Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1093: Angels are not good at makeup

?genius! !

"I can't sleep with something in my heart~"

One sentence aroused the girl's curiosity, "What's the matter?"

Yang Cheng arouses people’s curiosity, but avoids talking about it. This trick is a bit cheap, but it is undoubtedly very effective. "Don’t say this, I will talk to your president tomorrow to lift your order to suspend activities, and then Ask your agent to go to the president of Cy Entertainment. He will arrange for you to appear on sbs variety shows. While increasing your exposure, the company will prepare a new album for you."

This long series of texts was like a stone sinking into the sea, and there was no reply for a long time. Could it be that I couldn't be moved by myself?

Waiting and waiting, drowsiness surged up, his eyelids seemed to be hanging down, and he involuntarily sank down. He never opened it again this night, and even the vibrating and flashing mobile phone beside the pillow could not make him open his eyes.

The next morning, Yang Cheng was awakened by people who got up early to go to work downstairs. The hotel was located in the downtown area. Nearby businesses opened their doors early. Some restaurants were prepared from the early hours of the morning, and it was very lively to look down from upstairs.

After taking a shower, I was a lot awake, but still yawned one after another. I looked at my watch. It was just after 6 o'clock, and the sky was not fully cleared. Before getting on the bus, Yang Cheng walked around the surrounding restaurants, almost Packed up their signature breakfast, put them in the trunk, and drove towards Irene's house.

He saw Irene’s missed call and replied text message last night. The text message was very simple, just a thank you, but Yang Cheng saw a different feeling from it. It was not formal politeness, but from the heart. thank.

When I got downstairs to Irene's house, the car stopped at the place where I stopped last night, and then I called Irene who had not yet woken up.

"Good morning~"

After beating several times, Irene was awakened. She was still sleepwalking. She subconsciously replied, "Good morning~"

"Get up and get dressed and go downstairs to get breakfast~" Yang Cheng also did not see outside, as if calling his girlfriend.

Irene asked dazedly, "Huh? What breakfast?"

Yang Cheng didn't reply, and when Irene glanced at the caller ID of the phone, she woke up suddenly, "Ah~oa, are you up?"

"Yeah, not only did I get up, but I also bought breakfast for your family and delivered it to you. It's downstairs now."

Irene didn't know what to say, even the genuine uncle couldn't do this step.

"I will go down here."

I didn't care about washing and makeup, putting on pink pajamas, and tying my hair casually with rubber bands, and then I crept out.

After jogging all the way, she saw Yang Cheng leaning on the car and beckoning to her, showing her first beautiful smile today, panting and running over, raising her head and asking, "How come you get up so early?"

Yang Cheng shrugged, "Maybe it's not used to it, I don't sleep well, so I just get up and buy breakfast for you."

Irene clutched her forehead in distress, "But the family hasn't woken up yet."

Yang Cheng couldn't hold back, she stretched out her hand and gently rubbed Irene's bloated little face, "It's okay, take the meal up, then you simply wash and change clothes and go downstairs, we go outside to eat, and then Go straight back to Seoul."

Irene stuck out her tongue and obeyed Yang Cheng's arrangement. Despite her small size, she was so powerful that she refused Yang Cheng's help. There were 4 paper bags in both hands, and she couldn't see the difficulty at all.

Yang Cheng waited in the car for almost half an hour before Irene ran downstairs with her delicate makeup and quickly got into the car. Today, she specially wore a pair of flat shoes. The altitude dropped immediately, but it was more convenient. movement.

"Let's go~" Irene exhaled heavily and said with her hair crisp.

While starting the car, Yang Cheng looked at Irene with the eyes of enjoying "Mona Lisa", smacked his lips and said, "I really don't see it."

Irene has been exaggerated since she was a child, but she is still not used to it. She is always unconsciously shy, not to mention this kind of undisguised compliment.

"What? I don't know how to make up myself. I usually have a makeup artist sister to help. 35xs" Irene turned her head away in shame.

Surprisingly, Yang Cheng suddenly said, "Well, angels are not good at makeup."

Khhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, if there is a cg animation, the special effect of broken glass will inevitably appear.

Yang Cheng shuddered and couldn't bear it, and laughed at Irene who was so startled that he didn't know how to answer the conversation.

In this way, we set off in a lively atmosphere, found a breakfast restaurant that makes bone soup and rice to fill my stomach, and got on the highway warmly and headed north.

After more than 3 hours, Yang Cheng put Irene at the gate of the dormitory complex. In the car, Irene loosened the seat belt and turned to look at Yang Cheng, and said sternly, "Oa, thank you for everything."

Yang Cheng deliberately messed up Irene's hair, "Okay, I said that I will treat you as a younger sister, who dares not allow me to pet my sister? Go back, remember later, you can call me if you have any troubles or things. phone."

Irene didn't speak, bit her lip, rarely leaned forward and hugged Yang Cheng, then quickly got out of the car and rushed into the community without looking back.

