Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1087: Routine Irene (1)

The young assistant's hands under the table clenched into fists tightly, exerting too much force, and even his shoulders trembled.

Liu Jianjun, as if he hadn’t seen it, said to himself, “Look, 500 million won. There is no tax. You can exchange cash at the bank anytime and anytime. Forget it, how many years will it take for you to earn money at work? so much?

And now you just need to stand in front of the camera and move your lips to get this check in your pocket. Is there any more lucrative job in the world? Anyway, I don’t know, if you know don’t forget to recommend it to me, I want to do it too. "

Lao Liu had the problem of broken mouth when he was young. As he got older, this bad problem was improved, especially after he became the number one horseman of Yang Cheng, he cherished feathers more and more. Without moving a bit, facing this young assistant, he unknowingly found his youthful'scenery', the more he talked, the happier he was, and he didn't care about the feelings of the guy opposite.

"Enough, enough, don't tell me, I will not betray the director."

The young man’s furious roar attracted the attention of the whole coffee shop. Liu Jianjun seemed calm, "Oh, I almost forgot to say, this check is just a deposit. If you behave well in front of the camera, there will be a picture of exactly the same afterwards. The check is delivered to you.

In this way, after you have paid off your debt, you still have spare money to buy a big house and improve the family’s living environment. With a house, you can propose to your beloved girlfriend. "

While talking, Liu Jianjun pulled out a photo of a sweet-looking girl from the phone. It is not difficult to find that the shooting angle of this photo is the same as that of Yang Cheng. It was taken secretly from behind. The girl in the photo was carrying a book and carrying a book. The backpack walks on the path of the university campus, full of youth, and no one can bear to destroy the happy smile.

The assistant slammed a fist on the table and stared at Liu Jianjun, "What do you want to do? This is my business, you can't involve my girlfriend."

Liu Jianjun changed his kind expression and smiled cruelly, "Children, listen to my persuasion, it is not worth it to work for a boss who likes to die, and it is not worth it to have such a beautiful girlfriend for this, but the right to choose is always In your own hands, don't blame me for not reminding you, my patience is not long."

In fact, as soon as he took out the photo, the young assistant who had no experience was already panicked, and was threatened by Liu Jianjun both inside and outside, completely out of ideas.

But there really is no diehard loyalty in this world. Liu Jianjun is both money and threat. The stick sweet date greets him, let alone young people who have not been involved in the world, even a cunning old fox can not be able to withstand it.

"I know, I will take the initiative to break the news to the media as you said."

Liu Jianjun was well prepared for this. He made a phone call and said a few words. Soon a team of reporters rushed into the coffee shop to surround the bewildered assistants, while Liu Jianjun retired with a relaxed smile. After walking out of the coffee shop, no one noticed the two brand-new checks under the coffee cup except the assistant himself.

The problem on the bright side is solved, and the next step is to solve the director surnamed Cui.

Liu Jianjun’s people moved quickly. Not long after the young assistant was interviewed, the news with video and text appeared on the recommended homepage of the Korean version of the headline app, and then spread to other platforms little by little.

This is the second time that Yang Cheng had a peachy scandal in South Korea, but the news influence this time was obviously not as great as the previous one. The main reason was that the heroine of the incident was not famous enough, and Yang Cheng himself was not caught in the face. This leaves him a lot of room for maneuver.

The most important thing is that the solution this time is simple and rude. It immediately shifted the center of the contradiction. Now the entire network is discussing the suspected frame-up of the S-M director.

At this time, Yang Cheng was sitting in the villa living room of the Shilla Hotel opposite Jin Youngmin who came to the door. Yang Cheng's face was calm, and she slowly shook a glass of red wine in her hand, "President Kim, it's not too much. , You just come to the door to ask the teacher, is it inappropriate?"

Jin Yingmin gave a wry smile, "Mr. Yang, see if you take the news down first, and I will explain it to you slowly."

Yang Cheng pretended to be puzzled, "Oh? Why? Why?"

Kim Young-min sat forward, half of his **** hanging out, and said anxiously, "I admit that Director Choi has done a little too much this time, but Redvelvet is the women's team that he strongly builds. It has been tepid for more than a year. State, because of this, I did something wrong in a hurry. I have my reasons for coming here. He is following the extreme method I used to create Girls’ Generation."

Yang Cheng waved his hand, "President Jin, if you change to you, will you use me when you know my identity?"

Jin Yingmin's tone was stagnant, choked by Yang Cheng's words, and sighed, "No~"

Yang Cheng stretched out his hand and played with the taste, "Well then it's over? Don't say that Director Cui has a problem with his brain, so don't persuade me. Anyway, I have a lot of time and play slowly."

