chance to say anything if he wanted to refuse.

   "That's it, you get in the car, and I will take you to eat delicious food."

   He said so. The agent knew that the situation could not be changed, so he simply took Irene and the others into the nanny car. Anyway, the sky fell and there was a tall man like Yang Cheng.

   Yang Cheng’s motorcade led the way, and the agent drove a babysitter’s car behind. In the car, the girl who had been holding Irene before, said excitedly, "The director nim is so handsome, even the team is so domineering."

  Allie gave a wry smile, "Don't be idiot, think about how to deal with this director."

   A short girl in the back row leaned her head, "Euny, does that director like you? His eyes are full of dozing at you."

   Irene stretched out a finger and pushed the big head next to him back, "Don't talk nonsense~"

   The girls didn't stop talking about Yang Cheng for half of the time, but Yang Cheng didn't know it. Sitting in the car with her eyes closed, her mind was full of what Irene looked like when she was dancing. It was really charming.

  At this time, Hansen turned his head and handed the phone, "Boss, Andrew has something to report."

   Yang Cheng refreshed, took the phone and asked, "Come on, what have you found?"

Andrew said loudly, "Boss, because he investigated him before, it didn't take much effort to check it again. Ren Youzai didn't check it at all. He thought he was very clever and did something to cover up, but he talked to me in front of me. It didn’t make a difference. It broke after a poke. In just a few hours, I found out his lover and sucking duo. Don’t say, this **** really knows how to play. He even raised a pair of twins in the suburbs. Although I have had plastic surgery, it is quite interesting.

   By the way, I also found that he used the shell company to make money from the Sanxing Group. So far, the number I found has reached more than 10 billion won. "

Yang Cheng curled up her lips, "It's great, well done, are there photos and videos? No matter what, as long as there are traces to follow, even if it is only ambiguous information, you must find a way to post it online. Be careful, don't You were found."

   Andrew’s chest slammed loudly, “Don’t worry, no one will find me. In a few hours, this bastard’s black material will spread throughout the network.”

   Yang Cheng said, "Very well, you will come back when you are done."

   As soon as the call was hung up, Yang Cheng’s own cell phone rang again, almost seamlessly connected. He took out his cell phone and glanced in surprise, and found that it was Ito Koji’s call. He hesitated to answer the channel, "I’m Yang Cheng~"

   "Brother Yang, I'm Ito, I took the liberty to call you, I'm sorry." Little RB still pays attention to etiquette, although it is too hypocritical, but the listener is still very useful.

   "It doesn't matter, I happen to be in Korea, and the jet lag is very small." Yang Cheng said his position smoothly.

Ito was surprised, "Really? That's right. I don't know if I have the honor to invite Brother Yang to come to Tokyo. I will take you to experience the most authentic RB cuisine. Of course, the service of natural hot springs, and the gentle female technicians, their technical skills Makes you feel like you are in heaven."

When Yang Cheng heard it, it was estimated that Ito’s affairs had progressed and wanted to talk face-to-face. In that case, it would be nice to go to RB. The two countries are very close, and nothing was delayed, but he would not admit that he was because of Ito. That sentence was tempting, so I happily agreed, "Okay, then I'll bother, so I have something to talk about at noon, and after lunch, I will fly to Tokyo."

   Ito Koji is overjoyed, "No problem, I will greet him at the airport personally, and I am waiting for Brother Yang to arrive."

   "Then, see you this afternoon~"

  . . .

   The Chinese restaurant of the Shilla Hotel, Yang Cheng asked for a big box, and two more girl groups could accommodate it.

   A round table large enough for 20 people to eat at the same time, Yang Cheng and Irene and the other five were sitting in similar positions, which seemed a bit empty. As for the agent, sitting alone by the door, it looked a little out of place.

   The waiter brought the menu and kindly asked Yang Cheng, the VIP customer, what he wanted to eat today, but Yang Cheng was obviously not the protagonist. He pointed to Irene, "Give the menu to this lady."

   Irene was startled and waved her hands again and again, "No no, Nim, Director, I don’t know how to order food, so you should come."

   Yang Cheng waved his hand, “It’s all by yourself, don’t be too restrictive, there are no rules when ordering, just order what you like, don’t care about the price, the waiter troubles to show them a few more menus.”

