Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1088: Routine Irene (2)

Yang Cheng’s proactive apology just now really made Irene feel much better, and her vigilance was also reduced. Faced with Yang Cheng’s invitation, although she wanted to refuse the invitation at the first time, she considered it more. Yang Cheng was both The parties involved in the event are also the company's major shareholders of the board of directors, and they have a prominent position in the entertainment industry.

Yang Cheng didn't rush to urge her, and waited for Irene to consider it for a few minutes before finally speaking, "The agent does not allow me to go out now."

Upon hearing this, Yang Cheng said immediately, "Don't worry, your agent will not object to meeting me, so let me pick you up now, and you will send your address over by SMS."

Irene repeatedly refused, "Don't bother Nim, Director, you tell me the location, I'll just take a taxi."

How could Yang Cheng give up the opportunity to be alone, "It's no trouble, just wait for me to swim with one foot."

After hanging up the phone, Yang Cheng dialed Li Fuzhen again, and asked her to borrow a Mercedes-Benz G63. It was strange that Yang Cheng found that the petite woman liked the car more.

I took the car key from the hotel manager and got on this pearl white G63amg, with a 550-horsepower V8 engine, which easily pushed the huge boxy body into the streets of Seoul.

The tall body posture gives Yang Cheng the feeling of patrolling the road in an armored car. It's not a sense of control, but for old drivers who are used to large-displacement cars, it is not difficult to control, at least better than Laferari. .

I drove the navigation and quickly came to the address sent by Irene. Yang Cheng found that the dormitory was not far from SM. Of course, he was not lucky enough to enter the women’s team dormitory because Irene had already been waiting on the way. side.

Yang Cheng spotted the little figure wearing a white fleece jacket and a black mask at a glance.

A kick of the accelerator surpassed a taxi, and stopped steadily in front of Irene. Irene, who was emptying in a daze, was taken aback by the behemoth and involuntarily stepped back. Yang Cheng pushed the door and got out of the car. Irene smiled, "I made you wait a long time, get in the car, it's too cold outside."

Irene realized that Yang Cheng was here, but because she was outside, it was not easy to remove her mask, so she bowed slightly and apologized, "Trouble director Nim to pick me up."

Regardless of the three-seven-one, Yang Cheng directly pulled the co-pilot away and signaled, "Don't be so polite, let's get into the car if you have anything."

After that, I helped Irene into the car. Without his help, the big G with a high chassis is really a bit hard for Irene, who is wearing tight jeans and high heels.

After getting in the car, I kicked the accelerator into the traffic. At this moment, Irene took off the mask and straightened her hair. She couldn't wait to say to Yang Cheng, "Board Nim, can you talk about the solution? The members are all anxious."

Irene's eyes are delicate, her eyelashes are curving, and her fan is very cute.

Yang Cheng didn't dare to admire it with his straight eyes, otherwise it would have to be a car accident.

Instead of answering her question, she asked, "If I remember correctly, you are in 1991?"

Irene nodded blankly, wondering why Yang Cheng suddenly asked the question of age.

Yang Cheng stepped on the brake and waited for the red light, turned her head and stretched out her hand, "I’m officially recognized. My name is Yang Cheng. I’m a Chinese-American. I’m not much older than you. If you don’t mind, call me oppa. Up."

Irene smiled helplessly, stretched out her little hand and shook Yang Cheng gently, and tried to address very quietly, "I see, Yang~Orange oppa?"

Yang Cheng nodded in satisfaction and looked forward again, "That's right, you girl is good everywhere. It's just too restrained. No need. I may be a big man in the business field, but in private, I'm just an ordinary person. people."

Irene covered her mouth and smiled. It was the first time she heard someone call herself a big man, but Yang Cheng said that she didn't think anything was wrong.

But a smile flashed by, and now she was full of teamwork, and even a joke could not immediately reverse her heavy heart.

Upon seeing this, Yang Orange held the steering wheel with one hand, and placed the other hand on the armrest to control the on-board computer, and randomly played a brisk music. The sound effect of the voice of Berlin was very good, and the noise outside the window was instantly isolated. , So that the people in the car seem to be in the concert scene.

During the period, Yang Cheng said, "Are you tired? Listen to the music and sleep for a while, there is still some distance from the destination."

Irene wanted to ask them where they were going, but she was cautious in nature. She still couldn't ask. Anyway, she was in the car and could only be resigned to her fate. She obeyed Yang Cheng's words and leaned her head against the car window, perhaps too much. Tired, maybe the soothing and brisk music had the effect, or maybe the warm wind was too comfortable, in short, I fell asleep quickly.

Yang Cheng turned his head to look at Irene who was sleeping from time to time, with a perfect side face and charming pink on her cheeks, like a sleeping princess, making people unbearable to wake up.

He didn't mean to wake up either. Originally, he was going to take Irene to the suburban club for a candlelight But when we first met, this idea was immediately overthrown, and replaced by now driving out. I got on the highway and headed south.

After driving for 3 hours, they have moved from Seoul to Daegu, the fourth largest city in South Korea, which is also the hometown of Irene.

Seeing that the mailbox was about to bottom out, Yang Cheng couldn't bother to surprise Irene. First search for a nearby gas station to refuel, otherwise the car would be embarrassed because it had no gas.

As a result, when Yang Cheng refueled and returned to the car, she found that Irene was awake, looking out the window in a daze, with the words on her forehead: Who am I? where am I? What am i doing?

The sound of Yang Cheng closing the door frightened Irene again, just like a beautiful white rabbit, always frightened by the wind and grass and crawling back into the den.

"My God, you, you, where are we?" Irene stammered in surprise, and pointed to the familiar and unfamiliar street outside the gas station.

Yang Orange blinked, "What do you mean? This is your home court."

Of course Irene knows where it is, but she just can't believe it, why did she go back to her hometown after sleeping?

"I, are we really in Daegu? God, how long did I slept?" Irene patted her forehead annoyed, but she didn't expect Yang Cheng to cover her head with her big hand first, and touched it in love. Touched, said, "Don't think about anything today, accompany me to eat and drink, introduce me to your hometown, and when I return to Seoul tomorrow, I promise that your matter can be solved satisfactorily."

Yang Cheng’s sudden'big' action made Irene feel stunned there and did not know how to react. This action was too intimate for her who had just changed her name. This is not the action that company leaders should do to their employees, but for some reason, Irene did not resist surprisingly, she felt very comfortable being touched by Yang Cheng, her heart was warm, her nose was a little sour. . .

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