Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1095: Domineering Disney

Ryze was about to go out carrying the Korean ginseng gift box, but the feet that stepped out were retracted again, and he looked out and made sure that only Su Su was outside, and then carefully closed the office door. 35xs

This series of actions made Yang Cheng confused, what is this going to do?

"Boss, I have recently heard some bad rumors about Eddie, I don't know whether to say it or not." Ryze seemed very embarrassed.

Yang Cheng raised her eyebrows, "Oh? Tell me, don't worry, only the two of us know what you said."

Ryze was still tangled, biting his posterior teeth, his cheeks squirming visible to the naked eye.

Yang Cheng waited patiently for a while, but Ryze couldn't help it after all and said, "I heard from a friend that it seems someone is trying to persuade Eddie to quit."

"What?" Yang Cheng was taken aback. For media or Internet companies, it is normal for media or Internet companies to dig out people. There is no need to make a fuss. It is worth pondering if the CEO of a company is digging. Is there conspiracy behind this?

Ryze frowned deeply, "I don't know if this matter is true, or it's something someone deliberately released, trying to provoke our internal conflicts first."

Yang Cheng deeply agrees, "In this case, we might as well ask directly, some things are far better than suspicion."

Ryze gave a wry smile, "Then I'd better not show up, my relationship with Eddie..."

Yang Cheng waved his hand and signaled that Ryze didn’t need to say anything further. The healthy competition between the two or the hostile stance they deliberately created is what Yang Cheng wants to see most. The development and internal atmosphere of the group, even if two people go home and slap Yang Cheng, they can't control it.

But at the moment he is very upset with people who dig into him. For a small eye who only likes to take advantage and does not like to suffer, this is tantamount to face-to-face provocation.

After Ryze left, Yang Cheng circled the office alone. Outside the huge glass curtain wall, the goose feather snow almost blocked the line of sight, as if it cast a shadow on his heart, which made people feel uncomfortable. 35xs

I couldn't wait to ask Susu Eddie whether the meeting was over, and the answer was that the meeting had just started and was expected to end in 1 hour.

Yang Cheng scratched her hair irritably, and simply took the initiative to find a few briefings and read them, trying to divert her attention.

Not to mention, the effect is not bad. The first briefing I picked up was the good news from the Nets. Dwyane Wade has officially joined the Brooklyn Nets, and the president of the league has intervened, even if it is as strong as Patley. Leigh also had to pinch his nose to recognize it. Of course, the Nets did not let the Heat lose out. They used Jarrett Jack, the dual position Gadalius Morris and Bojan Bogdanovic, in exchange for Dwyane. Wade and Gerald Green.

In addition to Pat Riley’s reluctance, this transaction is a good thing for the Heat. Wade’s big contract has been emptied, which means that they can completely move on to the road of failure and choose a potential rookie this summer. , And try to catch a big fish in the free market.

The Nets are the biggest winner. Ushering in Wade, the older and more devilish superstar, can not only stimulate the increasingly vigorous market, but also help the team go further in the playoffs.

Paul sent 3 tweets on the day of the trade, welcoming Wade’s arrival. He is really happy. Wade’s rich playoff experience, even if he is not as good as he is, and Wade’s joining Can help him establish a strong offensive in the backcourt, without the dilemma of being crazy double-teamed at the critical moment before, the ability of old Wade to key the ball is beyond doubt.

At the same time, the team's coaching position has also changed. Sean Marx personally went to Atlanta for several trips and successfully persuaded Kenny Atkinson to come to New York to accept a new challenge.

However, some fans were puzzled by the change of coaching, and some even radical fans blocked the arena and cursed the management for being incompetent.

Everyone can understand this. The fans don’t care so much. They only see the improvement of the team record this season. They take it for granted that the head coach is meritorious, but they don’t know that the actual situation is difficult. It depends on Chris Paul. Only with the super-skilled performance of the Chinese people can they stand out in the weak east. 35xs

Under the suggestion of Sean Marx, the whole team rejected media interviews, remained silent to the outside world, and decided to use actual performance to prove that the big change was worthwhile.

Especially Dwyane Wade, wearing the black and white uniform of the Brooklyn Nets, seems to have found the feeling of a young age. In the first game of joining the team, he scored 37 points with Paul's crazy assists. Xin Gao, he and Paul's air-cutting cooperation is almost seamless, and can be used as a conventional weapon almost without too much break-in.

Paul, who scored 20 points and 15 assists, said after the game that this was the easiest game he had played since joining the team, and it also gave him the hope of reaching the final stage in the playoffs.