   The waiter naturally obeyed Yang Cheng's instructions, and all fools could see who had the most power in this room.

   While they were looking through the menu, Yang Cheng looked at Irene, who was specifically pulled by him to sit next to him, and asked softly, "Are you interested in accompanying me to RB?"

  As soon as these words came out, the women's gazes looking at Yang Cheng became less kind, and the agent jumped nervously.

   Yang Cheng frowned, "What are you doing? Everyone is dying, can I kill people if I do? Don't worry, I don't mean anything else, just asking."

   Having said that, no one would take Yang Cheng's words as a joke, let alone think that Yang Cheng really only wanted to take Irene on a trip.

   I didn't see Irene so scared that her face turned pale, biting her lip, tears rolling in her eyes.

   Yang Cheng is speechless, are his words really so scary? Is he really innocent?

"Please, you really misunderstood me. I just think you are too tired recently and want to take you out for a relaxing time. I don't have any thoughts. And I went to RB for business talks and I didn't have the time to do those nasty things. "

   However, the misunderstanding has already occurred, and no matter how Yang Cheng explained it, it was useless, but made the misunderstanding even deeper.

  The agent asked nervously, "Board Nim, the children's itinerary must be approved by the company. Only when the minister and the president sign at the same time can the itinerary be confirmed, so, so..."

  He hesitated for a long time, and just wanted to name one thing. Yang Cheng wanted to play the routine, and he had to pass the president Jin Yingmin first.

Yang Cheng was really angry. He really kindly treated him as a donkey liver and lungs. Although he knew in his heart that his words could easily cause unnecessary misunderstandings, he didn't want to explain nonsense. Since people have already treated you as a hooligan, talking nonsense would be futile. , Just break the can, and said with a cold face, "Heh, what do you think I want to do, can Jin Yingmin stop it?"

   The lethality of these words is invincible, and the pale face of Irene, who was scared, is now even more bloodless.

   Yang Cheng was very disappointed. The gangsters were all forced out. I am innocent, but the world is too dark, alas. . . It's hard to be a good person!

Feeling that her self-esteem was insulted, Yang Cheng’s stomach was full of anger, and she couldn’t eat this meal, so she stood up, and with just such a move, Irene almost collapsed to the ground in fright, thinking that Yang Cheng was furious. Do it.

   Yang Cheng's face was full of disappointment and loneliness, and she whispered, "Okay, don't make a look of being bullied, you can eat slowly, and you can charge it to my account when you leave."

   stepped outside, and did not forget to ask the waiter when I arrived, "Take good care of my guests and serve them according to the menu I usually eat. The amount should be increased, and remember to count it on my account."

The waiter who had witnessed the whole thing was full of sympathy for Yang Cheng. At the same time, he looked at the girls with contempt and scolded them for being unsuccessful. At the same time, he flatly said to Yang Cheng, "Mr. Yang, please rest assured~www. I will take care of your guests."

   Yang Cheng gave a hum, and left without looking back.

   In the private room, the few people who looked at each other did not know what to do. After a few minutes of silence, the short girl who was gossiping said weakly, "Did we misunderstand him?"

   The tall girl with one eyelid pouted, "Who asked him to make such an excessive request."

   The agent’s face was the most ugly, because he realized that his working life might end here, and offended a major shareholder and a director. He didn’t think he was lucky enough to escape.

Angrily rushed out of the box, Yang Cheng went straight out of the hotel, and the bodyguard who was just about to sit down for a meal quickly followed up, not knowing what the scene was, too late to complain, and hurriedly got in the car. Andrew had already returned and sat there. Driving position, "Boss, where are we going?"

   "Go to the airport~" Yang Cheng said with a sullen face.

  Looking at Yang Cheng's appearance, he knew that he was in a bad mood. Hansen and the others did not dare to ask more, they could only order the team to start, and at the same time contact the crew to ask if they were ready for takeoff.

   Being so misunderstood by others, no one will feel disheartened after a change, not to mention Yang Cheng, who is not so big at all.

Called Jin Yingmin and asked him to block the combination, but the phone was picked up and put down again. He felt that he was a little bit irritated by doing this. Forget it, no matter what, it’s a big deal to let Ito arrange a few at night Gentle girl RB, soothe his injured little heart.

  :. :

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