Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1094: Adjust funds

"Why is he so sure? He saw the interrogation process with his own eyes? And, if Donnie Fick used Veritaserum, how could he not recruit me?"

Yang Cheng's suspicion was reasonable, and Hansen didn't understand, "This is also what I find strange. Could it be that the inside line was instructed by someone to deliberately leak information to us?"

Andrew mumbled disdainfully, "If you want me to say I'll just tie him up for interrogation, I know everything."

Hansen glared at the second stunned child without saying anything, and looked at Yang Cheng, "Should I ask someone else to ask?"

Yang Cheng waved his hand, "Don't, it seems that we are guilty of conscience, don't worry, as long as the card is in my hand, even if someone wants to deal with me, they have to weigh carefully whether they have the ability to nail me to death.

By the way, have you saved the card? "

He would not put a time bomb on him every day. It was too dangerous, so he gave the original card to Hansen for safekeeping. Of course, to be on the safe side, he also bought an SD with the same brand and capacity. Several cards were backed up, and they were placed in different places. The safety factor reached the highest level. If this was detected by someone from c~i~a, he would simply jump into the sea to feed the fish.

"Don't worry about the boss, I put it in a place that no one can think of." Hansen smiled cheaply, but Yang Cheng liked it, "Oh? Tell me, where did you put it?"

Hansen stretched out his hand and touched the big bald head. This is the newly changed head shape. There was a thin layer of hair before, but now there is no hair left. He has become a serious bald head. "C~i~a is opposite the headquarters. A safe house in, we bought that safe house long ago and can withstand any search."

Yang Cheng gave a thumbs up, "Enough chicken thieves, our Chinese ancestors' stunts in the dark under the lamp have been played by you. It's good and promising."

Andrew also followed with a thumbs up, showing his big white teeth, "I take it."

After being stuck on the road for almost an hour, I finally came to the company. Before I entered the door, I asked Susu to call someone.

After receiving Yang Cheng's summons, Ryze Khan rushed up for the first time. Eddie still had a meeting to hold, and he couldn't get out of it temporarily.

Yang Cheng didn't care, "Let's talk about it first, Ryze, you haven't done any statistics, how much cash can we use?"

When he came up, he asked for money. Ryze almost didn't react. He was stunned and rubbed his chin for a while. "If it is a normal capital transfer that does not affect operations, it will be about 400 million US dollars."

Yang Cheng looked unhappy, "That's it?" He remembered that Allen had been on the Nasdaq and the New York Stock Exchange this year, as if he had the posture of a new generation of first trader, and he was busy with a big meal for only 400 million US dollars. ?

Ryze was taken aback and said quickly, "Boss, this is the activity fund that does not affect the work of the investment group. If I go all out, I can mobilize about 3 billion US dollars in a week, and it can double in a month. 35xs "

Yang Cheng smiled with satisfaction. Right. Since the establishment of 4D Space, although Yang Cheng has drawn out funds successively, he has never absorbed hot money. Of course, except for the Swiss operation, he has allowed the company to be free most of the time. Although he is not often in the company, the briefing does not fall every day. He probably knows the company's current financial strength. Therefore, when Ryze said 400 million US dollars, he was unhappy because it was not the truth.

Waved his hand, "How many of these 3 billion belong to the new era media?"

Eddie is very shrewd. Nowadays, the cash flow of New Era Media is astonishing. If you don’t invest, you will have to contribute to the group of vampires in the IRS sooner or later. Instead of investing in this way, what project to invest in? do not know! But the four-dimensional space is upstairs, why don't you seek to invest in other people's projects?

He and Ryze together, the accounts were carefully done by the people who ate in the finance department, which perfectly constituted a reasonable tax avoidance route, which can make money and legally avoid taxes. Now it is to let Eddie take the funds away from him. Unwilling.

This time Ritz said without hesitation, "It's about 1 billion, but this fund has a long recovery period and can be used as its own money."

Yang Cheng nodded, "I see, so you go back and transfer 2 billion of funds first. I am going to buy a food company in country Z. They have a national food brand with a market of 1.3 billion people, but the other party's request is to help purchase. The Hilton Group shares of equal value are of course the shares held by the Blackstone Group.

In addition, when you go back, you will ask Allen to absorb some loose stocks from the secondary market. When the news of our acquisition of the Hilton Group's shares comes out, we will release some good news and make a small profit. "

Ryze has no objection, "Good boss."

Yang Cheng wondered whether to create some bad news for the Hilton Group first, and suppress the stock price before talking.

However, after thinking about it, he gave up again. Anyway, the transaction with Koji Ito is a stock of equal value. The stock price does not affect the final transaction volume. For example, it also uses 2 billion US dollars to buy The higher the stock price of RB, the lower the proportion of shares acquired by Xiaorb. As to whether Ito feels pitted, that is not the scope of Yang Cheng's thinking.

"By the way, you find a research company familiar with the real estate market in Z. I need a feasibility report on the acquisition of the Shanghai World Financial Center." Yang Orange assigned another task.

Ryze was worried that he couldn't remember, he had already taken out his mobile phone and was recording. A good ceo, he became a little secretary, no reason.

"No problem. There are many research companies targeting the Z country market. As long as they are willing to pay, they can get any report."

Yang Cheng waved his hand, and the task was arranged. How to complete it was Ritz's business. He only looked at the result. No matter how beautiful the process was completed, the result was not satisfactory.

As soon as Ryze was about to work, Yang Cheng patted his forehead, "I almost forgot, the foundation under Donald’s name is holding a cocktail party tonight. I guess it is to seek donations. I’m not going to come out in person. You can go for me. Just donate something in my own name."

Ryze said he understood, but he further confirmed, "Is there an upper limit?"

Yang Cheng turned his pen and thought for a while, "Don't exceed 2 million US dollars. This number is not too conspicuous. In short, you can grasp it yourself, as long as you don't become the person who donated the most."

"Okay, I know what to do, what else can I order?"

Yang Cheng thought for a moment, and bent over and took out a beautifully packaged gift box from under the table, "The gift for you, the specialty of Korea, ginseng, I have been working hard these days, so I took it back and soaked in water and it was very refreshing."

Ryze took it with a smile, "Thank you boss for caring, it just so happens that I feel weak recently."

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