Kim Young-min is going crazy, while scolding Director Cui as an idiot, while anxiously persuades, "Mr. Yang, you are also a shareholder of S-M, can't you just sit back and watch the stock price fall? From the beginning of the morning to now, the stock price has fallen by more than 5%!"

"It's only 5%? Is it so little? It seems that the news is not hot enough." Yang Cheng's exaggerated tone, not only did not care about the decline in stock prices, but also dismissed the decline as too small, which made Jin Yingmin angry.

Mischief usually smiles, "President Kim, don't worry about me, just an S-M, I can afford it, even if it pays ten, it won't hurt me."

Kim Young-min held his forehead, almost pleadingly, the president is no one for his sake, "How on earth are you willing to let go?"

Yang Cheng drank the red wine in the glass in one gulp, shaking his head and talking about another topic, "How about the redvelvet girls?"

Jin Yingmin was taken aback, and was caught off guard by Yang Cheng's jumping thinking. He could only subconsciously say, "Uh, it's not very good, all the itinerary has been cancelled, and I will be in the dormitory temporarily."

"Poor girls~" Yang Cheng sighed, maybe she really hurt them this time.

Looking at Yang Cheng with weird eyes, he asked in a bad tone, "What do you mean, Mr. Yang?"

Yang Orange didn't want to talk nonsense with this guy, this hypocritical fox was a puppet pushed out by the forces behind it, so there was no need to spend more words.

"You go back first. If you are really sincere, let the director Cui come to me personally." Mr. Yang beckoned and motioned to Hansen to see him off, and he went back to the second floor room.

He had asked Liu Jianjun to get Irene's phone number before. He sat on the edge of the chuang and hesitated to make a call. The sycamore tree outside the window was only bare branches, which was desolate.

In the end, the call was dialed out. After all, he was not an innocent boy who was uncertain. His enthusiasm for beautiful women came and went quickly. Now is when he is most fascinated by Irene. In order to get a hand, some unfair means should be used. It has to be used, let alone a phone call.

The phone rang for a long time before it was connected. It is estimated that the other party saw an unfamiliar number and hesitated to answer it, "Hello, who are you?"

The corners of Yang Cheng's mouth rose instinctively, but he quickly converged, and said in a calm voice, "Hello, is this Irene? This is Yang Cheng!"

"Yang Cheng?" Irene muttered the name in a daze, and then exclaimed, "Huh? It's director Nim? Uh... I'm really sorry, I didn't hear your voice the first time."

Yang Cheng could hear that there was more fear than surprise in this voice. As a director of the company, it was not difficult to get her phone call. Irene was not a fool, and naturally knew that even if there was any dissatisfaction, she did not dare to complain.

In fact, she did complain a little bit about Yang Cheng. If he hadn't suddenly appeared at the event and made such a big move, how could there be any trouble now? The members of the victim can only hide in the dormitory, and the trip to connect is finally cancelled. Even going to the company to practice the dance of the new album is strictly forbidden by the agent. All of this is Yang Cheng’s fault.

Of course, since Irene can be the captain, it is definitely not because of her age. High EQ is also one of the important factors in being selected.

Therefore, she quickly adjusted her mood and took the initiative to apologize, giving Yang Cheng a step.

Yang Cheng smiled knowingly, she was such a clever girl, no wonder she could be the captain, talk and behave.

But when it comes to playing routines, a kid who grew up in the practice room and was able to compete with the old driver, Yang Cheng, "I should apologize to you and your team members. This is also the reason why I called, because I made you wronged."

He didn't mention yesterday's incident, but took the responsibility directly on himself and forcibly narrowed the distance between each other.

"The director Nim is serious. All this is an accident. Since we debuted for more than a year, we have been under a lot of pressure, and we have survived even greater scolding. Now this little storm is nothing, thank you Director Nim's concern." Irene said against her will.

She did tell a lie. Just now, she and her sisters were still watching vicious messages directed at them on the Internet. The two youngest sisters even blushed because of this, but can this be told to Yang Cheng? Obviously not, he is not a close brother, let alone an elder in the family, but a superior chaebol. What's the point of saying that?

Yang Cheng's apology is just an excuse. He is well versed in the art of chatting, and he is very knowledgeable about how to reduce the vigilance of the conversation partner, and step by step to lure the other party to the bait.

"Well, no matter whether you accept my apology or not, since it started because of me, I have to do something. Do you have time now? Can you come out and meet? I have a few options here. It is more convenient to talk in person. "Yang Cheng's fox tail came out quietly.

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