Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1082: Tokyo is not too hot

  Because the itinerary to RB is a temporary arrangement, the route and the apron require temporary application, so Yang Cheng delayed some time at the airport. When he arrived in Tokyo, the sky was completely dark.

   But it happened that Yang Cheng could enjoy the dazzling night view of Tokyo, one of the largest cities in the world, with a panoramic view.

Looking down from the air, the blurred lights embellish the dream of the city of Tokyo. The flow of cars meanders as if there is no end. The pink neon swallows up the cold reality of this modern city, leaving only romance, and that share Romance needs to be alone in absolute silence to be fully embraced.

   After the Jason landed safely and steadily, it taxied to the apron reserved in advance. Koji Ito led the convoy waiting for Yang Cheng to disembark.

   "Brother Yang, welcome to Tokyo~"

As soon as Yang Cheng’s feet touched the ground, Ito Koji gave a warm hug. The beautiful secretary, entourage, and bodyguard behind him bowed together, and they didn’t even dare to look at Yang Cheng with their straight eyes. The strict etiquette was evident. .

   Today, because of a bad mood, mainly because of the anger of beautiful women, Yang Cheng saw the little RB Ito feel very kind, mainly because they gave him the right ‘hypocritical’ smile and gave him a spring breeze.

   "Brother Ito, I didn't expect that we would meet again so soon, how are you?" Yang Cheng uncharacteristically expressed familiar concerns, which made Ito feel very useful.

   "Brother Yang, I should ask you this. You look at your face is full of fatigue." Ito's serious expression seemed to really care about Yang Cheng's health.

   It's a pity that Yang Cheng didn't have a trace of fluctuation in her heart, but on the surface she was still imaginary and reluctant to say, "Isn't this just being sad by a little beauty? It doesn't matter, it will be fine after a while."

   Ito raised the sky and laughed, "Brother Yang, this problem is very easy to solve. The gentleness of our RB beauty can definitely heal your inner scars."

   MD, Yang Cheng is about to vomit. They are obviously two profit-seeking guys. They have to pretend to be sentimental teenagers. It's really a **** for Nana!

   You came and talked nonsense for 10 minutes before Yang Cheng shuddered, "Brother Ito, should we go to the car and say? Tokyo is cold enough."

Tokyo has a typical subtropical monsoon climate. The temperature fluctuations throughout the year are not too large. The four seasons are still distinct. It is only affected by the ocean. There is more rain in summer and less snow in winter. Today's temperature is hovering above zero, although it is still a bit It was cold, but Yang Cheng felt much more comfortable now than the dry coldness in Seoul. At least he didn't have the feeling of freezing and cracking his skin, otherwise he would not have the patience to wrestle with Ito in the open.

Ito’s preparations are very careful. Knowing that Yang Cheng is a senior Rolls-Royce fan, he specially tuned a Phantom with a color similar to the Jason, and also equipped with 4 Mercedes-Benz and 8 Range Rover. Drive to downtown Tokyo with a double flash.

In the back row of the Phantom, Yang Cheng and Ito sat next to each other. At first, Yang Cheng was not very comfortable, mainly because Ito always likes to be close to Yang Cheng. A big master is so close to him, Yang Cheng is always unaccustomed. But they didn't act excessively, it was not easy to push them away, Yang Cheng could only pinch his nose and endure it.

However, his gaze stayed out of the window. Tokyo’s prosperity is not inferior to any city in the world. Even if it’s winter night, it cannot hinder the restless hormones of those young people in Tokyo. The bustling streets are full of traffic, but they are well organized and not crowded. , The motorcade was unimpeded all the way, and almost never encountered too congested sections. As one of the most densely populated cities in the world, it was not called a blocked city. Yang Cheng sincerely admired it.

"Brother Yang, I originally planned to take you directly to Hokkaido to soak in the hot springs, but considering the twists and turns of the journey, I will take a good rest tonight and taste the authentic RB cuisine. I am arranging for a few beautiful women to do the spa for you and sleep well. , We will fly to Hokkaido early tomorrow morning and it will be a great pleasure to talk about things in the hot spring."

   Yang Cheng certainly doesn't have any complaints. This is Ito’s home stadium. As a guest, he naturally wants guests and hosts.

   However, when the car was about to stop, he remembered that Amman also had a hotel in Tokyo, and he had lived in his own hotel when he remembered it, but now it is hard to reject Ito's enthusiasm.

   The motorcade stopped downstairs in the Midtown Tower, and the Ritz-Carlton hotel manager led the team to personally greet them downstairs.

Koji Ito whispered, "Brother Yang, I booked you the Ritz Carlton suite. This has the most beautiful skyline view in Tokyo. You can overlook Tokyo and even the entire Kanto Plain from here. Trust me, tomorrow morning. It will be wonderful weather. If you wake up early enough, you will step on Mount Fuji. Of course, you can try the pleasure of sprinting in front of the Tokyo Tower tonight."

Yang Cheng rolled his eyes and spoke a few polite words to the hotel manager, while vomiting in his heart, this **** Xiaolizi is really close to his old But Ito is right. The suite he stayed in has a stunning view. The Tokyo Tower, lit by fireflies, is within easy reach. The Imperial Palace Park is nearby. It is also a good choice to run nearby in the morning.

After a brief glance at the room, Ito Koji sincerely invited Yang Cheng to the restaurant. A three-Michelin-star chef personally cooked an exquisite dinner combining Japanese and American style. Fresh air-shipped ingredients gave Yang Cheng’s taste buds. Get a few big satisfactions.

The Fourchu lobster, which is worth US$20 a pound, is known as the Rolls Royce of lobsters. It can be enjoyed only 10 weeks a year. Obviously it is not the best time to eat, but the ingredients are well preserved and they are exhausted. In order to preserve the umami taste of the lobster as much as possible, under the careful cooking of the chef, it exudes an excellent taste;

Baby eels worth $2,000 were served on the table. Yang Cheng showed a subconscious rejection. RB people love to eat eels. Everyone knows that more than 70% of eels are caught and eaten by RB people. This shows that their love for eels is paranoid. To the extent, of course, Yang Cheng had also thought badly about whether the little RB felt that his ability was insufficient and could only rely on foreign objects to make up for his innate shortcomings.

Hahahahaha, thinking of venting for the male compatriots of country Z tonight, his rejection of baby eels is not so strong, don’t say, only when you eat it, you find that little RB will really enjoy it. This baby eel is not like it. Adult eels are as greasy as they are, and they don't have a hint of earthy smell. The meat is tender and smooth. After marinating in teriyaki sauce, the taste is better than adult eels. Yang orange is very satisfying.

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