At the end of the interview, Paul revealed with a weird smile that the team is still seeking greater changes, and everyone will wait and see.

After reading the briefing, Yang Cheng replied an email to Sean Marx, in which he affirmed his work and encouraged him to continue to work hard to find a qualified second-in-chief as soon as possible.

Seeing that the season is about to halfway, there is not much time left for the team to run in. If you want to go further in the playoffs, the team will definitely not do without tacit understanding.

. . .

After simply handling a few briefings, Susu knocked on the door and came in to inform Yang Cheng that the following meeting was over and Eddie was coming.

Not long after, Eddie walked into the office with a look of fatigue, and said, "Boss, it just happened that I have something to report. A while ago, our personnel department received several resignation applications. Care, after all, normal job flow is normal, but after Christmas, the number of people who submit resignation letters has greatly increased. This is abnormal. The colleagues in the personnel department have communicated with these people who submitted resignation letters, and the answers they get are all that they want Accept new challenges.

Then I discovered that most of these people are leaders of important positions under the age of 30, and they are the objects of our focus and training.

Just one day before the New Year’s Eve, I ran into a senior executive of Disney while attending a dinner. He tried his words to invite me to join, and then think of the recent job-hopping incidents, I know this It's not easy. "

After listening to Eddie’s words, Yang Cheng’s expression is quite serious. Although New Age Media is now among the top five media groups, compared to Disney with a long history, both the foundation and the actual volume are not even a bit worse. For example, For example, this is like the difference between a large herbivorous dinosaur and a Tyrannosaurus. Regardless of its huge size, in front of the Tyrannosaurus, there is no counterattack at all. In the end, even if it is not eaten, it will not escape being seriously injured and being eaten by other small meats. The fate of the dinosaurs.

"What conditions did Disney offer you?" Yang Cheng asked with a sullen face.

Eddie curled his lips and looked disdainful, "The executive vice president in charge of the Internet business and some option rewards are not worth mentioning."

Yang Cheng frowned and wondered, "It shouldn't be, since the other party has worked so hard to dig you, how could they offer such general conditions."

Eddie shrugged. "Who knows? Maybe they deliberately confuse the audience? Spill dirty water on me?"

Yang Cheng nodded thoughtfully, what Eddie said may exist.

"Why did Disney suddenly dig people at us?" Yang Orange didn't figure it out for a while.

Eddie said with a somewhat uncertain tone, "Maybe it has something to do with our involvement in the acquisition of Fox?"

Yang Cheng was startled, "fuck, is Disney so domineering now?"

"Disney has always been so domineering." Eddie nodded affirmatively, verbally dissatisfied with Disney's digging.

Yang Cheng shook his head speechlessly. He didn't know what Disney thought, at least Eddie didn't betray him. Since he took the initiative to bring up this matter, his doubts about him can naturally be eliminated. This still makes Yang Cheng very pleased.

"I know about this, you wait a moment." Yang Cheng didn't mind to listen to Eddie's regular report. He is now like a big enemy. Disney's true purpose is temporarily unclear, but it is not his style to sit and wait for death~ If you do something big, you can do things like Disney. Don't play it anymore, let Disney dominate you.

The more he thought about it, the more angry he made Eddie wait, then picked up the phone and dialed Donna Round.

As soon as the other side connected, he said directly, "It's me. Has Disney recently released or prepared a movie?"

Donna Lande didn’t know why Yang Cheng suddenly asked, but listening to his unkind tone, she knew that the matter was not small. She didn’t dare to neglect, she gave the answer after a little thought. After all, it is her daily job to pay attention to the trends of major Hollywood groups. One, "There is a movie that is expected to be released at the end of January. The title is "Rescue of the Wrath Sea."

"Series?" The reason for asking is because Hollywood has always had the habit of following success. Facts have also proved that series are always easier to succeed than originals, so he has to figure out that if it is a series, then it is more difficult to counterattack. It is easy to handle if it is big and original.

Donna Lande quickly searched for relevant information on the computer and said to the phone, "Not a series, but based on a real story, telling a desperate rescue operation for 32 trapped people."

Yang Cheng breathed a sigh of relief, originality, yes, some black.

"Have you held a trial screening?" continued to ask.

"No, usually this kind of film will be previewed one week before the official release, and some fan representatives and film critics will be invited to participate. These film critics will say something good for the film after receiving the money, which can be regarded as the last wave of warm-up before the official release. Propaganda.” Donna Lande is very familiar with Hollywood's film industry process, and the propaganda plans of each company are almost the same. In this era, it is harder to find unexpected effects than going to colleges.

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