Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1083: Spa health

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The highlight of RB cuisine is naturally the expensive and even luxurious bluefin tuna. Although Yang Cheng did not have such a good luck to be the king of bidding, the quality of the bluefin tuna introduced by the hotel is absolutely guaranteed. The rich meat is delicious and delicate. The taste is refreshing. After swallowing, there is still a hint of sweetness in the mouth. It can be said that the value of bluefin tuna sashimi alone accounts for half of this dinner.

With warm thoughts and a good meal, Yang Cheng can't wait to experience the caress of the RB girl in person.

The spa occupies the entire 46th floor, with an area of ​​nearly 2,000 square meters sufficient to ensure the privacy requirements of many guests while enjoying the service.

Change into brand new spa suits in the independent dressing room, of course it is vacuum, the thermostat system did not let Yang Cheng's brother feel the wind blowing.

In the future, the two delicate girls wore black uniform skirts, with their bumpy figures at a glance. Sure enough, when you come to RB, you must be equipped with a childlike giant ~ru. A gentle layer of light makeup adds to the simple face A touch of charm.

The two girls waited respectfully at the exit of the dressing room. When Yang Cheng came out, she introduced herself in standard English. One of the short-haired girls said, "Dear guest, welcome to the Ritz-Carlton Spa. Today’s long night will be served by our sisters. I’m Qingsha and this is my sister Yumi. I hope to bring you the most perfect enjoyment."

Yang Cheng was surprised, "Are you sisters?"

Qingsha smiled, "We are half sisters."

At this time, Ito Koji, who had also changed his clothes, walked over with two other female technicians, and said, "Brother Yang, enjoy yourself. I specially arranged this pair of sisters for you. Trust me, absolutely let you not This trip is imaginary."

Yang Chengxin knows how to leave an ambiguous smile, no more nonsense, let Qingsha and Yumi lead the way.

As a top-level spa, naturally it should not be too simple and rude. Some necessary procedures must be followed. During this period, the sisters were very professional and focused, without any other emotions. They led Yang Cheng to take a bath and sauna. Wait for the necessary procedures.

Finally, under the leadership of the sisters, I entered a private rest room. The interior decoration is very natural, without exaggerated luxury. Instead, it uses a color similar to nature, and at the same time is made of warm wood and elegant gold. The base tone is complemented by the metallic cobalt blue and the eye-catching coral color, and the environment is both atmospheric and comfortable.

In the center of the room of hundreds of square meters, there is a huge water chuang 3 meters wide and 2 meters long. When Yang Cheng lay down, facing the huge floor-to-ceiling curtain wall, Tokyo Tower was in front of him.

This visual enjoyment alone made Yang Cheng fascinated.

Just when Yang Cheng was about to close his eyes to enjoy the long-awaited service, Qingsha brought a cup of blood red drink to Yang Cheng, and introduced, "Mr. Yang, this is a special drink for every distinguished guest at the spa. , Can help you better enjoy the pleasure of massage."

Yang Cheng was stunned for a moment and didn't think much. He took it and drank it. I have to say that this drink is quite unique, and the color is not mentioned. The coolness of the entrance has driven away the heat in the body, and it is sweet. With a slightly sour taste, all the pores on Yang Cheng's body were instantly opened, and the air purified by the air filter poured into the body along the pores, and the sense of comfort made Yang Cheng's noise involuntarily*.

The two sisters glanced at each other, seeming to see a meaning that should be so in each other's eyes.

Yang Cheng opened his eyes, and there were dozens of scents remaining in his mouth, with endless aftertastes, and quickly asked, "What is this drink?"

This time it’s my sister Yumi’s turn to speak. She was very introverted before, and she was a little bit shy when she touched the Yang Cheng brothers, but after more than an hour of contact, this girl’s lively nature was about to wake up and she was playful. He spit out his tongue, "Mr. Yang, the drink is made from pomegranate juice as the main base, supplemented by more than a dozen spices such as saffron, basil, nutmeg, and fruits. It is made after dozens of filtrations and it is very supplementary. ."

Not to mention, the little girl is quite cute, and her fleshy cheeks pinched a pack of water. Yang Cheng couldn't help but start to wonder about the age of the sisters. As for the drink with the urge to qing, she had already swallowed it anyway. Who cares.

"I don't know your age yet? You can't be underage, right?" To be honest, although he gathers countless flowers and is a bit cold towards women, he really feels a bit guilty if he wants to act on underage girls. Normal men dare to think about it in their hearts, but if they really want to act, they might have a psychological burden.

Qingsha replied, "Mr. Yang, our sister is 20 years old this year."

Yang Cheng sighed fiercely. She is 20 years old, and she has no burden to start.

Putting on a smiling face again, "Let's start, I've been looking forward to it for a long time."

The two sisters smiled at each other and said in unison, "Yes~"

Yang Cheng was lying on the * with his eyes closed, only to hear a rustling sound behind him, and then he obviously felt that the temperature of the air conditioner was increased by a few degrees, and the ambient light was also dimmed. From all around, the soothing rhythm made Yang Cheng fall into a strange world.