Yang Cheng was still reminiscing about the aftertaste of Irene, shook her head, and murmured dumbly, "This child is about to fall."

His instinct told him that if he stepped up the offensive, he would be able to go straight to third base before long, but Yang Cheng was not prepared to do that. He enjoyed the current process very much. If he directly achieved his goal, it would be too dull.

On the way back to the hotel, Yang Cheng wondered whether to return to the United States first, and promised Koji Ito's things to be implemented as soon as possible. In addition, he was still worried about the affairs of the World Financial Center. He felt that he should go back to discuss with his father before making the final decision. It happened to take this opportunity to disappear from Irene’s eyes for a while, giving her a sense of suffering. In this way, when she meets next time, the positive or negative emotions accumulated in her heart will burst out. It's almost time to close the net.

After making a decision, Yang Cheng never inked, and called Liu Jianjun to let him take care of redvelvet to a certain extent. Of course, there is no need to say who should take special care of.

In addition, Yang Cheng gave Liu Jianjun a death order. The director surnamed Cui must be punished regardless of whether he was ordered by others. This task was entrusted to Liu Jianjun, and Yang Cheng believed that he could do it well.

Before leaving, Yang Cheng used the excuse of returning the car to meet with Li Fuzhen in her hotel office.

Yang Cheng took a closer look and found that her complexion did not improve at all. It seems that the cooperation between the two parties can only end here. After the cooperation on the old city renovation project in Jiangnan District is completed, Yang Cheng does not plan to continue working with her. A person who is addicted to drugs has lost the bottom line. Yang Cheng never cooperates with people who have no bottom line.

However, due to the wind and moon before the two, Yang Cheng still gave some advice, "You should know who released the news about Ren Youzai on the Internet?"

In Li Fuzhen's office, Yang Cheng sat on her boss chair, looking directly at Li Fuzhen, as if he wanted to hear something from her.

"I know, thank you." Li Fu really pinned the hair behind his ears, and looked at Yang Orange calmly, without flinching.

Yang Orange twisted her eyebrows, "You know I don't want to hear this."

Li Fu really lowered his eyes, "What do you want to hear?"

Yang Cheng was about to yell at him, but he was blocked by words and didn't say anything. To be honest, he was really disappointed with such Li Fu. Where was the brilliance when he first met? He couldn't help but feel hurt.

"Forget it, you can do it yourself. If you need my help, I will never refuse, you know." Yang Cheng stood up and walked around the desk, rubbing his big hand on Li Fuzhen's face lightly, her eyes Exuding a look that can't be explained.

Li Fu really enjoyed Yang Cheng too, closing his eyes and following Yang Cheng's movements, pressed his face against the palm of his hand.

Neither of them made a sound anymore, enjoying this moment quietly.

After a long while, Yang Cheng withdrew his hand and expressed his grief. She was supposed to be a graceful woman, but in the end she failed to escape the turnaround of fate and was ruined in the hands of a scumbag. This grief was not because the two had a relationship. Yes, for another woman who didn't know, Yang Cheng would also feel sorry for the similar situation.

In the end he left, walking very resolutely. He didn't know what would become of seeing this woman next time, but that had nothing to do with him.

On January 6th New York, a heavy snowfall of goose feathers invaded the Big Apple City. Yang Cheng, who came back in the middle of the night, was still sleeping in the bed. The snowy day was extremely quiet. Wandering on the streets.

At 9 o'clock in the morning, Yang Cheng, who finally woke up from his sleep, hurriedly ate the breakfast prepared by Old John, and went out under the snow.

The road is slippery in snowy days, and the speed is still unable to get up. There have been several rear-end collisions on Fifth Avenue. Either a taxi is behind a private car or a taxi is behind a police car. Anyway, these hapless taxi drivers thought they could take advantage of the weather. It's not easy to make a fortune, and I didn't expect that the money had to be posted upside down without the money.

Hansen sat in the co-pilot, turned his head and said to Yang Cheng, "Boss, I got news that Donnie Fick died in the interrogation room of c~i~a when we just landed early this morning."

Yang Cheng retracted her gaze from the window, "Oh? You died so soon?"

Hansen was also a little strange, "It stands to reason that I should wait until the bureau has forgotten this person before he is executed secretly. I don't know what c~i~a thinks, but a major offender was executed at such a juncture."

Yang Cheng doesn't care about Donnie Fick's death or not. He is more concerned about the SD card in his hand. "There will be no accidents in our hands, right?"

Hansen shook his head affirmatively, "I bought an inside line, the guard inside c~i~a, who was responsible for guarding Donnie Fick. He told me with certainty that Donnie Fick did not tell us about us. ."

Yang Cheng frowned, "Why is he so sure? He saw the interrogation process with his own eyes? Also, if Donnie Fick used Veritaserum, how could he not recruit me?"


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