Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1097: Black Disney

? Similar charity shows are frequently staged on the streets of New York. Anyone with a little business acumen will not miss this golden opportunity.

Yang Cheng didn't pay too much attention either. When he returned home, he simply asked about it and ignored it if no accident happened.

A week later, the Big Apple City returned to normal order, and large areas of snow have been eliminated.

This once-in-a-hundred-year snow disaster has caused hundreds of millions of dollars in losses to the northeastern United States. More than a dozen homeless homeless people have frozen to death. Of course, no one really cares about their lives. The media The report is just to earn eyeballs to win sales.

On the contrary, entrepreneurs like Yang Cheng are the most provocative. The generosity of giving money, effort, and people during the snow disaster has won unanimous praise from New Yorkers.

My own media boasted about the boss, and there was no bottom line. Yang Cheng almost trumpeted Yang Cheng as the Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva who saved the distress, making Yang Cheng a little speechless, and several orders went down and forced the employees to stop the praise.

All in all, no matter how severe the snow disaster was, it could not stop the rotation of the earth. After a few days of rest, everyone still had to work hard for the future.

On January 13th, far away in Hollywood on the west coast, Disney held a trial meeting for the upcoming film "Wrath Sea Rescue". The participants were mainly from major theaters and senior Disney fan representatives, of course, those who were bought Film critics.

The main purpose of Hollywood companies holding previews or screenings is for publicity, especially for original movies. The i-series derivative movies that are popular in the front seat naturally do not need this procedure. After all, there is a risk of plot leakage in advance movies or trial viewings.

After hundreds of years of development, Hollywood has already formed a very complete set of industrial processes. The entire movie has a very standard assembly line from the initial project to the final release to reap the profits, especially for some artistic and artistic films. Or there is no original movie to follow in history. The theater operator must determine the schedule by watching the movie in person. Even if it is strong like Disney, it is difficult to change this. 35xs

Of course, there are also some distributors who will take a different approach because they have confidence in their films, and slowly guide word-of-mouth through click-throughs, and wait for word-of-mouth to mature before expanding the scale of release. For example, "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", clicked before release, and passed questionnaires. Distributors already know that this film cannot focus on the mainstream market when it is released. Instead, it will target those intellectuals who may be exposed to Eastern culture, and very precisely target these elites as the first part of the core audience.

Of course, it is indispensable to achieve the goal of maximizing word-of-mouth by hitting the awards season. Such films are always a special case. From a certain perspective, this is also the performance of the theaters not optimistic about the prospects of the film.

On the other hand, there are subtle differences between click-to-screen and test-screening. The former is generally a finished film available for distribution, which means that the theater has already confirmed its release, but the prospects are still uncertain, while the latter is a film that has not yet been confirmed for release. Small companies will rent venues in theaters, invite media critics and some fans to comment, give some small gifts to help bragging, but also create a illusion for the theater, watching our movies can still attract fans , Don’t you hurry up to increase the film?

The preview of "Raging Sea Rescue" was held under such a situation. Of course, Disney has a wealth of money and has its own screening room, so there is no need to rent a theater outside to achieve maximum confidentiality.

The publishing company invited more than 300 fans to take part in the trial that day, but what they didn't expect was that some of them had two boats on their feet, and after taking gifts from Disney, they took extra money from the "strangers".

The requirements of the ‘stranger’ are very simple. After watching the movie, go back and post some vague comments on the Internet. You don’t need to deliberately pick the bones in the egg, just say that the movie is not what you want. As for the confidentiality agreement? That thing is useless, and it is impossible for Disney to sue ‘unintentional’ fans for this, which will affect their reputation. 35xs

So, not long after the trial meeting ended, some voices appeared on the Internet about this new film that has not yet entered the theater.

The style and mood of the whole movie are very good, and its half-saturated tone keeps the movie in a good atmosphere, which makes it sleepy to watch;

Although the film is in constant suspense, there are no big surprises. The screenwriter has set up new obstacles for the two main protagonists. These are unsolvable brain-burning puzzles for the audience. Generally speaking, they are too satisfactory. If you want to kill time , It's a good choice;

"Raging Sea Rescue" is adapted from the true story of the Coast Guard rescue. The theme is attractive enough, but it fails to bring the aftermath of the disaster to the fans;

The scenes in the first part of the film were pretty good, but in the end it did not form a romantic movie. In addition, Affleck's line on the shipwreck was so simple that the film did not become a good disaster movie.