The spa suit was gently removed by the four weak and boneless hands. In the next second, the silky and fragrant essential oil dripped on the back of Yang Orange, and the next thing was the endless enjoyment that cannot be described in words.

(Ten thousand characters have been harmonious...)

In the middle of the night, Yang Cheng gently climbed up from the two lying Xiangyan~carcasses. Her mind was full of the crazy scenes of the past few hours. Qingsha and Yumei were born with the ability to provoke men’s criminal desires. Although it is the first time to accommodate vulgar things, the technology is quite sophisticated. After the initial jerky, in the next battle, it still faintly gained the upper hand. If it were not for Yang Cheng, the old driver who drove countless cars and had a rich prince~ Experience, I am afraid I will surrender in a few clicks.

However, it may be because of the hostility in the afternoon. Today, Yang Cheng's performance is exceptionally vigorous and domineering. After all, she is a young girl in the beginning of the period, with congenital shortcomings, and eventually fell under Yang Cheng's gun and fell asleep deeply.

As a result, Yang Cheng was still not satisfied, and violently brought Qingsha and Yumi back to the room, and carried out a brutal punishment of the corpse, which caused the two girls to become unconscious. Then, they poured out anger at the Tokyo Tower. '.

Yang Cheng, who had been working hard in the first half of the night, didn't even feel sleepy. She stood in front of the window and experienced the sense of accomplishment of stepping on the Tokyo Tower. She couldn't help thinking of the scene of being misunderstood at noon. He was frustrated, but he couldn't do anything. This feeling of helplessness even made him forget the craziness before. It can be seen how deeply he suffered today.

As a result, what he did not expect was that there were still people adding fuel to the fire.

Just as he lit and roasted a cigar in his mouth, the phone on Chuang's head flickered and shook.

Qingsha lying nearby frowned slightly, as if she was drowsy by the shock, but because she was too tired, she didn't wake up anyhow, changed her posture and continued to sleep soundly.

Yang Cheng didn't know who was bothering him so late, but since he was awake, he picked up the phone and walked out of the bedroom with a cigar in his mouth. The neon lights spilled into the living room through the glass window, even if he didn't turn on the light, he didn't feel dark. Sitting on the sofa, I saw Liu Jianjun's call and answered the channel, "It's me, why are you calling so late."

Liu Jianjun said very apologetically, "Boss, I'm sorry to disturb you so late, mainly because there are some bad voices in Korea."

He knew that Yang Cheng flew to RB in the afternoon.

Yang Cheng raised her eyebrows, inadvertently smoked a cigar, slowly exhaled the mist, and asked casually, "What's the bad sound? I want you to call so late."

Liu Jianjun didn’t dare to conceal it, and said directly, “In the afternoon, someone broke the news on the Internet that S~M’s major shareholder qian ruled women’s group. The person who broke the news also attached a few photos in a serious manner. It was you talking to a woman named redvelvet on the street. The scene when the group is talking, the angle of the photo is very elegant, if it looks like a person who doesn’t understand, it’s easy to take it seriously."

Yang Cheng wouldn't be frightened by this incident, but he was a little puzzled. Who is so brave to make his own rumors? asked calmly, "What then?"

Liu Jianjun was stunned. He obviously didn't expect Yang Cheng to react like this. He hesitated, "Then? Then this revelation was dug up, and then spread to other social platforms. By the time of dinner, it was completely fermented, and it even went to Korea. For the hot search on the side, I have sent someone to negotiate with the platform and ask them to take the hot search down."

Yang Cheng's voice finally fluctuates, "Oh? It's on the hot search so soon? It seems that someone is helping, um~, what did S~M say? How do you plan to respond?"

"I talked to President Kim Young-min on the phone, and he also thought it was very strange. It stands to reason that your name has been on the Do Not Disturb list of various media. There shouldn’t be any news like this, and it has become a hot search in a short time. He suspects that it was accidentally injured. It should be a smoke bomb that opponents can release. It is aimed at hitting S~M's stock price to profit from it. By the way, it can also suppress redvelvet so that his own girl group can benefit."

Yang Cheng snorted when he heard the words, "Don't talk, S~M's opponents are only those two, J~Y~P and Y~G, I don’t believe they have not received the warning from the boss behind them, since they dare to be brazen. Pulling me out proves that the other party is ready to play with me and suppress the women's team? Doesn't exist!

Therefore, these two companies can basically be ruled out behind the scenes. "

Liu Jianjun hesitated, "The boss made sense, but Jin Yingmin has already sent someone to negotiate with the two companies. I don't know what the outcome will be."

Yang Cheng sneered, "What can be the result? Even if they did it, they have to die without admitting it. Forget it, you have to rely on yourself for everything, or you should send someone to investigate it yourself and notify me immediately if you find any clues."

Liu Jianjun's ability was confirmed by Yang Cheng, and this kind of thing was done without Yang Cheng's instructions.

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