Similar voices appeared on Twitter. Professional film review sites such as popcorn, rotten tomatoes, idb, etc. have not been updated, mainly because Disney has not lifted the ban. These film review sites that rely on major companies to eat are naturally not open to contradictory.

But Disney can’t turn off the free speech on Twitter and Facebook. Some film critics who have collected money are very unscrupulous and directly spray on their accounts.

"Director Craig Gillespey failed to manage the entire story structure effectively. All the elements were not coordinated and integrated into a whole, but simply pieced together. The content of the movie can only be perceived by people, but lacks personal experience. The feeling of its surroundings is generally a disappointing adaptation." —Hollywood film critic Shirley Linden.

"The entire actor team and crew are creating this movie in an old and fixed mode, and they have completed this entertaining, fairly elaborate disaster film, but it is hard to impress. The audience may have just watched it. The subtitles forget the previous plot." —Andrew Baker, Variety Magazine.

"Although the romantic plot at the beginning of the movie has a sweet nostalgic brilliance, its theme sea rescue operation lacks a certain sense of thrills. The final feeling of "Raging Sea Rescue" is too flat, there is no suspense, and it is difficult to conquer the audience. ." —Chris Nash White, "Entertainment Weekly"

"The movie was well made, but it was not as exciting as expected."-Jim Viwanda.

"The audience saw a lot of special effects, but there was no emotional resonance. Our eyes were full of tragedies-car accidents, shipwrecks, boats swaying in a storm-but the most basic human emotions are always ignored."-Stephen White .

Most of these film critics belong to the first-tier and second-tier mainstream positions. Normally, cooperation with major companies is fairly smooth. However, in this Vanity Fair, everything is for fame. When the people of the new era film industry come to the door and send a zero comparison After more checks, their morals no longer exist. As for this, will it offend Disney?

Haha, in order to be famous for the ‘liberal’ country that even the general manager can scold casually, this is nothing. The relationship between film critics and distributors is like an ex-wife and ex-husband.

And when the sky is big, there is a big push. These bought-in film critics have already got the promise of the New Era Film Industry. Once Disney people ask, they can give them out. How can film critics stop doing such a good thing? After receiving the money, there are still people going to thunder. They are really good people. This is very helpful!

As for those fans? No one cares at all.

However, these savvy film critics also found some clues from this weird incident. Is the new era film industry also going to challenge the overlord?

Of course not. Yang Cheng just told Disney through this attitude that your grandpa is not so easy to provoke. If you dig me, I will destroy your movie and hurt each other. Who is afraid of whom?

Things were as he expected, and Disney quickly found out who was behind the online curse.

Then the CEO Robert Iger personally called Donna Lande to inquire about the reason, and Donna Lande said that she also acted on orders.

Then, there was no more, who ordered Donna Lande? Naturally, it was Yang Cheng. Why did Yang Cheng suddenly act against Disney's movies? Robert Iger felt like a mirror in his heart, UU reading was the first to fail, and he was not good at publicly attacking Yang Cheng. Although New Era Media is a few orders of magnitude behind Disney, it is not something that can be manipulated at will. Robert Iger doesn't want to provoke a powerful enemy to himself on the eve of retirement.

But this matter is to be resolved after all. When he thinks of this Robert Iger, his head swells. The person who digs Yang Cheng is not his original intention at all. It was all made by the big masters of the board of directors. They expressed objections, but unfortunately, the board of directors did not take Iger’s words into their hearts at all. It was not that they did not respect the hero who led Disney back to the top, but that they really did not take Yang Orange to heart. Orange taught him a lesson, warning him that there are some things he can't worry about.

That's right, the reason for the whole incident is that the involvement of the Yang Cheng faction in Fox has aroused strong dissatisfaction from the Disney board. They already regard Fox as their own bag. How can they allow outsiders to covet it?

Then the overbearing accustomed, they will warn the junior Yang Cheng. The reason why Iger knows it is also a manifestation of his status. Otherwise, this little thing will not have to trouble the company's major hero. Well, they are still the chairman of the board. not open.

As a result, things were completely different from what they had imagined. Instead of showing weakness and retreating, Yang Cheng slapped them fiercely, which made Liangzi bigger.

Robert Iger put down the phone with a wry smile. Recalling the attitude of Donna Lande on the phone just now, he knew that he was going to wipe the **** of the board of directors again. This matter was also his responsibility, if he was resolutely opposed to it. Click and there will be no trouble now.


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